Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

Elevators Are Deadly & Good Luck!

*In Sapph and Kay's Room*(Mid Day)
(Jaslen and Ruby are there too)

Jaslen: (fall on Kay's Bed)I love you guys room!

(snuggles pillow)

Kay: (pulling her up from the bed)Oh no you don't! If you're tired, go to your room. I'm fixing to crash, seriously tired!(fall back on bed)

Ruby: (dragging a sleepy Jaslen with her)Okay guys I'll see you in a couple of hours.
Sapph:Bye.(fall on bed)

(Ruby and Jaslen leave the room)

Sapph: Oh my god, Kay! Can you believe we're in Germany?!




Sapph: (sits up and looks over at Kay)
Kay: (snoring)
Sapph: (chuckles to herself and lays back down)
*Jaslen and Ruby*(POV,On the way to the elevator)
Ruby: (dragging Jaslen to the elevator)Come on Jas I'm tired. Its the only way to get to our room, unless you wanna climb up a bunch of stairs to the 25th floor?

Jaslen:No. But i don't wanna die on an elevator either.
Ruby: (lets go of her arm)Okay. Jaslen you are gonna have to face this fear. We are gonna be here for 2 months.
(they get to the elevator and she presses the button to bring it to them)

Jasl: (whines)
Ruby:Jas, you can do it.(the elevator arrives and opens)You can do it.

Jasl: (exhales deeply)I can do it!

(they walk onto the elevator and Jaslen quickly runs to the back-end of it. She holds onto the rail and the doors close)

Ruby: (goes to the back with her and holds her hand)You can do it, Jas.
Jasl: (quick breathing, eyes closed)Oh my god! I cant do this!

(the elevator stops but not on their floor)

Jasl: (eyes still closed)Our floor?
Ruby:No 20th, somebody else is fixing to get on i guess.

(the doors open and a dude with a cap on enter the elevator. He's blond and kind of short compared to Jaslen. He turns to Ruby and says with a German accent...)

Guy:What floor?
Ruby: (turns from Jaslen who is panicking....she notices who it is. It's Gustav!!!!!)Uh...25th.
Gus: (presses the button and looks at the panicking Jaslen)Is she okay?

Ruby:She's afraid of elevators.
Gus: Oh.(faces the front of the elevator)
Ruby: (whispering)Oh my god Jas!
Jasl:What is something wrong?(opens her eyes)
Ruby: (still whispering)Look over there.(points to Gustav)
Jasl: (looks in his direction, whispering)Is that...?
Jasl: (fixing to go all fangirl and ask for an autograph, but Ruby grabs her arm)What are you doing?

Ruby:Not being embarrassed.
Jasl: (loudly)But i want his autograph!
Gus: (looks at them and smiles)
Ruby:Hey Jas did you forget we're on an elevator.
Jasl:Huh...(looks around)I don't care, give me a sharpie out of your purse.
Ruby:Why would i have a my purse?
Jasl:You're Ruby!

(Ruby starts going through her purse when the elevator stops on their floor)

Jasl:Aw great! Now i cant get it!(they start walking out , Gustav walks out too.)

Gus:Hey blond!
Jasl: (turns around)
Gus: (signals her to come over)
Jasl: (pushes Ruby to get over to Gustav)Yes?
Gus:Whats your name?
Gus:Well..(takes off his hat and puts it on her head)here you go Jaslen.

Jasl: (smiles even bigger)Thanks!
Gus: (blushes,walks into the other direction)
Jasl: (turns toward Ruby, and runs to her and they hug like crazy people.)
Ruby: Did that just happen?
Jasl:Yes and i cant sleep now!
Ruby:Me either!(they run back to the elevator)
*Mickey and Zara*(POV.In their room.)
(Zara is sleeping cause she was awake most of the flight. Mickey is watching music videos. They are showing 'Cap Song' Samy Deluxe and she is cracking up)

Zara: (sits up in the bed)What the hell Mickey? Why are you laughing so loud?
Mick: (points to the T.V)
Zara: (burst out laughing)

(someone starts bagging on the door yelling 'Mickey!)

Mick: (runs to open the door and open it. Jaslen and Ruby comes running through the door)Whats wrong with you guys?!
Jasl: (face red and excited)
Zara: (walks over to them)More like whats wrong with her.(looking at Jaslen weirdly)
Ruby:You will never guess what just happened to her!
Mick:Well tell us!
Ruby:I'll tell all when we get to my sister's room!
Zara: Okay?

(they all leave to go to Sapphire and Kayla's room. But they take the stairs so it wont have to wait for the elevator)
*Sapph and Kay's Room*
Sapph: (snoring)
Kay: (snoring loudly)

(knock on the door)

Sapph: (snoring)
Kay: (snoring louder)

(harder knock)

Sapph: (snoring)
Kay: (dino snoring)

(kick, bag on the door)

Sapph: (startled rolls off the bed onto the floor tangled in sheets)What the fuck?!
Ruby: (from outside the door)OPEN THE DOOR!
Sapph: (runs and opens the door and all 4 run into the room)Whats going on?
Mick:They said they couldn't tell us until we all were in the room.
Zara:And that its pinch worthy.
Sapph:So what is so important that you woke me up?
Jasl: (still red faced)
Sapph:And whats wrong with her?
Kayla: (snoring)
Sapph: Oh.(goes and shakes Kay)Get up!(pulls cover off her)
Kay: (whines)No!!!!(sits up)What?
Sapph:Look at Jaslen's face.
Kay: (looks at the red faced Jaslen)Oh my god!

(they all come sit on Kayla's bed)

Sapph:Jas what happened.
Jasl: (shakes her head with the biggest smile on her face, points to the hat that Gustav gave her, then points to Ruby)

(they all look at Ruby)

Kay: (roles eyes)Rub what happened?
Ruby: Okay you see that hat on her head?
Ruby:We were on the elevator right, and she was panicking-
Jasl: (talking fast)Gustav gave it to me!(big smile)

(they all look at her like 'What?!')

Kay:Gustav who?(she looks like shes gonna explode)
Ruby: Drummer of Tokio Hotel Gustav!
Kay:He gave you his hat?!
Kay: Did he go into a room?
Ruby:Yeah but-
Kay:Which one?
Jaslen: Down the hall from me, 25th floor.
Kay: Don't you get it? If Gustav is here then...
Mick and Sapph:Kay...
Kay:Bill is here too!!!!(gets up off the bed)
Sapph:No don't go stalker girl on me.
Kay:I'm not i just wanna see him up close.
Jasl:I don't care i already got what i wanted!!!(smiles really big)

(they all look at her crazy like Gustav's ugly or something.[me:He sexy!])

Kay:You like Gustav?
Jasl: (giggles)
Sapph:Anyways.(turns to Kayla)You are not going up their unless it's important, okay? Okay we need to go shopping, I'm going to take a shower and you all need to get ready too.

All: Okay!
Sapph:And Kayla?
Sapph: Don't leave this room!
Kay: (folds arms)Okay.

(the other leave to their rooms to get ready and Sapphire goes to take her shower)
*At the Mall*(3:26pm)
(Rodney is with them since he is their body guard. They being retarded just going into random stores.)

Zara: (flirting with some old guy)
Mick: Oh no shes doing it again.
Sapph:Make her stop!
Rub:Uh..i got it! Zara!
Zara: (turns around to look at Ruby)Yeah?
Rub:Quit flirting with old guys or we wont take you to Wet Seal!
Zara: (eyes go big)No!(runs over to them)

(they all burst out laugh while shoppers just stare at them)

[me:is there is Wet Seals in Germany?? o_O]

Rod:You guys are so embarrassing.(shakes his head and puts his arm around Mickey)
Sapph: Okay guys we need to find Hot Topic. The concert is tomorrow, i have to find something.
Jasl:Um..maybe i can find it.(looks at the map thingy on the wall)
Kay:How can you, the directions are in German?
Jasl:It's just a little farther down their.(points in the direction)
Rub:You know German?
Jasl:Yeah. Zack tough me.
All: Oh...!

(they all walk to where she said Hot Topic would be. There it was, those red sexy letters. They all, including Rodney ran into the store)

Jasl:This hoodie is just too cute.(hold up a pink, black, and white hoodie with ears on the hood)
Mick:Yeah it would look good on you.
Rod: Oh yea Jas, I've been meaning to ask you something.
Rod:Whats with the ugly hat?
Jasl: (blushes, smiles)I got it from Gustav. The drummer from Tokio Hotel. And its not ugly!
Rod:You like Gustav?(starts looking at belts)I thought you would like uh...whats his name? The one with the weird hair, looks like a girl?
Rod:Yeah thats it.
Kay:He doesn't look like a girl!
Jasl:Nah. I like how Gustav doesn't wanna be in the lime light you know? He's shy.
Rub:Yeah i noticed you both were blushing like crazy.
Jasl: (blushes)He cute.(starts looking for shoes)
Kay:Not fair!(whining)I wanna meet Bill!(people start staring at her)

Mick:Stop it Kay, people are staring.
Rub: Okay tomorrow night after the concert, everyone can stay in our room.
Jasl:Except Rodney of course he's already on our floor.
Rub:How about that?
Kay: Okay.(grins like a mad woman)
Sapph:I'll just stay in my room, i really don't care. I'll just chill and watch movies, you know. Enjoy the peace and quiet of Kayla not obsessing over Bill.(smirks at Kayla)

Kay:Ha Ha, whatever.(grabs a pair of heels)
Zara: Oh hot heels.
Kay: Oh yes yes.(they all laugh and go to pay for their stuff and walk out of the mall)

Sapph:That was fun. Thank you Scoot! Thank you parents!
All:Thanks Parents!
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