Up in Flames


Laying on his back in the half light, he ran a hand through his blonde hair and let out a long sigh, eyes boring holes into the ceiling as the wall behind his head rattled, the knocks, creaks, and bangs composing a seedy song for him. His one consolation was that there were no accompanying vocals this time. That part of his message had been received.

God damn it. All he ever asked for was a little peace and quiet. Sitting up in bed, he drug his left arm across his eyes, rubbing them harshly in an attempt to clear the burning sensation that lack of sleep had blessed him with before moving to the back of his neck.

"What the..."

His hand found the back of a head that couldn't possibly be his. The hair was far too silky, and he swore he could feel breath against his neck, the hair there rising in response to the familiar feeling.

Lips pressed to his exposed shoulder. He let out a low growl, his brain fighting with his body to come out on top and free him from this mess.

You can't. You aren't. Fog swirled inside his head, behind his eyes, as his body grew warm. His hands dropped to his sides, fingers gripping the worn yellow bedspread.

"Rough day?" Her lips were at his ear now, her arms around his chest.

His breathing came faster now, his brain losing the fight as his pulse raced. Her teeth scraped the skin just behind his ear, and for a moment everything was silent.

The world, his brain. Blissful peace.

Closing his eyes with a smirk, he gave in and let his head fall back to rest on her shoulder. She giggled and placed a quick peck on his nose, his smirk fading away.

"You really piss me off, you know that?"


I feel you hold me tight,
But I know this ain't right,
Cause I'm alone tonight.