‹ Prequel: In an Instant
Sequel: Delilahs Darkness
Status: 2017 Nanowrimo Project!

City of Dark Angels



He puts on a disguise and wanders through the city streets, a suit and tie looking like any other citizen in the real world. Business cards in his pockets, ready to recruit the lost to a new world to find themselves again. Only, that isn't the true intention Raviera intends on.

He reaches a high school and stumbles on in, knowing that broken teenagers where the best victims for his crimes.

No one notices he is different, as he walks through the school halls, no one can tell that he has such sinister plans up his sleeve. They only assume he is one of them, a teacher maybe, or a parent dropping by to bring one of their kids lunch or a note from home.

He sees a young girl sitting at her locker, crying into her chest. Tears pouring down her face from the bully's that just can't and won't leave her alone. Leaving her to suffer in silence, Raviera smirks to himself as he approaches her, business card in hand.

He kicks at her purple sneakers and she lifts her head up to squint her eyes at the man, not knowing what to think of this encounter she stands up to face him. Holding back more tears that threaten to fall she manages to squeak out a few words.

"Can I help you with something?" She asks, a tone of annoyance inside her weak voice.

"It's more like, maybe I can help you with something!" He hands her one of his business cards and she reads it over, and starts laughing. "I can make this never ending nightmare you reside in dissapear forever."

"This is some kind of sick joke right?" She asks the man, assuming he was put up to the tasks by one of the bully's that have been forever taunting her since the beginning of her high school days.

"This is not a joke, this is your salvation, your release from reality." He says in a serious but light tone. She considers it for a moment but still remains unsure.

"How do we get to this... City of Angels place?" She asks, wanting more details just to prove that it is a joke and that she'd be the fool for falling for such.

"Meet me and the others next Tuesday, in that small cafe on Linkin Street. We will have a short meeting and then leave shortly after. Come if you want, or continue to suffer in this hell you live in." He tries his hardest to persuade the girl, to do whatever it takes just to get her to say yes.

"Alright, I'll be there." She says rolling her eyes and grabbing books out of her locker and slamming it shut and walking away from the man, not knowing the true intentions of the place but to check it out just in case.

"Just like taking candy from a baby." He smirks, moving through the halls to find his next victim.


"Alright, so where is he now then?" I ask Death, trying to gather the plan together as quickly as I possibly could.

"That's the thing, I can't figure it out. The last place he was, was in the city of angels but he's no longer there. So he must be starting his plan to find his victims to recruit to the city of angels. Or city of Dark Angels I should say." Death says drawing a map of the city of angels on a blank sheet of paper, Erika gives him a hand.

I close my eyes, to try and envision the location of Raveria. Its fuzzy at first, but then I see a high school. I realize I am looking through the eyes of Raveria himself, everything from his point of view. I try to look around, trying to see if I can spot a logo or something to find out the school itself. I sigh in frustration as nothing is coming up for me.

"All I know is that he's in a high school." I say.

"Did you see what High School?" Travis asks and I shake my head to respond.

"So he's recruiting High School students..." Death trails off as he tries to think of where he could possibly be.

"Trainfield High!" Erika says suddenly, a light in her eyes fills up as she tells us. Travis looks at her in amazement in her quick judgement of finding out his location. "In a small little town outside of New York."

"Perfect." Death says, snapping his fingers and we are transported to that very city. We look around trying to find our way to the high school. Erika leads the way and we are outside of a small High School.

I walk up to a boy sitting on a bench chatting with a friend, he looks up at me in amusement as I approach him. "Hey pretty lady"

I roll my eyes and ignore the rude gesture, "Have you seen anyone, strange around here lately?" I ask.

"A pretty lady talking to him is pretty strange." His friend chimes in and I groan, realizing that maybe I am asking the wrong questions.

"Zack shut up!" The boy says punching his friend in the arm and turning back to me, "Strange as in a man asking people to go to this 'City of Angels' place?"

"Yes! That's exactly it, what did he say about this place?" I ask, feeling like we're getting somewhere finally. The boy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small business card and hands it to me.

"He said it will 'free us from our misery' and that we're leaving for the place next Tuesday and meeting at a cafe on Linkin Street." He tells me, and I glance at the business card. It has a phone number on it that I recognize as the one my father called me from when Travis and I were on the road. "Sounds pretty sketchy to me."

"Let me give you a small word of advice, don't go there." I say turning and walking away from the boys and back to Death, Travis and Erika who are standing there watching the whole exchange wondering what was happening.

I give Death the business card, he reads it and a look of misery is transformed on his face.

"We have three days to stop him."