Status: Active (Slow Updates) ♥

Dangerous Slumber


A sudden surge of what felt like electricity ran through her entire body and she waited a few seconds, before opening her eyes to find herself now standing at Rick’s side. Both men were staring at her in shock and Megan smiled, she had just teleported from one place to another like a scene from a Harry Potter movie.

“That was good, but we should start coming up with a plan before we lose anymore light,” Danny suggested, repeating what Rick had already said twice and she knew that he was right.

“It’s ten in the morning,” Megan argued, “I think we need to attack first, before they even get a chance to attack us or whatever else they may have planned.”

“That would definitely give us the upper hand,” Rick agreed.

“There’s some stuff down in a room off the main tunnel, but it’s pretty rusty,” Mason told them as he approached, pointing back from where he’d come and leaning against the table.

“We don’t have much time, but we should take a look, and hopefully there will be something useful,” Danny said, following Mason and Rick back towards the room.

Megan sat reading through the book, but after reading one specific chapter there was only one sentence that stuck in her mind... they will be there to help you prepare, but, when the time comes, you must stand alone against our enemy. Deep down she knew that, but she didn’t want to think about it and there was no way that she could tell the others.

She knew that they would argue and they definitely wouldn’t understand, who would. Megan knew that Rick would do anything to change her mind and she knew that the others would too, but it was already written. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to get hurt, it was her destiny after all and so she decided to keep it to herself until the last minute.

Noticing that Mrs. Laubrey had been very quiet since arriving, Megan went to go and make sure that she was okay.

“Are you okay, Mrs. Laubrey?” Megan asked as she sat down next to her at the table.

“Yes, I’m fine... I was just thinking about your parents.”

“My parents?”

“Yes, your mom would often visit me to talk or get my advice on things,” Mrs. Laubrey stated with fondness in her voice, “She spoke to me many times about her abilities... she was so scared about telling your dad in case he walked away.”

“He may have been able to help if she’d told him,” Megan mumbled, “If she had abilities and was as strong as they say, why didn‘t she use them before they died?”

“I can’t answer that, but I do know that your parents loved you more than anything in this world and I’m certain that your mom would have saved them if she could.”

“What if their accident wasn’t an accident at all?” Megan added as anger boiled in the pit of her stomach, “The Ororian are only after me because I’m the only one left, but what if they knew about my mom and went after her as well.”

As her anger built, Megan could feel herself burning up and everything around her seemed to turn red. The flames of the candles abruptly erupted into roaring fires, causing Rick and the others to rush in.

“Megan, you need to calm down,” Danny warned as the heat inside the cavernous room intensified.

“What’s going on?” Rick replied with panic clear in his voice.

“Her abilities must be linked to her emotions like mine, the more upset or angry she becomes the stronger her abilities get. You need to get her to calm down, before she loses control and we all fry.”

“We were talking about her parents,” Mrs. Laubrey explained, “She’s angry at her mom for not doing more to save them.”

“Megan,” Rick called, taking a few cautious steps towards her, “I get why you’re angry, but sometimes things happen that are out of our control and no one is to blame for that. We need you to be strong...”

“Did the Ororian kill my parents?”

“I don’t know for certain, but I think so and that’s exactly why you need to use all of your anger towards them, “Danny told her honestly.

“I don’t understand, why?” Megan whispered, voicing her thoughts from earlier that day, “If my mom was powerful enough that she was seen as some huge threat, then why couldn’t she stop the accident?”

“Maybe she just wasn’t strong enough,” Rick suggested.

She knew that her dad wouldn’t have left her if he really didn’t have to, like Rick he would have done anything to stay with her, and her anger slowly dissipated. Her vision soon returned to normal and the flames flickered at their usual height as Rick pulled her into his arms, kissing her head.

“Why do we have these powers if they desert us when we need them the most, Rick?”

“I really wish that I had the answers you need, Megs, but I don’t and I know that that probably hurts to hear because I’m supposed to have all the answers. The truth is that adults don’t always know everything,” Rick stated, “All I can promise is that things will get better and I will do whatever it takes to get you through this.”

Megan didn’t know what to say and simply tightened her grip around Rick’s waist in response, but there was one thing that she knew for sure... she was ready to fight. Vengeance may not have been the answer, but karma was a bitch and the Ororian deserved to suffer for all the pain they had caused.
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Happy Reading ♥