Status: It's a work in progress

Everlasting: Ardemon's Revenge.

Everlasting: "Ardemon's Revenge."The Grimoire of Spectre's Cape."

The Arachne stood over Ardemon, his fierce eye's glaring at the small man, Ardemon in returned having let his BloodRage take over, His eyes a brighter ruby than ever, His aura flowing off of his body like mist. A chilling pressure hung in the air. The leader of the Arachne then did something unexpected. began making a weird sound, almost like screeching but with weird clicks. Ardemon understood as he replied in turn. no one understood what was going on but knew somehow everything was alright since they weren't being eaten by giant spiders.

Calming turning around Ardemon explained the situation to the others. "Listen, this is a rather unique situation that no one has ever been in, makes me a bit happier I never stepped on a spider." The leader Squeled. Ardemon corrected himself. "Arachnid, Arthropod. I get it he says back to the spider." Ardemon turns back to his party and the villagers. "So Embaro say's we can pass through his territory but on the condition that we let him accompany us all the way through to keep an eye on us. Which is fine by me." the everyone gasps and nods, some with hands-on their mouths as an extraordinary event like this has never happened.

The Archne turned around and continued back into the forest leaving seven large ones roughly the size of horses. Ardemon turns back to the Embaro and they chat for a moment and then he swings around again. "Also these seven will escort us.. So we will be attaching the horse equipment to them." it took a solid minute for the people of Galewind to process this. One of the men among the crowd shouted. "So the spidd... Arachnids are our friends?!?" he sounded frightened but somehow excited all in the same. Ardemon replied. "I don't know what this means, I just know he is willing to spare our lives from the Lycans and that's enough for me." The large group of villagers and Sorceress, Warlocks. also Hide the Foreigner and his Companion Bisco. Turner Astigo the group strategist. And of course Ardemon the Leader.

Within an hour they were able to fit the leads to the Arachnid including the straps, buckles, and poles. no one would have believed but Arachne are rather friendly creatures. Grabbing the weapons and thing's that couldn't fit in with the women and children in wagons the men and those able to fight began to walk beside the wagons as the Arthropods gently rolled onwards through the forest. "Ardemon spoke loudly. "We are going to be a little way's off from our original plan but this way it's going to be faster as the forest isn't as dense."

They let the Arachne lead them through the forest and passed trees that stretched further into the sky then they have ever seen, the thick roots at the base of each trunk, long vines, short mushrooms. bugs and critters of every sort poking its head out to spectate as the spiders escorted them, even the animals thought it was quite a sight as their heads turned to the sides inspecting the rare sight, but soon continued the task of surviving the hectic forest of Greymour.

It took a lot less than two hours to make it through the forest, the spiders stopped. they reared up with their long fangs showing, the eyes showing ferocity. before anyone could get a chance to understand, they realized they were out of the forest, everyone groggy as they began waking up to a scary growl of a spider. some men from each wagon jumped off and took the gear off the Arachnids and then they bolted back into the woods as if they were spooked by something. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until Hide yelled aloud. "Ardemon's missing!" everyone woke up and began to look around but no one could find him, a group of about twenty men decided to walk back into the woods to try to find him but were greeted by a massive arachnid, it towered above them, it looked to be at least fourteen feet tall. it hissed, but what spooked them more is that they understood him, as the giant creature hissed and clicked, "Your leader was taken, not any trek lightly in our territory. Acujude is unsure when but without worry. continue on your way, trust this land not, plagued with many specters. stray not into the Ru... " a noise startled them as the enormous spider turned around a large spear as big as the spider pierced through its abdomen pinning it to a tree.

The men ran as equally as big as the first spear rained upon the small group of men, one man didn't even get a chance to run as the spear was bigger than him, it completely splattered blood and gore all over them, they ran for their lives, they made it far enough for the spears to stop. when they rejoined the others they quickly made for the ruins as they figured no one would dare to follow them. they hastily made way to the front of a large castle where the draw bridge was raised, Hide and Bisco got out and made their way across from the large chain that held the bridge up. "No arrow could break them" Hide pointed out. Bisco agreed and added as turned walked up. "I doubt anyone of us could jump across, the mote is too wide and no tellin what is in that water." Turner chimed in. "at least we are no longer in harm's way it seems for the moment." but without warning the chains rattled to life, the bridge fell and slammed onto the ground almost smashing the three men but violently throwing them backward onto the ground.

A moment's later mumbling among the villagers, Hide and Turner regaining their footing stand up and catch up as Bisco had already gotten up and ran to the startled villagers. some of them with frightened expressions on their faces, whispers of a ghostly figure pushing the lever to release the bridge chains that almost caused the large bridge to smash them. without hesitation, Bisco grabbed the first cart and pulled it as fast towards the bridge. The rest of the villagers agreed so they scrambled after Bisco, Hide and Turner helping gather everyone and coaching them over the bridge behind Bisco. Turner joked at Bisco. "You really have no fear friend!" Turned chuckled trying to make light of the situation. Bisco laughed heartily with a grin. "It was a closing but 'm thankful i didn't get squashed like a fly." the group made it across and into the castles large courtyard where large statures stood holding large weapons. "A child's voice teasing could be heard from one of the wagons. "It looks like the eyes are following you like a painting!" he teased another small boy. some giggles from a woman or two, sighs and chuckles filled the castle's walls as they villagers relaxed. But without anyone noticing, the statue with a large sword fitting of a king. its head turned to cause some dust and small stones to clatter to the stone floor around its feet, it's eyes opening revealing bright orange eyes.

The villages began to explore the castle as the wagons unpacked in the courtyard. Hide lead a small group of six and searched the ruins on the right-wing, Turner with a group took the left-wing and Bisco took a similar amount and took to the main castle. after about an hour a woman came up to Bisco. "Listen i know you might not know me but I know a bit about these ruins. we shouldn't've come here. we should get everyone away quickly and get away from here before dawn." Bisco looked her up and down and smiled. "You remind me of someone." She had long brown hair, a slender build, a little bit muscular for a woman but she still had the soft alluring curves. she wore leather traveling gear, a shiny chest plate covering her rather large breasts, Iron Arm pauldrons with a shiny sword, it looked to be golden. It was long with a silver crossguard, leather swirling around the handle, the pommel was unique, it was square that met the handle. but was interesting was that bore a black sphere of some sort that was held in place by dragons claws on the pommel, the rest of the dragon looked to be covered by the leather.

Hide walked up beside the new friendly face. "Who is this?" Bisco replied, "No idea but she says we should leave." Hide starts to say something, his mouth wide open as he stared at the woman but soon enough he closed his mouth, and as if he had forgotten what he was about to say. "We've got at least six hours until daybreak, let's rest and get out of here fast." the woman said to the Hide and Bisco. she stormed out of the big doors of the castle, she pushed them open and turned around. "By the way my name is Estalyn." she turned to face the door and walked away, both men in awe as they had just met what they thought was an angel. "whoa she was really pretty." Hide exclaimed. "You are right on gold." Bisco replied bashfully.

Later they had all gathered back at camp, taking turns to watch for any signs of enemies. Villagers all resting on the small blankets on the ground, others had taken the time and found barrels or tables and scrapped them for wood to craft makeshift beds and chairs, Others had already started making bigger wagons with canvas canopies. they couldn't use them as they didn't have horses but it would be better to stay in one of those with something over their head to protect against the elements. through the night not a single creature stirred, no single person's sleep riddled by night terrors. Soon the sun began to set, but so did the beginning of their troubles.

Bisco awoke with Charlotte staring at him, She looked terrified. "Bisco.. something is lurking around here, I can't see it but I know it's there. We gotta get outta here with the most haste." he looked at her with groggy eyes. "What are you goin on about?" he said with a sleepy voice and a yawn. The light of the sun only starting to light up the night sky. she turned around stiffly, he sat up whipping his eyes to see hundreds if not more than he could count. "What are they he asked in a shaky voice." She trembled as she replied. "They are spirits of the dead, they can't harm us.." and as she said that a blade fell from the Shadowy hooded creature's sleeve as he swung slicing open a villager's throat. Panic set in, the villagers began to run back towards the bridge but as Bisco got up and ran with them he shivered as everyone was running back towards him. "The draw bridge is closed! someone closed it!" a man screamed... Another screamed as he tried to kick the level to lower it but it wouldn't budge, screams filled the castle, "We are all gonna die!" things that would make your heart sink, only chaos remained as the walls echoed the mass hysteria that took place.

Hide joining with Charlotte and a cluster of other villagers inside a room they had barded with a sword. "This is crazy, they can go through walls! run!!" Charlotte yelled. Hide pulled his blade free-swinging at each one that flew through the walls swiping at anyone, blood splattered on the walls, but they kept running, some dismembered body parts lay on the floor where the victim sprawled on the floor screaming. Hide without a single scratch on him ran with charlotte through an open window onto a wall that overlooked the castle on one side and the mote on the other. Charlotte turned around and pulled a small wand from her a pouch at her waist, she gave it a flick shooting an inferno of fire past Hide's head, without another thought he stuck his sword in front of her wand igniting his own sword with her magic, He swung and to his surprise, they caught fire and retreated but another would take its place, one after another the sky filled with flying specters on fire.

Estalyn stood behind Hide, He stared at her. the brown-headed woman called Estalyn pulled her sword free with the terrifying sound they all knew. "Ardemon has returned someone screamed." another screamed "Save us!" and with the conviction of a goddess, she swung her sword devouring the burning creatures. Each mighty sway from her sword cut through them as bursting them into ice crystals and dust. she let out a breath as creatures retreated flying into the ground.

The light finally breaking over the horizon, the remains of the Gastly specters fell from the sky like snowflakes, they looked like diamond dust; sparkling as the sun of a new day hit them. Estalyn stood proudly staring at her work, in the side of crossguard on her sword, the etched numbers changed from one-hundred thousand one-hundred to one-hundred thousand three-hundred. she grinned from ear to ear, all the remaining surviving villagers gathered around Estalin in awe. mumbling in low voices, whispers. "That's not Ardemon." and "Who she? she looks like him!" but no one could confirm her true identity. Her eyes with the same demonic red glow, she held the sword much more confident then Ardemon and more experienced. Yet she looked more calm like she couldn't be enticed by the blades' needs.

With the enemies having fled battle, Estalin stared off into the sky thinking what he difference between Ardemon's weapon and her own. she knew that his soul counter has more souls, by the millions. Hers is only at two hundred thousand. "but also the color, his numbers are Redish Orange and my own are blue with a greenish tint around them." She shook the thoughts away to keep a straight face, then she whispered to her self. "Meaning the souls I take become corrupted." people looked at her still staring at her as Hide and Bisco walked up and patted her on the back. "Good work out there! you really saved our skins!." Estalyn nodded in approval and said. "No worries. when we get to a pub buy me a cold one." with that said everyone walked away as they shouted thanks and began to drag away the people who weren't as lucky.

Her mind spun back to the differences of the family heirloom and her own so-called Heirloom copy that was just made fifteen years ago. but that's not all as the swords are vastly different in strength, her element is Ice and Ardemon's is Lightning. So her Aura is Blue and his is Red, it should actually be a blueish purple or yellow but mixed with the power of the sword it changes his aura to a bloody red. Estalyn compiled her thoughts as she sheathed her sword. Turning around to see Charlotte standing behind her. "So you are Ardemon's sister..." Estalyn expression always seemed to be blank but at this, she smiled a little. "What gave me away?" she asked in a cold tone. Charlotte had a nervous smile as Estalin stepped up to her as if she was going to attack her but the exact opposite she grabbed her with both arm's and hugged her tight! "Are you my brother's wife?" Estalyn's face had a huge grin on it. Charlotte pulled away awkwardly. "From what I know Ardemon's wife passed away." and as far as I can tell about you and him is that you Aura's are the same, Different element natures but the same."

Estalyn turned away with a stern look on her face. "That is unfortunate to hear. I only just caught up with him, but he isn't here it seems. She sighed as she gripped the handle of her sword. "I picked up your caravans trail from that slaughter of people..those caravans were destroyed. how did you all survive?" Estalyn turned around to face Charlotte, tears rolling down her soft pale cheeks. "And from there I rode ahead when I heard the Lycans prepare for battle, I clashed head-on with them but they fled." She bit down on her thumb as she closed her eyes. Charlotte stared at the ground with a gloomy expression on her face "Ardemon doesn't know this about me, but I never told him about myself." She perked up with a smile on her face as she looked up at Estalyn. "My name is Charlotte Kalnieva, the Daughter of the king Artimis.. It's nice to meet you Estalin Ulitheis." Charlotte Held her hand out to Estalin with a sharp but sinister gaze.

Estalyn grinned wide as she knew this was a challenge, within a second both weapons pulled and swung at each other, both swords colliding together, their faces close to each other. "Not bad your highness." Estalyn Hissed, The two broke their stance swinging full force, Metal snapping and clinking as they countered each other with perfect timing. "I thought your family was the stuff of legend, I don't see what my father did." Charlotte replied coldly. Estalyn Examined charlotte and figured maybe it might be worth a try to predicted her moments. She was a short blond girl, with big breasts and wide hips, that would be easy to throw her balance off but it might be something to exploit if she came at her. She wielded a rapier and a wand. The rapier blade was a deep marble purple with blue cracks imbued with possibly ice magic. As for the purple blade, it could be ethereal properties, she is royal after all.

Estalyn flipped backward landing on the side of the wall, she stood up on the side of the castle wall. "Oh I am just getting started.. you shouldn't have drug my family into this.." Within a second charlotte unleashed rapid shots of fire that spiraled at Estalin they all missed as she dodged each one running on the wall and landing on the wall looking over the mote. Charlotte already within arms reaches swinging. the sound of a vicious fight lured the villagers back to the upper wall where the battle ensued. Jumping and flipping over the blade both women parried each attack with precision.

Estalyn jumped high expecting to win the fight with high ground, charlotte already thought of that as they both touched down at the same time and continued to slice at each other. A moment flew by as both girls started at each other panting. "You are taking it easy on me.." Charlotte yelled through her heavy breaths. "You are right, if I wanted you dead you would be." Estalyn chuckled. She looked down at her shirt, and then down to her legs, she could feel something was off but couldn't figure it out and when it was too late she realized something was wrong.

Estalyn Looked up shocked as she was suddenly jerked from the top of the roof castle and back to the floor where they first began to fight, Crashing with a hard thud breaking some bricks of the floor she looked up to see Charlotte standing over here, charlottes thin sword touching Estalins throat. a smile cracked across Estalins lips just as Charlotte's sword pierced her chest, And then the world turned dark, and Estalins eyes closed and then opened with pure anger, blood rage taking over estalyn used the power of the sword reversing the past ten seconds, bending reality right before she was jerked down from on top of the castle. But where she once stood charlotte took her place, Charlotte looked down, fear crept across her face as she realized she was now wrapped in wire, around her wrists, her waist, and her ankles. the wire bore through her skin cutting deeply, in the blink of an eye she was yanked backward, falling through the air expecting a crash, but instead, she hit something soft. Opening her eyes as she realized she was flying through the air. but Someone had caught her.

Landing to the ground she looked up and saw the face of the once thought disappeared Ardemon, now she was clutched to his chest, her breasts pushed up against him. he had caught her at such an awkward angle that she was over his shoulder almost, her butt facing outwards, he had caught her midway fall by her legs and her torso. speedily she jumped from his arms. "Watch where you are grabbing!" charlotte screamed at him, her arms covering her chest. He put his hand through his hair as he chuckled. "Whoops. they have a mind of their own sometimes y'know?" she blushed deeply as she stood up straight. "Sure pervert." and then she turned around to face Estalyn. Ardemon walking up beside her with his sword drawn. He picked up Charlotte's sword from the handle and tossed it to her. Charlotte catching it by the butt and twirling it around through her fingers and then she got into a fighting stance ready to continue.

The pair looked at estalyn, it took Ardemon to recognize her but he dropped his sword and ran to her scooping her up in his arms. "Esty! oh how I've missed you!" she looked surprised being suddenly run up on, her blade was ready but at the last second, she dropped it. "Hey don't charge me like that, I could have hurt you.. what if it wasn't really me?" he smiled big with tears in his eyes. "I knew it was you from the moment I saw you. I had to confirm but when I saw the tears I knew for certain." Estalyn Held her brother tighter. "You are still such a baby." He snorted as he laughed between sobbing. "How long has it been? ten years?" she sighed. "Ever since mom passed I ran, I fought for my life and kept running." she grinned as he let her drop to her feet. "I felt it was time to return. Is he dead yet?" she looked confused, tears still dripping down her cheeks, a concerned look on his face. "No he is still in Livga" Ardemon whipped his tears away and cleared his throat. "He is partially responsible for what happened to me, I got kicked out of our hometown and also my wife was murdered." He gritted his teeth as he turned around and walked to where he had dropped his sword, he bent down to pick up his sword. Charlotte stared at them as they spoke.

Estalyn kneeled to one knee as she spoke to Ardemon. "I heard about your wife not long ago.. I actually thought this one was your wife" she pointed to Charlotte. "Me? oh, that's right." she pressed a hand to her chest as she looked from Estalin to Ardemon. "I'm no one's wife an especially not to a Exiled Prince." She felt her face go red as she looked away from Ardemon. "Exiled Prince?" Estalyn asked with a look of confusion. "Well, he would be a prince... Did you not notice the Royal crystals on your swords?" both siblings looked even more confused. "What do you mean? I was told that it meant I was the sole heir to the sword that was passed down from my family."

Charlottes' face flushed pale. "So you two don't know.. Your grandfather was king for a short while. that black is only given to Royalty, it's an expectancy to become king or queen, you have to cut it from a giant stalagmite underground." She looked annoyed as she continued to lecture them about not knowing they were royal blood. She ranted at them, they listened patiently until she was finished, she started by speaking calmly and ended with her yelling, then screaming and then she stormed off in a rage.
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The reason I named chapter "The Grimoire Of Specter's Cape" is because Ardemon is searching for a Book (Grimoire) with ancient magic that can help him bring his wife back to life, As for the name of the Island/Location where this Grimoire could be. I called it Spectre is because in the area people hear rumors that the souls of lost loved ones could be found there.

Also, what are your thoughts on the new Female Character (Estalin "S or Ess-Ta-Lynn") An Incredibly name I might add? Shoot me a message to relay your thoughts.