
Chapter 12

After seeing Lauren off, Billie got back and smiled, sitting on the bed.
"She's so sweet," he murmured. Lucy looked up at Mike and gestured for him and Tré to leave. He hummed in response to Billie and smiled
" you want any food either of you?" He asked. Lucy shook her head and so did Billie. Mike nodded and pulled Tré out of the room.

Lucy lightly rubbed moisturiser on the tattoo on her hand.
"Hypothetically if I knew something that I knew would hurt you, but you deserve to know about, would you want me to tell you?" She asked, sitting next to Billie and looking down at her hand again. He shrugged and looked at her
"I guess?" He answered, a little confused. Lucy nodded and didn't speak for a minute, trying to find a way to put it nicely.
"Lauren's cheating on you," She blurted out bluntly, wincing at her lack of ability to sugar coat things. Billie stood up
"Why would you say that?" He asked, looking at her and narrowing his eyes
"Because it's true, I heard her say to someone on the phone she's been sleeping with some Jackson guy," she told him. Billie rolled his eyes
"Why do you not want me to be happy with her?" He asked, raising his voice a little.
"I want you to be happy, but she's bad for you!" Lucy yelled, standing up and staring up at him. He held her eye contact, glaring for a moment,
"Stop interfering," he snapped, Lucy took a step closer
"She's fucking hurting you, she's cheating on you, she treats you like shit," Lucy answered in frustration. They stared at each other for a moment before Billie took a step closer and pulled her into a kiss. Lucy moved to push him away, intending on then slapping him and telling him he had a girlfriend. She then remembered it was Lauren and pulled him closer as he walked her back into the wall. They made out messily for a moment, before he pulled away, eyes still closed as he rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. He stepped back
"Sorry..I shouldn't- I shouldn't have shouted at you," he apologised shakily. Lucy pulled him to sit on the bed.
"I thought I saw her kiss the guy who gave me ket at her party but I didn't know because I was tripping out and so I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure," she told him softly. She pulled him into a hug as he sat there refusing to cry, he rested his head on her shoulder
"I'll break up with her when we get back," he murmured. Lucy kissed the top of his head and stood up, holding out her hand for him.
"You'll be better off without her," she answered "c'mon, let's go find some weed and forget about all this bullshit," she smiled.