Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

What's With The Giggling?

*At the Pool*(1am)

Rodney's gangs, Jaslen and Ruby, C-Note. The guys are acting retarded in the pool.

Lena:Question? Ruby.


Lena:Which one of the Kaulitz is you sister with?


Cee: (sitting on the edge of the pool)Really? Okay. I seen her holding Tom's hand one night, then the next her and Bill are making out on the couch.

Jasl: Okay you're sooo overreacting!

Ci: (looks up from notebook)I agree.

Cee: Once again, no one asked you.

See:Ew it doesn't matter. They're all fags!

Lena:They are not. Whats with you?

Ci:Yeah you are usually all over a guy. Especially like
Tom or(dreamily)Georg...(smiles, sighs)

See: Oh ew again! And they are just not my type.

Rub: Dude you are the female version of Tom!

See: (roles eyes)Okay no one says anything about them 'boys' again tonight or i just might jump.

(they all look at her like 'What are you talking about')

Ali:You've spent too much time with Sapph and the twins.(laughs)
*At the Club*

Mickey is dancing with Georg, Zara dancing with some random guy, Bill is dancing with some fangurl that dragged him to the dance floor. Kayla and Tom sitting at the bar.

Kay:We have to talk about a person thats name starts with a 'S' and ends with fire.

Tom:What about her?(sips beer)

Kay:I know you like her. So why aren't you going after her?

Tom:My brother likes her, and obviously she likes him.

Kay:Actually tonight when we were all sitting in the living room, she kept staring at you. She would make sure you were looking before flirting with Bill. And Bill looks pretty happy with that fan girl.(they look over to see the chick pulling a 'Sapphire Move')Maybe it was just a one time thing for them.

Tom:Hm. Okay i will.(smiles)

Kay:We'll drink to that.(they clink their beer bottles together, her with a devious smile plastered on her face.)
What is she doing? Whats her plan?
Hey now we are gonna skip some weeks. They are now into their second month in Germany. Tokio Hotel left a week later. Mickey broke up with Rodney. Hayden and Ruby still aren't together. And basically everything is the same. Except they left the hotel they were at and went to another because Rickey had been 'stalking' Sapphire. They do what they came there to, party, and just spend the rest of the time they have together with before they go to college. They have been keeping in contact with the guys as much as they can and watch interviews and live performances. They also keep contact with Scoot. Jaslen's birthday is in 2 days. Oh Jaslen is dating Gustav. Sapphire dyed her hair a blue/black color and its straight with blue bangs to the side.
*Sapph and Kay Room*

7:12am Wednesday Morning

Kay: (bursts through Sapphire room door and jumps on the bed)Hey Sapph!!!

Sapph:What?! Get off my bed cant you see I'm still sleeping?(turns over)

Kay:But you have to wake up, telephone!(sits down with a flop)

Sapph:Tell Scoot I'll call him later!(pulls cover over her head)


Sapph: (takes covers off her head angrily)WHAT?!

Kay:It's Tom!

Sapph: (face lights up and grabs phone from Kayla, smiles)Hello.

Tom:I told her not to wake you.

Sapph:No I'm up.

Tom: (laughs)Yeah okay-What?-Hold on a second Sapph...(he puts the phone down but she can hear
whats going on in the background)

Bill:Who are you talking to so early? Shut up!

Tom:I'm talking to Sapphire.

Bill: (sits up out of bed)Really? Put her on speaker.

Kay: (whispering)Put him on speaker.

Sapph: (presses the button on the phone so they are on speaker)

Tom: Okay I'm back.

Bill:Me too. Did you see the interview last night?

Sapph:Yea i did. Awesome job! You know the whole 'groupie cover up' thing. That was funny!

Tom: (laughs)

Bill:That Rickey guy still stalking you?
Sapph:Nope! Happy!

Kay:He was getting ridiculous, man. Sending her stuff. It was crazy!

Sapph:Yea. I guess thats what happens when you are sexi like me. He he!

(they all laugh)

Kay:When will you guys be back?

Tom:Next week sometime.

Sapph:Aw Gustav will miss Jaslen's birthday.

Bill:We know. We wish we could be there.

Rub: (from front room)HEY WE'RE HERE!!! GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!

Sapph:Well we gotta go.

Kay:Yea loud mouth is here.(chuckles)

Bill: Okay. Talk to you later?

Sapph: (smiles)Yea. Bye guys.


Kay:Bye twins.(hangs up and sighs)

Sapph: (staring at Kayla)


(Ruby, Jaslen, Lani, Secret, and Zara burst into the room)

Zara:Hey bitches whats up?(they all sit on Sapphire's bed)

Sapph: (still staring at Kayla)

Rub:Whats wrong with her?

Sapph: (falls back onto pillow having a giggle fit)

(they all look at her like shes on crack)


(shes calm down a bit)

Sapph: (sit up and looks at them like that didn't just happen)Yes?

Lani:Girl you scaring me.

Sapph:What i do?

Jasl:Giggling like a crazy person.

Sapph: Oh sorry.(smiles and blushes)

Zara: (rolls eyes)Have you guys talked to the twins?

Kay:Just got off the phone with them. Where is my look alike?

Zara: On the phone...with Georg.(pissed look)

See:He's not all that. None of them are.

(they all look at her like this o_0)

Jasl: Okay you mean to tell me that you are not attracted to none of them?

See:Nope. None what so ever. Ruby isn't and you guys aren't grilling her about it.

Sapph:It's just that you seem to let every guy you meet.

See:I just don't like them from Ka'cee and Laci talk about them all the time. I get tired of seeing their posters everywhere i look when i go to Charlena's house-

Kay:Ew! I hope you didn't use her toilet!

(they all laugh)

See:I just wasn't looking forward to Charlena embarrassing us by being Miss Slutty Slut Slut. Ya know what i mean?


Jasl: (turns to Sapphire)Gusti wont be here for my birthday.(pouts)None of them.


Rub: Oh Sapph your girly boy anit coming. Aw...

Sapph:Shut up.

Lani:What is up with you two?

Sapph:No...(covers ears)I don't want to talk about that please...

Jasl:Come on. Just give us a hint or something.

Sapph: (uncovers ears and lays back on pillow)I don't even know myself.

Zara:I know he likes you.

Sapph:Kay, what you think?(sits up and look at her)

Kay:Um...i don't know.

Lani:Wow first time she hasn't had anything to say.
(Kay throws pillow at her)
*Next Day*

Ruby and Sapphire are at the mall getting Jaslen a gift for her birthday is tomorrow. It's just the two of them. Everyone else is back at the hotel at the pool.

Ruby: Ooh!!!(picks up a baby blue bikini)What about this? It is summer and she likes to swim.

Sapph:Yeah! It would look cute on her.


Sapph:What's up?(turn from rack)

Rub:You still don't know, do you?

Sapph: (shakes her head and looks at the ground)I don't wanna lead anyone on or anything. They are both really nice and sweet. Tom is seriously cocky and i love that about him. Then Bill is really...he like...just awesome. Nice, sensitive, caring. Tom i can laugh and joke with him, he is just awesome too. I can be myself around him. Not to mention HOTT! You know with two 'T's.(continues looking at suits)

Rub: (nods head)But this really isn't a big surprise that you cant choose. Well to me it isn't.

Sapph: (turns to look at her)What?(smiles)

Rub:What made you start liking him though?

Sapph:Remember that morning you called and i told you he had me kinda trapped in his arms?


Sapph:Then. When i actually looked at his face. No make up, hair flat, just sleeping there. When he woke up he said something in German. I have no idea what it meant but how he said it made me blush so hard.(sighs)

Rub: (smiles)What he say?

(they start looking at other racks of clothes with jeans and stuff)

Sapph:Uh...(thinks)Damn...uh-Oh! Bildschön. Or something like that.

Rub:Ha you said that like you've speaking German all your life. I know what it means though.(smirk)

Sapph: Oh my gos! Tell me and you will be my favorite sister!!!

Rub: (laughs)I'm you only sister. But okay I'll tell. It's really corny but him.


Rub:Beautiful or something like that!!.

Sapph: (smiles and giggles)

Rub:There you go again! With the giggling. What's wrong with you?(laughs)

Sapph: (roles eyes)

(Cell phone rings 'Touch My Body' Mariah Carey and they both look at each other.)

Rub:Is-is that your phone?

Sapph: (takes phone out of back pocket and answers on speaker)Hey Tom!

Tom:Hey what are doing?

Rub: (raises eye-brow)'Touch My Body'?(giggles)

Sapph:Shopping for Jaslen's present with Ruby. I have no idea what to get her.

Rub:Hey Tom you know what your ring tone is?

Sapph:Shut up Rub!

Tom: (laughs)What?

Rub: (starts dancing)Touch my body! Let me wrap my thighs all around your waist, just a little-OW![yep she punched her]

Tom: (laughing)

Sapph:No,shes lying.(laughs nervously)

Tom:Well i think you should get her something pink.
She always wear pink.

Sapph:I'll get her a pink bikini...for Gustav. He he.

Tom:Hey when is your 18th birthday?

Sapph:Next month, actually.

Tom:Hmm. I'm gonna have to get you something.

Sapph:Aw. So sweet.

(they continue talking on the phone the whole ride back but Bill has joined the conversation. Ruby being retarded. They get to their floor walking down the hallway)

Sapph: Okay I'll talk to you later.

Rub:By guys.

Both:Bye.(hangs up)

Sapph: (puts phone into her back pocket)

Rub:They are fun to talk to on the phone.

Sapph:I know.(smiles)

(they past by Jaslen in the hallway kissing Gustav...wait Gustav?)

Sapph:Is that Gustav?

Rub:I thought...

(Sapphire and Ruby enters the living of the room)

Sapph:Kayla was i imagining things or was Jaslen in the hallway making out with Gus-....

Tom: (stand up, he was sitting on the couch)Hey.(smiles)

Sapph: (shes practically knocks him over when she jumps on him and hugs him)

Kay:Well i knew you would be happy but not that happy.(laughs)

Sapph: (lets go of him)What are you guys doing here? I thought you wasn't suppose to be back until like next week.

Tom:We are done.

(its weird she didn't even see Bill standing by Tom when she jumped on him)

Sapph: (hugs Bill)

Bill:You dyed your hair.(touches the bangs)


Shiane:I like it like that its cute.

Jasl: (comes in with Gustav but spots Hottopic, Wet Seal, and PacSun bags)Yay!!!(runs for the bags but Ruby tackles her)

Rub:You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow.

(they are wrestling now, well more like slapping each other playfully. Until Jaslen finally gives up)

Jasl:Aw forget it.(sits on couch)

(knock on the door)

Sapph:I'll get it.(runs and opens door)Aw...what?

Lena:I wanted to ask you guys something.

Sapph: (opens door wider so she can come in)

(she does so and goes into the living room where the others are)

Mick:What do you want?

Lena:Uh...Rickey, Ka'Cee, and I were wondering if we could come to the party tomorrow.

Zara:Well thats up to Jalsen, i mean its her party.

(everyone looks at her)

Jasl:I don't want any drama. Rickey can not harass Sapphire, Ka'Cee cant be in bitch mode, and you...

Lena:I've never did anything to you guys.

Sapph: OH PLEASE!!!

Tom: (laughs and pulls her in his lap)

Lena: (gets this pissed look then shakes it off)I'll be nice to her if shes nice to me.



Jasl:You gonna be nice.

Sapph:I'm always nice.

Jasl: (gives her a look like 'yea right')

Sapph: Okay I'll be nice. Gosh.

Jasl: Okay you can come.

Lena:Awesome!(jumps up and down)Thanks.(runs out the door)

Kay: Drama!

Rub:That girl is gonna end up arguing with someone
and that someone's name is Sapphire.

Sapph: Oh come on i can control my tempter.

Bill: (sarcastically)Yea you can.(smiles)

Sapph:Ha whatever. Its not my fault she pisses me off.

Tom:Why don't you like her so much?

Zara:Hey lets not get on that subject right now.

Sapph: (mouths words 'Thank you, i owe you')

Shiane:Chilax and watch a movie. Georg order us some pizza.

Sapph:Good idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
END of this chapter.
Coming up in the next chapter:
Jalsen's birthday party and we find out what happened between Sapphire, Rickey, and Charlena.

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