Status: Will be slow in updates as am still in full time education but will try to update as regularly as possible

Better for You

Chapter 26

After a couple more days of feeling utterly useless, the fever passed and I could finally muster the strength to get out of the dorm and watch a film at Harry’s house. I knocked on the wooden door to the frat house and Harry opened it to reveal himself wearing a simple white t-shirt and black jeans yet still looking drool worthy. “Hey, how are you feeling?” Harry asked with a smile as he opened the door wider for me to come into the Frat house, which was surprisingly tidy.

“Much better” I replied, I had decided against telling Harry about the freak out that I had had with Abby about me possibly being pregnant as it wasn’t worth the stress, however I wasn’t sure whether the thought would have crossed Harry’s mind as well.

As we walked into Harry’s dorm I appreciated the layout of his room, “I really like your room you know.” I blurted as I scanned Harry’s bookshelf, crouching and reading the book titles.

“Thanks, you know I decorated it myself.” Harry joked and I turned to face him as he wiggled his eyebrows at me in a way that only Harry could make look adorable.

“Oh, shut up and take the compliment.” I replied, rolling my eyes at Harry playfully. I could hear Harry’s footsteps getting louder as I stood up from my crouched position and turned to face him.

“Make me.” Harry whispered and suddenly the room temperature changed drastically. Only Harry could turn a light joke into a seductive one with just one line.

I smirked at Harry and leaned up to kiss him, allowing the fire to ignite in my veins for a couple of seconds before pulling back. “There, now let’s watch the movie.” I instructed as Harry sulked yet nonetheless walked over to his laptop and brought it over with him to the bed.

“I don’t have Netflix so we could just watch it online?” Harry suggested however I shook my head frantically at his reply.

“No, no way.” I told Harry immediately.

“Why not? Please don’t tell me that it’s because it’s breaking the copy right law or something.” Harry asked me with raised eyebrows and humour dancing in his eyes.

“No, you just don’t get subtitles when you watch movies on putlocker, and I can’t watch a movie without subtitles.” I told Harry and he let out a loud laugh as he threw his head back, his body shaking with laughter. “What?” I asked Harry, feeling slightly self-conscious about him laughing at me.

“Nothing, you, just, I – out of all of the reasons not to watch a movie on putlocker you choose ‘because it doesn’t have subtitles’.” Harry replied through his laughter, using his fingers to mimic my quote.

“Just hand me your laptop.” I told him and he slid the laptop from his lap to mine, a low chuckled escaping from his lips. “We can use my Netflix account.” I suggested as I typed in my email address. “Close your eyes.”


“I’m about to type in my password, close your eyes.” I instructed Harry and he raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t you trust me?” Harry asked me with a joking tone and I simply stared back at him as he rolled his eyes but closed his eyes nonetheless. I typed in my password as quickly as I could and when I had logged into my account I finally told Harry that he could open his eyes.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked Harry as I scrolled down the browsers page.

“Teeth” Harry replied instantly.

“Hell no.”

“Why not?”

“Because the whole idea is twisted and creeps me out. No. what else?”

“I believe that Teeth is the way forward.” Harry pushed and I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that Harry was trying to wind me up.

“Let’s watch something light hearted,” I suggested and Harry huffed as I scrolled further down the page, “how about Brides Maids?” I asked Harry.

“Do I really get a say in this?” Harry asked, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

“Good point, no.” I told him with the corners of my mouth curling upwards. “Brides Maids it is.” I stated, clicking on the movie.

After the movie finished I turned to Harry with a smile, “So what did you think?” I asked.

“It was cheap humour.” Harry stated and I rolled my eyes at him.

“That must be because your standards of humour have been raised by my hilarious self, I guess that’s not really your fault.” I responded, shrugging a shoulder at Harry.

“I think it just goes to show how poor the movie must be considering how low my standards of humour have gone since hanging out with you.” Harry quipped and I narrowed my eyes at Harry.

“Shut up, I’m hilarious and you know it.” I told Harry and Harry pulled a face at me, causing me to lightly hit his forehead with my hand. “So, you seriously think that watching a movie about a girl who has teeth in her – well you know where – would have been better?” I asked Harry, tilting my head at him as I asked the question.

“Wait, where does she have teeth?” Harry questioned, feigning confusion.

“In her lady area.”

“Her tits? That’s just weird.” Harry countered.

“No – in her… in her vagina, there I said it.” I huffed and Harry gasped comically.

“She has teeth in her vagina?! Now that’s twisted, how do you know about such a movie?”

“You’re the worst.” I mumbled at Harry, weakly pushing at his chest as I narrowed my eyes at him.

“But you love me for it.” Harry latched on making my heaty beat faster as he grabbed my hand from his chest and laced his fingers with mine, causing my stomach to do acrobatically advanced abilities that left a fluttering feeling inside of me.

“Yes, for some reason I happen to be very much in-love with you.” I replied with a light tone despite the rather serious topic.

“Well that’s a good thing as I’m head over fucking ass for you, Izzy.” Harry replied, making my breath come out in a short huff.

“I love you so much Harry.” I told Harry before covering his lips with my own with a passionate kiss.

“I love you more.” Harry mumbled against my lips and I couldn’t help the shit eating grin that was taking over my face.

However, the romantic moment was interrupted moments later by a vibrating sound coming from the pocket of my jeans. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and frowned as I saw my mother’s caller id come up on my phone.

I accepted the call, standing up from the bed and away from Harry’s warm arms. “Mum?” I asked, not sure why she was calling.

“Hello Isabel, I haven’t seen you in too long and when I came to your dorm no-one answered, where are you? I’ll come pick you up and we can go out for dinner.” My mother proposed and my eyes widened in alarm, I still hadn’t told my mum that Harry and I were dating.

“Um, yea, I’m actually out at the moment but I can meet you at the restaurant if you like.” I told my mum, pacing up and down Harry’s room and ignoring the worried expression that Harry was wearing.

“Where are you?” My mum asked and I stopped in my tracks as I inhaled a deep breath.
“I’m at Harry’s place.” I answered my mother and anxiously awaited her response.

“Harry’s place?” My mother quoted back at me seeming to be unhappy with my response. “Who is Harry and why are you there?” She questioned further.

“I’m at Harry’s place because we were hanging out and Harry is my boyfriend.” I told my mum and I heard her audibly gasp as I sneaked a look at Harry who was sending me a supportive smile.

“Harry is your boyfriend?! And when were you telling me this?” My mum asked me with an accusatory tone that made me feel like a poorly behaved child.

“I was going to tell you I just haven’t really gotten around to tell you.” I responded and my mother scoffed at my reply.

“Well, I must meet your new boyfriend then so bring him with you to that diner restaurant – unless you were planning on hiding him from me for longer.” My mother instructed me and I rolled my eyes at her.

“I’m sure that is fine, we will see you there in thirty minutes.” I told my mum before hanging up and sighing as I walked towards Harry and falling into his lap.

“What was that about?” Harry asked with a soft tone and I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder for support and I inhaled a slow and deep breath.

“My mother, she wants to meet you.” I informed Harry and I felt his body twisting as Harry raised my chin so that I was facing him and my eyes came into contact with his green eyes that seemed softer than usual.

“That’s fine, I’d love to meet her.” Harry responded and I frowned at him, not sure if he was aware of what he was signing up for.

“Listen, my mum isn’t an easy mother, she is a perfectionist and will not be a walk in the park.” I tried to explain to Harry but he simply shook his head at me.

“I know Izzy, I know that parents don’t tend to like me but I really want your mum to like me because you’re important to me Izzy and so I will be on my best behaviour.” Harry informed me and a smile took over my face.

“Thank you, Harry, that means a lot to me.” I told Harry, smiling softly at him before pecking his lips and feeling it all the way to my toes. As I pulled away from Harry and grabbed his hand and pulled him up from his bed. “We should get going then.”

Harry nodded and we walked down and out of the frat house, Harry holding my hand due to the emptiness of the house. ”Whose car should we take?” Harry asked.

“Mine?” I told Harry and he nodded his head as we walked to my car. As I got into my car I suddenly remembered the time that my mum and I were at the diner and my mum warned me to stay away from guys like Harry and Zayn and my body tensed, I was sure that my mum was not going to like Harry.
“Actually, you may want to wear a jumper under your coat.” I advised Harry and he frowned at me in misunderstanding. “My mum’s not the biggest fan of tattoos.” I explained to Harry and he exhaled loudly, nodding his head as he went back into the frat house to grab a jumper.

When Harry came back he was wearing a green jumper, bringing out the green in his eyes and making him look so adorable. “I love you so much for this Harry.” I told him with a smile and he nodded at me returning the smile as he placed his hand on my lap and I started the journey to the diner, preparing for the worst.