Sequel: Make You Feel My Love
Status: 2 comments = update

Love on the Brain

Saturday morning

She felt the early morning breeze ran through her hair, as her entire face had turned red with a thin layer of sweat covering her forehead. The sound of music blasted through her headphones, and her hand held unto her Mp3, feeling her heart hammering against her chest, as she reached the end of the trail, feeling beyond exhausted.

The redheaded girl stopped in order to catch her breath, her hand resting over her chest and feeling how her heart had increased its beating throughout the run.

“Fuckin’ hell!” Brian said from under his breath, feeling his dry throat that cried out for water, as he glanced over at her.

His dark hair had been tied into a little bun, making him look funny, meanwhile he was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tight tank top that framed his broad chest.

“What the fuck, Jade!” he groaned, still exhausted from the run. “How come you be this fast?”

Jade only chuckled. It was still awfully early, as the two of them had decided to go for a nice run in the Saturday morning, knowing it was wise to do so before the heat turned up. The redheaded girl grabbed her bottle of water and all but poured it over her red face.

“I’m used to it,” she stated. “Unlike you, I actually like this way of working out,” she told him.

Brian sniggered. He loved to work out as well, but would never engage in that kind of workout that Jade seemed to be doing. Along with Matt, he was more into strength training, which he knew Jade was terrible at.

“That was so fucking exhausted,” he groaned, not understand how she had convinced him to get up six o’clock on a Saturday for this.

“But so great!” she squealed. “I have so much energy now!” she confessed.

“Spare me,” Brian said. “You’ll need it later,” he told her, referring to the sleepover they were planning behind her parent’s back.

“Come on. Let’s grab a coffee,” Jade suggested, using the back of her hand to whip off the sweat that covered her face.

Brian nodded, his eyes trailing down to her black sports bra that hugged her upper body tightly and her mini shell shorts.

Jade looked at him, noticing the way he was taking in the sight of her outfit, before she shook her head. Her fingers brushed passed his, lacing them together and claiming him hers, meanwhile the two of them paddled towards the closest Starbucks.

“If I fall asleep early today, I blame you,” Brian pointed his meaty finger at her, frowning at his girlfriend from across the table, as his dark orbs went to scan the menu.

The redheaded girl chuckled at him, her hands wrapping her headphones around her Mp3, before she fished for her phone from the tight pocket of her shorts.

“You should hit the gym with me sometime,” he suggested, making her look up at with her eyebrows cocked.

“Bri, I can barely carry my own groceries,” she pointed out.

“We’ll work on that,” he mused, driving his palm across the table and searching for her hand.

“I’ll think about it,” she told him, a cheek smile curving her lips. “I’m gonna go and order. What do you want?” she asked, her hand already twirling her card.

“Dark coffee. No sugar,”

“Gotcha,” she sniggered at her boyfriend, before she paddled towards the counter.

Brian drummed his fingers impatiently against the table. The shop looked rather empty, which was reasonable, considering how damned early it was. A yawn fell from his lips, and he soon went to crack his knuckles, moving his shoulders slowly in the process.

Jade soon returned, her hands carrying one mocha and a black coffee, which was soon cradled in Brian’s large palms.

“Fuck me. Nothing’s better than coffee,” he announced, the strong smell lingering under his nose.

“Oh, come on, Haner. You had fun, admit it,” she said, taking a sip from her mocha.

“I mean, it wasn’t that bad,” he admitted groggily, bringing his dark coffee up to his lips.

“You really are something,” she chuckled.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he twisted his lips into his signature smirk, and Jade couldn’t help but roll his eyes at him.

“Of course you’d do that,” she giggled, shaking her head. “So, what’s the plan for today?” Jade mused.

“Well,” Brian started, knitting his eyebrows and taking another swig from his mug. “I was thinking about renting a movie and just chill the fuck out,”

“I’m not watching Saw with you again,” she warned him. “Or any other movie were I have to see lots of blood spilling everywhere!”

“It wasn’t that awful, babe!” Brian chuckled, as he knew how scared she got. “This time, Jimmy won’t make you see it on repeat ten times,” he added.

“Still,” Jade said stubbornly. “Why can’t we watch Grease or something?” she suggested.

“What? No, come on!” Brian’s eyes widened. “I’m not putting up with that shitty pop-crap,”

“Too soft for a punk like you?” she said teasingly.

“You know it,” he stated.

“We’ll think of something,” Jade said. “We literally have all day,” she reminded him.

“What exactly did you tell your parents, by the way?” the dark-haired guy asked, before emptying the rest of his coffee.

Jade played with her bangs, her finger twirling a stray of red hair around it. “I told her I would be sleeping over at Michelle’s place,”

“And they’re fine with that?” he asked, knowing that her parents all too well by now.

“Yeah, they adore her,” Jade shrugged. “You’re not mad at me for not telling them about us yet, right?” she urged.

“What? No, of course not. I’m actually convinced I’d be mortified to meet your parents after they find out,” he told her, making her chuckle.

“They’re not that scary!” she argued.

“They think I’m turning their soft baby girl into a criminal, Jade,” he pointed out.

“Isn’t that what all of this is about?” Jade widened her eyes, meanwhile he rolled his eyes at her.

“Don’t out me!” Brian voiced dramatically, to which the redhead only snickered back.

“Look, I think I should get going. I promised my mom that I would help out in the garden before I leave today,” Jade mumbled, glancing down at her phone and shoving it into her shorts again.

“I’ll see you in a bit then,” Brian got up as well, rounding the table and placing his hand on her lower back, glaring at the guy behind the counter who had been examining the redheaded girl for the last couple of minutes.

“I can’t wait for tonight,” she voiced, a smile cupping her lips, as she kissed his mouth passionately.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jade's outfit

Just a lil filler before their sleepover! What movie will they end up watching? What do you think? Let me know in the comments! Please recommend and subscribe, it would make me jump!

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