Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

1-Tokio Hotel? They Suck!

*Friday Morning*(HinBrook High)
(Sapphire and Scooter are sitting under the big tree in front of the school like everyday talking)
Scoot:So what are we doing this weekend?
Sapph:How about instead of you being bored tonight watching the same movies over and over again, you go out with me and Kayla to Static?
Scoot: (groans)Sapph...
Sapph: Please just this once. I'll stay home with you Saturday night and we can watch Lord of the Rings for the 100th time and Kay can go out with Zara.
Scoot:I don't know....
Sapph: (puppy dog pout, bats eye-lashes)Please for me?
Scoot: (cant help but smile at this)Okay. Please stop with the pouting.
(Bell rings and they make their way to class)
*6th Period*
(They have a sub)
Subt: Okay(sits on desk)You guys have been in this class together for the whole year, right?
Class: (scattered 'yeahs' and 'so')
Subt:Lets play a game!(hops off desk)
(everyone looks at her like shes crazy but participates)
Subt: Okay i want you..(points to Kayla) and you..(points to Rodney)to come up to the front and face the class.
Sapph: Oh this should be good!
(Rod and Kay go up front)
Subt: (turns to Kay)Okay sweetie whats your name?
Subt: Okay(turns to Rod)And you.
Rod:Rodney.(folds arms)
Subt: Okay I'm gonna start with you Rodney. Do you know how old this young woman is?
Rod:Yeah, 17. Why?
Subt:And Kayla?
Kay:He's 17 too.(annoyed tone) Whats the whole point of this? We've known each other since pre-k.
Subt: Oh really. Rodney who is Kayla's best friend?
Rod:That's easy. Sapphire!
Subt:Well you can go sit down, Rodney and Sapphire come up.
Sapph: Damn.(does as shes told)What are we doing?
Subt:We are fixing to see exactly how much you pay to each other. Sapphire what is Kayla's favorite color?
Kay: Duh!
Subt:Kayla what-
Rod:I know how to make this more fun. I wanna ask Sapph questions about her, get to know her better.(smirk)
Subt:Good idea, Kayla you can stay up.(sits on desk)
Rod: Okay Sapph whats your favorite color?
Sapph: (looks annoyed)Red.
Rod:Who is Kay's favorite band?
Sapph:Tokio Hotel.
Rod:They suck!
Kay: (face turns red)
Sapph:Why did you have to say that?
Rod: (chuckles)Do you like them, Sapph?
Sapph:Absolutely but I'm not a hardcore fan like Kay is? The girl probably know Bill Kaulitz's phone number.
(class laughs)
Kay:Ha ha shut up!
(Bell rings for 7th and everyone grabs their things and leaves the class. Sapph and Kay go to their locker which is right by each other and is followed by...)
Rod:Hey Sapph.
Sapph:Uh hey Rod?
Rod:Umm...i was wondering. Do you wanna go out with me?
Kay:Say what?
Rod: Do you wanna go out on a date...with me?
Sapph: (extends one of her arms out to Kay and Kay pinches it)
Sapph:Fuck! Um...Rodney why the sudden interest in me?
Rod:I've liked you since Grade 10.
Sapph:Seriously? WTF? Um...let me think about it kay.(closes locker)
Rod: Okay.(walk/struts away)
Kay: (both burst out laughing)What the hell was that?(mockingly)"I've liked you since Grade 10."
Sapph:I have no idea!
Kay: (calms down laughing)Ha hey lets skip 7th.
Sapph: Okay lets go to your place.(they sneak on off campus)
*Kayla's House*
(in the closet looking through clothes)
Kay:I don't know what to wear!!!
Sapph:Something easy for you to dance in, shoes easy for you to walk in so when you get all 'wobbly'.
Kay:I'm not drinking tonight.
Sapph:Yeah right.(throws a shirt and her)
Kay: (hahaha, leaves closet and turns on stereo. "Love Is Dead" by Tokio Hotel blares)
Sapph:Aw man i love this song.(comes out of closet)
Kay: (turns down the stereo so they can be able to hear each other speak)What would you do if you met Bill?
Kay:I would jump on him!!! You like Bill right?
Sapph:He's not all that. Not my type.
Sapph:Thats the fucking problem, Kay. He looks like a chick.
Kay:No he doesn't. So which one do you like?
Sapph: (smirk)Tom!
Kay: Oh i should've known!
Sapph: (smiles really big)Now he is fucking hot.
Kay: (laughs)
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay peoples I'm not a very good write and this is one of my first Tokio Hotel Fanfictions so bare with me!