Reigniting the Passion

A Gray World

‘The flowers died on Monday.’
They were the first to go.
Their petals graying before slowly wilting towards the ground.
Tuesday it was the grass.
The green luster fading to match the gray hue of the blossoms.
It spread from there, taking the color from our world, taking the life.
Even the sky turned, it’s usual bright, clear atmosphere hazed and dull.
Birds no longer soared through clouds.
Squirrels no longer run from tree to tree.
The only thing that still lives, still exists, are the people.
But we’re fading.
First it’s our bodies, turned the color of ash.
Then the hair.
Once the eyes begin to turn, that’s when our souls die, when we die.
We did this.
We killed this planet, and now it’s killing us.