Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

Bill Kaulitz...Stuck By Lightening?

*Skip To Saturday Morning*(11am)
(Wow Kay actually kept her promise and didn't have not one drink. They are now in the living room watching music videos.)
Kay: Oh my god is he not perfection?
('Ready, Set, Go' Is on the TV)
Sapph: Would you stop? He looks like a girl!
Kay: Lets get someone else's opinion. MA!
(A short lady with long dark brown hair appears from the kitchen)
Mom: Yes Kay?
Kay: Okay you see the person singing?
Mom: (Spanish accent)Yeah she is stunning. But whats wrong with her hair?(speakers Spanish)Stuck by lightening?
Sapph: (bursts out laughing on couch)
Kay: Ma thats Bill Kaulitz. You know Tokio Hotel?
Mom: Oh really?(funny look)Huh...(goes back into the kitchen)
Sapph: (still laughing)
Kay: (mocks laughter)I know something we both can laugh at. hahahaha. Rod asked you out.
Sapph: (stops laughing, and glares at her)
Kay: (smirk)
Sapph: Shut up.(sigh)Can you believe the last day of school is Yesterday?
Kay: No but I'm happy. But I'm also kinda sad. Our Scoot is leaving us, Sapph.
Sapph: Yeah i know. But I'm not thinking about that right now because i have him all to myself tonight and you have him Sunday.
Kay: Yep. O i wonder what my graduation present is gonna be I'm so excited.
Sapph: Me too. My dad said he's giving it to me after graduation. Man i cant even believe i even made it this far. You too with all the drinking you did this year.
Kay: Oh i didn't drink that much.
Sapph: Okay whatever you say.
Mom: Okay girls lunch is ready!
(Sapph starts to get up but is pushed by Kay)
Kay: OH FOOD!!(runs into kitchen)
Sapph: (shakes head)
*That Night*(Scooter's House 5:21pm)
(Sapphire and Scooter are in his room. They are suppose to be watching a movie but all they've been doing is talking, about old stuff.)
Sapph:Remember when we had that huge food fight in grade 4...
Scoot:That Rod started. Yeah it was awesome!(smiles)
Scoot:I'm gonna miss you more than anybody.
Sapph:I'm gonna miss you too, Scooter.
Scoot:I wanna give you something.(goes over to his dresser)
Sapph:What? I should be getting you something.
Scoot: (pulls a small envelop and walks over to her)
Sapph: (stands up, she was sitting on the floor)
Scoot:You cant open it until your dad gives you your graduation present okay.
Sapph: Okay.(smiles and hugs him. Zara walks in while they are hugging)
Zara:Aw i knew you guys would get together, too bad its too late, huh?
Sapph:Shut up dumb ass i was just thanking him for my graduation present.
Zara: Oh.
Scoot:What do you want Zara?
Zara:I just wanted to let you the people from the school called and you have to be their Monday afternoon.
Scoot: Damn. I wont get to spend time with Kay.
Sapph:Yes you will.(takes out cell phone. dials Kay's # rings once and she picks up.)
Kay:Whats up Sapph?!
Sapph:Hey get your ass to Scoot's house now. We are having a sleepover.
Kay:Yay!!(hangs up)
Sapph: (hangs up)Shes on her way!
(Okay Kay gets there and they have fun talking about old times and stuff, thats what they do the rest of the night.)
*Monday Before Graduation*
(Scooter has already left. Kay and Sapph are in the bathroom putting on their makeup)
Kay:So Scoot gave you an envelop and told you not to open it until after you dad gives you his present?
Kay:He did the same to me.
Sapph: (looks at Kay)Hmm.(gasp)Kayla!
Kay:What i mess up something?(looks in mirror)
Sapph:No you look so pretty!
Kay:I know!(grabs picture and takes a picture of herself in the mirror)
Sapph: (smiles)We better get going so we wont be late.(they walk out to Sapphire's car)
(okay we gonna skip the whole grad thing to when everybody is crying and taking pictures)
Kirsten: (Kay's mom)Okay girls come here.
Malcom: (Sapph's Dad holding up camera)Get together.
(Sapphire, Mickey, and Kayla, do their usual pose. Sapphire and Mickey with the 'Peace Sign' and Kayla with the 'Horns')
Malcom: Okay say 'We're Going To Germany'!
All 3:We're going to Ger-(Shocked/Excited look)Germany?(Screams!!! and Malcom takes the picture)
Mickey:We're going to Germany?!(they all jump up and down and hug each other.)
Kirsten:Mickey go get the girls and tell them to meet us at 'Green' in an hour. Okay?
Mickey: Okay.(bounces away!)
Sapph: (hugs her dad)Thank you daddy so so SO much!!! I love you!!!!
Malcom:Love ya too.
Sapph: (pulls away and her and Kayla screams again and dances around while people are looking at them)
Kayla: (turns to a woman who is staring at them)We goin to Germany!!(continues dancing)
(They reserved a huge table for all of then to sit at. There's Sapphire, Ruby and their dad, Mickey and Kayla and their mom, Zara, Jaslen and her parents, and Rodney and his mom)
Sapph: (whispering to Mickey and Kayla)What the hell is Rodney doing here?
Both: (strug shoulders)
Jaslen:You guys are going to Germany, thats so cool.
Mickey:Man i know!
Malcom: Okay everyone quiet down, it's now time for the girls to open their envelops from Scooter.
Kay:Yeah.(they take out the envelops)
(they open them at the same time)
Sapph: Oh my fucking god!!!
Malcom:Watch your language sweetie.
Kay: (mouth open in total shock)
Ruby:Well...what is it?
Kay: (face turns red)
Zara:Is it what i think it is?
Rod:Let me guess...
Kay: (screams! and holds it for a long time, it finally ends with a little squeal)
Kirsten:What is it?
Sapph:Tokio Hotel Tickets!!!
Kay:And $2,000!! Shopping money!!
Sapph: Oh my god, i feel so spoiled right now.
Malcom:Wait thats not it.
Kay:Theres more. Man it cant get any better than this.
Kirsten: Oh but it can.
Cassie(Jaslen's mom) :You see we dont want you girls in a country all alone so...Ruby, Jaslen, and Zara are going with you and their going to the concert with you!(smiles)
Zara: Oh my gawd!!!!!
Jaslen:We're all going to Germany!!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Well it was boring to me...