

Whinnies of horses could be heard accompanied by their galloping hooves as two horses, carrying their riders on their backs, ran through the forest path. Both men were almost in their fifties and with a little bit of grey in their hair and beards, laughing as though they were young again. Two youths, who, despite their rocky start in friendship, had formed a very strong bond. Though it wasn't romantic, there was love between them. A love that only brothers knew really, they were close. If he were to make a decision that concerned all of Camelot, Arthur would always call upon his dear friend Merlin for advice, for his counsel. But ultimately, the decision was up to Arthur since he was the king; not Merlin. Merlin was just the wizard, a wise magician always thinking of others, even in times when Arthur was being unreasonable. But the bond between these two always brought about a strong sense of trust and faith between the two so they never faltered in believing the words and actions of the other.

The horses stopped as the two men pulled on the reins. The slightly older man with a silver crown placed upon his head of greying blond hair breathed in deeply. He closed his eyes, breathing in the coolness of the autumn air and the fading smells of the open flowers that had opened their petals back in spring and were now beginning to wilt. When he opened his blue eyes, Arthur turned his gaze to his faithful companion with a smile.

Merlin smiled back at him, although he wasn't quite as joyful as his friend.

"Oh come, Merlin, tell me what is on your mind? Surely you're not thinking of what will soon take place?" Arthur chuckled.

Merlin just shook his head, unable to see the joy in what would be happening in the coming days when Father Winter makes his rounds. "My King, no, Arthur," the wizard began, "This is saddening. I can't understand why you aren't worried about what will happen to your kingdom when you and Excalibur make the trip to your final resting place in Avalon."

The smile disappeared from the King's lips, Arthur's face becoming grim. Just from hearing his brother's words spilling from the wizard's lips brought back the harsh reality. Arthur knew Merlin had been worried about everything. Leave it to Merlin to be so... worrisome. To be so empathetic, but that's what Arthur loved about his friend, out of everyone in the entire world, Merlin always saw the small details and the bigger picture at the same time.

Arthur finally chuckled and he leaned over, reaching for Merlin. As Arthur pulled him closer, Merlin found himself in Arthur's one-armed hug. Their foreheads touched.

"This is why I chose you to place the spell of Eternal Sleep upon me. For it is you I trust to watch over Camelot until this time of Peace is over and her people need me once again."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this came about when I was watching Merlin earlier and while this might seem to have some slashy undertones, believe me, it's not a slash. It's just a simple one-shot about Merlin and Arthur... when they're older... a lot older it seems. You could say this takes place far into the future aafter the show's ending (though I've yet to see it!) or it's AU of the show's ending. It's just a Merlin fanfic in general so just enjoy it as it is or I hope you do anyway. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading this one shot. <3

Avalon" (Since I some might be confused about what it is) A magical place (often said to be a fairy kingdoms in some King Arthur tales) where King Arthur is said to be laid to rest and apparently time has no meaning there or something of the like because those who live there are said to become immortal.