Up in Flames

No one loves me, because they're afraid of me .


He staggered his way out of the darkness of the back alley, holding his twisted left arm tightly to his body. Sweat and blood mingled together as they ran down his face from his forehead to his chin, dropping off the edge of his face and splattering to the ground and his shoes in crimson droplets.

A gust of stale smelling air met him as he reached the end of the alley, and he swore he could hear her voice within it.


I can feel your chills down my spine;
I can feel your breath on my neck...
I can see your ghost at night.

  1. Ignite
  2. Fan
  3. Smolder
  4. Burn
  5. Ash
  6. Fuel
  7. Singe
  8. Kindle
  9. Douse
    (TW: Implied assault.)
  10. Stoke