Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

Great More Confusion

*Back At the Hotel*

Sapphire called Dave to give her a ride back. She is now in Ruby's room. She didn't tell them what happened. She's just sitting there with makeup running down her face while everyone else is just staring at her.

Rub: (puts arm around her)Come on Sapph. What happened?

Sapph:Shes fucking pissed at me. I just know it.

Jasl:You've been saying that for the past(looks at clock)hour. Who is pissed at you?


Zara:What did you do? I've never seen you cry like this.(she actually looks worried)

Sapph: (sighs)

Jasl:Kayla can never stay mad at you. You guys are the perfect example of a never-ending friendship.

Sapph:But i hide this from her. I should have told her when she asked. But no, i didn't want to hurt her feelings or his.

Rub:His? Who?

(knock on the door)

Jasl:I'll get it.(runs to open door)

Zara: (wipes a tear falling down Sapphire's face)

Jasl: (from front room)Sapphire its for you!

Sapph: (sighs,stands and walks to the front door, its the person she really doesn't want to see right now)


(Sapph moves aside anyways to let him in and they go into the living room. Ruby, Jaslen, and Zara follow and they sit down)

Sapph: (looking at her hands)Is-is Kayla okay?

Tom:Yeah. Kinda.

Zara:What the hell happened?

Sapph:I'm sorry. I don't kno-

Tom:No its okay really. I had a feeling he liked you.

(Ruby, Jaslen, and Zara look at each other with 'what the hell happened')

Sapph:I don't wanna be the-

Tom:No its fine. We yelled, talked, and hugged. Its okay now.

Sapph:So...Bill isn't upset? You know that i just blurted it out in a costume store?

Tom:No. Kayla was pressuring you. He would've did the same.

Sapph: (smiles)I bet i look like shit right now.(chuckles)

Tom:You don't look that bad.(they stand and hug each other)

(suddenly the door bursts open and Kayla walks over to Sapphire, Mickey following trying to calm down her sister)

Rub:Somebody please fill us in!

Kay: Oh she didn't tell you either!

Sapph:Kayla, stop!

Kay: Okay I'll tell you.

Jasl:What the hell happened?

Kay:She slept with a twin! Not the twin you thought she would do though.


Sapph: Okay now everyone knows! Why the hell are you so fucking mad? You told me to go for it!

Kay:I didn't actually think you would. And then keep it a secret! You tell me everything!

Sapph:Thats the problem! I don't have anything to myself. You know everything, we share everything, we do everything together. You even sometimes finish my sentences. I was beginning to think i was your twin not Mickey!!! This one thing i wanted to keep to myself until i was ready to tell you and you make such a big deal out of it!!!

Kay:Thats not even it! You know i liked him! I thought you liked Tom. You cant have both!

Sapph: Oh. I understand now.


Rub: Oh fuck.(puts head in her hands)

Sapph:You cant take it.

Kay:Cant take what?

Sapph:That you're not the one getting attention from guys. That all the guys to ignore you, its the Kaulitz Boys. I get it now.

Kay: (taken back by this)What?

Sapph: (crying)What's bad about me? Whats so ugly about me that no guy should want me?!

(everyone is just staring at her now. Kayla walk to her and takes her into a hug. Shes now crying too because she remembers what happened between Sapphire and Rickey. You'll find out later.)

Kay: Oh my god Sapphire, I'm so sorry!

Sapph:Why are you so mad that guys are actually wanting to talk to me?

Kay:I'm not, I'm so sorry.(lets her go and they sit on the couch)I just...I'm stupid. I need to give you more space. I-I've been keeping something from you too.

Sapph: (looks at her with wide eyes, and smiles)

Kay:I...i slept with Scoot.

Sapph: (eyes get wider if thats even possible)Oh my god!(laughs)

Kay: (smiles)It's not funny.

Zara:I knew it!(smiles really big)I seen you leave his room one night half dressed!(giggles)

Rub: Okay.(sits on the couch, nervously)Since its secret revealing time...

Sapph:No Ruby you don't have to-

Rub:Yeah i do.(looks at Mickey)Mickey, uh.

Mick: Oh god. Don't tell me you slept with Rodney?(laughs)

Rub:You know?

(everyone goes silent)

Tom: (holds in laugher)

Mick:That was you?!(laughs) I don't care. I'm about to break up with him anyways. Do you know he cheated on me with Charlena.


Mick:Same thing i said.

Jasl: Okay anybody else sleep with anybody from Tokio Hotel? Raise your hand so we can get this over with.

(they all start laughing until a hand goes up, they all stare at Mickey)


Mick: (nods head)

Tom:Is everyone but me getting some?

Rub:Hey maybe Zara will spend em for ya.

Zara: (gasps, throws a pillow at her)
And so they are all back to normal...for now
*C-Note*(and Charlena)

They are on their way to Mickey and Zara's room.

See:Why do i have to come too?

Cee:Because i said so. And you're my bestest friend.(smiles and throws her arm around her shoulder)

Ci: (writing in her journal as she's walking)

Cee:God Laci can you put that thing away just for 5 minutes.(roles eyes)

Lena:She's prob writing love letters to Georg.

See:Ew. Why do you guys like Tokio Hotel? Their music is shit, and they look like shit.

Cee:I agree with you on the music part. But not the looks.

Lena:You both got it all wrong. Their music is THE shit.

Ci:Their style is THE shit.

Lena: Plain and simple, they are the shit.

See:No sweetie their just dog shit.

(they get to the door and Ka'Cee knocks. It takes a minute but someone comes to the door. Zara)

Zara:What do you want?

Cee:To spend time with my sister, since she will be going off to college soon and i wont her as much.

Zara:Well we have company at the moment so-

Lena: (pushes door open and walks in)Don't care.

(they walk in to see Sapphire, Tom, Gustav, Kayla, Bill, Jaslen, and Mickey all in the living room)

See:I told you. I'm leaving.(starts to walk away but Ka'cee pulls her back in)

Cee:Hi everyone.(giggles)

Kay: (groans)What do you want?!!!

Cee:I came to see Mickaylah actually.


(they all have a seat on the floor like everyone else)

Cee:Well i wanted to spend time with you.(smiles real big)

Mick: (dragging it out)Why?

Cee:Cause you'll be going to college soon and i wont see you anymore.

See: (annoyed and sing song)I don't wanna be here. I think i might 'Scream'.(she says the last part looking at Bill, then bursts out laughing)

Sapph: (laughs)Secret.(throws pillow at her)

Bill:What is she talking about?

Sapph:Just ignore her.(kisses his cheek)

Cee: (points to Sapph and Bill)What was that?


See: Did you just kiss him?

Ci: (looks up from notebook)Calm down, it was just on the cheek.(continues writing)

Cee:No one asked you!

Lena:She's right.(kisses Tom on the cheek)See no big deal.


Tom: (laughs)

Lena: (glares at Kayla)

Kay: (serious face)Dude for real.

Tom: (stops laughing quick)Seriously?

Mick and Kay:Seriously.

Tom: (runs to the bathroom)

Sapph: (to Bill)If his face breaks out with nasty little bumps. You know i didn't do it.

Bill: (laughs and pecks her on the lips)

Cee: (hops up off floor)Okay whats going on? I read you don't do girls when you first meet them.

Lena: (pissed look at Sapph)


Kay:Gladly.(takes the shoe off Sapphire's foot which happens to be the boot she had on earlier)

Cee: (scared)Okay we're going!(they all leave)

Gus: (laughs)Whats wrong with her?

Kay:She knows i have great aim. And i was gonna aim it at her head.

(Bill and Sapphire giggling tickling each other)

Kay: (roles eyes but not in a playful manner)So Georg still with uh...whats her face?

Gus:Shiane? Yeah they'll be here any minute.

(just as he says this there's a knock on the door)

Sapph: (pulling away from Bill)I'll get it!

(she goes to the front to open the door, with Bill following. Its the fangirl!)

Sapph: (just stares)

Jay:Hello?(waves a hand in front of her face)

Sapph: (slaps it)Why are you here?

Jay:I wanted to-(looks behind her and see...)OH MY GAWD!(squeals)

Sapph: (laughs)

Jay: Oh my god.

Sapph:Is that all you can say?

Jay:Bill Kaulitz!![me:is he gonna faint?]Oh my god.

Bill: (looks very frightened)

Sapph: (turns to Bill)Dude chill, this is James aka Jay. One of your fangirls. Jay this is Bill.(smiles)

Jay: (stuttering)W-why is h-he h-here?

Tom: (coming to the front)They told me to come check-

Jay:BOTH OF THEM??!!!(extends his arm to Sapph and she pinches it)

Sapph:Nope you're not dreaming buddy.

Jay: (squeals)

Sapph: (laughs)

Tom: Okay whats wrong with him?

Sapph:Fantasy coming true. Thats Jay.

Tom: Oh!(laughs)Nice to meet you.

Bill: (wraps an arm around Sapphire's waist)

Jay: (sees this)Are you two to- together?

Sapph:No. Hey when you're done being fangirl(mimics his squeal)then you can come back okay, cause Gustav is in here too.


(He doesn't get to finish the sentence because Sapphire closes the door)

(they all walk back into the living room)

Tom:So...(flops on couch)Club tonight!

Zara:YES!!!(sing song)Sapphire has to stay here.(does a dance)Ha Ha Ha.

Bill:No!(pulls Sapphire closer to him)Why cant you come too?(pouts)

Sapph: (smiles)I promised Zara that next time you guys go out that i would stay and watch the youngest ones.

Jasl:And i told you we can take care of ourselves.

Mick:You know Ruby will talk you into something retarded and we'll have to leave the hotel. Remember New York?

Jasl: (sighs and rolls eyes)

Tom:So Sapphire cant go? Kayla still going right?

Kay: Oh you know it drinking buddy.(high fives him)

Bill:I'm not going either.(smiles at Sapphire)

Sapph:No you don't have to stay too. Go have fun.

Bill:Nein, I'll help with the children.

Jasl:We are not children. I'm 16! 17 next month!

Tom:You're 16?(looks at Gustav)You child molester!

Mick: Did you know she was 16?

Gus: (shrugs shoulders)Yeah.

Sapph:Hey, where the hell is my sister anyways?

Jasl:She went on a date...with Hayden.(smiles)


Sapph: (smiles and turns to Bill)You are going.(stands and walks into the big room)

Tom:She told you.

Sapph: (comes back out with a hoodie)This is yours.
(throws it at Bill)

(everyone stare at each other)

Sapph: (looks around the room)What?


Sapph: (rolls eyes)

Tom: (looks at the floor)
*Later That Night*

Sapphire is babysitting.

Rub:Hey so Sapph...(nudge wink)How was he-

Sapph:I'm not telling!(covers ears)



Rub: Oh forget it!

Sapph: (takes hands off ears)Thank you.(smiles)How was your date with Hayden?

Rub:It was okay.(looks at TV thats playing Tokio Hotel 'Spring Nicht' she turns it off)You don't really like Bill, do you?

Sapph: (looks at her younger sister)Uh...why?

Rub:I could just tell. When i got back and we all were sitting there talking and playing didn't seem like you were fully there. And you kept looking at Tom and...

Sapph:I don't know. Bill is just so sweet and he pays more attention to me. And when Charlena walked in that night Tom totally forgot i was standing there, but Bill didn't...

Jasl:Tom's a guy. There was a half naked chick standing there in front of him. What was he supposed to do? I swear Bill is gay!(sips coke)

Sapph: (laughs)Believe me, he's not gay.


Rub:So you guys dating or something now? I mean he wanted to stay and 'watch the children' Jaslen told me.

Sapph:I made him go. I really didn't want to go tonight anyways. And to be alone with him...

Rub:Aw I'm gonna miss you and your wacky relationships with guys that looks like girls.(fake tear)

Sapph: (laughs)Shut up.

Jasl:We're going to the pool with some of the guys and Secret.

Sapph: Okay don't do anything stupid, Ruby.

Rub:Why me?(they leave)

Sapph: Okay what to do now?(grabs remote and turn TV on)

(there's some special on Tom and Bill talking about how different they are)

News Lady:The Kaulitz Twins. Which would you go for?

Sapph: (groans)Great more confusion!

Newsman:Tom the bad boy twin? All the girls melt.

New Lady: (laughs)Bill the sensitive twin? The guy that you can take home.

Sapph: Oh my god shut up!(buries head into her hands)

(they skip to the part when they ask fans who they would pick, there's a really slutty looking chick talking fast in German therefor she cant understand)

Sapph:She looks like Charlena.(laughs)

(the whole special is over and now they are doing some interview with some chick name Sasha...actress Sapphire is eating pizza. Not really paying attention. But they are talking in English)

Interviewer:So the question I've wanting to ask since you got here...(smiles)

Sasha:I already know.

Inter: Do you still keep in contact with Bill Kaulitz?

Sapph: (looks at the TV quickly)Huh?

Sasha:No i haven't really seen him around, you know touring and stuff. Me doing movies.(nods)


Inter:And Zia?

Sasha:Shes fine. I talk to her everyday, every chance i get.(smiles)

Inter:So her relationship with Tom and how it ended had no effect on your friendship?

Sasha: (shakes head)No No. No guy can come between us no matter who they are.

Interv: (fake smile)Thats nice. Now lets talk about this new movie-

Sapph: (turns off tv)O...kay...

(knock on the door)

Sapph:Coming!(puts pizza box on table and runs to open the door.)One disappointment after another.(sighs)What?

Rick: (smiles)Nice to see you too.(pushes door open and walks in, looks around)Wow nice.

Sapph: (closes door)

Rick:Why don't you come down with us?



Sapph:Because you're down there too.

Rick:Come on.(grabs her arm and pulls her to him)You still mad at me?(smirk)

Sapph: (pulls away)Why wouldn't i still be? You cheated on me. With Charlena of all people. I don't want you.

Rick: Oh you want that Kaulitz guy...the one with the dreads?

Sapph: (rolls eyes)Can you please just leave already?

Rick:I will but you will see me again.(leaves slamming the room door)

Sapph: (sighs and falls onto the couch)
♠ ♠ ♠
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