Status: long lost

Pink Speakers

Charlie Page just turned eighteen, and in a few months, so will Luke Hemmings.

With Liz deciding to stay behind, it was up to Charlie to replace her as 5 Seconds of Summer’s concert photographer.

Being a family friend of the Hemmings ever since the dawn of the pink speakers, going on tour exposed Charlie to certain levels of relationships she never thought existed. Between the camera lights and toucan underwears, Charlie discovered newfound fondness towards the golden-haired boy, but soon second guessed it when bassist Calum Hood stepped into the picture.

Secrets were out, songs were sung, and friendships were threatened. Capturing moments were no longer as simple as taking pictures behind the camera; there was too much to bear on the shoulders of a petite eighteen year-old.

And unfortunately, I’m Charlie Page.

A story of six-second videos, not-so accidental kisses, reading between the lines, and a slice of cake.