Status: In the process of writing Chapter 14 8/28/09

Nothing Like 'Reden'...

6-Panicking Twins In A Bathroom...

*Ruby and Jaslen Room*(about an hour later)

(Yeah Sapphire is there. When she first got there everyone asked her what made her change her mind. She just said she was bored. She didn't tell them about meeting you-know-who on the elevator. Kayla is now drunk out of her mind. Rodney ended up staying too.)

Kay: (slurring)I thought you said we would see Bill! I see no Bill anywhere.(falls off bed)



Mick:Kay?(they all get off bed to check on her, she passed out)

Zara:Shes okay. So Sapph...?
Zara:I've been meaning to ask...(they sit back on the bed)
Sapph:Then ask.
Zara:Why was your face all red when you came in?
Sapph:It wasn't.
Ruby:Uh yeah it was.
Sapph:Uh...what are we doing tomorrow?
Rod:I don't care i just have to guard you guys. I'm going to my room.(pulls Mickey up)Lets go.
Rod:We are going to sleep.(ha yeah right!)
Mick: (roles eyes)Whatever. Bye guys.

(they leave the room)

Zara:It would be awesome if we meet them.
Sapph:Gosh why are you guys making such a big deal out of meeting them?(lays back in bed)
Zara:Cause they are 4 of the hottest guys I've ever seen.
Rub:I don't care. I'm happy that i even got to go to the concert.

(cell phone rings 'If You're Happy and You Know It')
(everyone looks at each other and burst out laughing. It's Ruby's phone)

Rub: (answers)Hello?
Malcom:Hey sweetie! How's Germany?!
Rub:Hey dad! Awesome! I love it.(puts him on speaker)
Sapph:Hi daddy!
Malcom:Hey Sapph! Did you girls have fun at the concert?
Sapph:The best concert I've been to.(smiles)
Malcom: (chuckles)I'm glad you had fun. I'm gonna let you go. You need your sleep. And tell Jaslen her mother wants her to call.
Rub: Okay bye dad.
Sapph:Good night Daddy!

(he hangs up)

Sapph: Okay you heard dad, lets sleep. I'm tired.
*Next Day*(1:32pm)

(Yeah the slept that long. Kayla is still sleeping in Ruby's room. Sapphire and the others went back down to their rooms to get a shower and dressed. Sapphire is on her way back to Ruby and Jaslen's room. She has on a black hoodie and a part of hello kitty sleeping shorts)

Sapph: (fixing to walk in the door when)

Tom:Sapphire, right?
Sapph: (thinking)Be cool.(turns around)Yep. May i help you?
Tom: (walks up to her)Me and the guys wanted to know if you were doing anything today.
Sapph:Me and my friends were going to do some sight seeing. What did you have in mind?
Tom:Actually the same.(smiles)
Sapph: Okay, come in. I gotta wake up Kayla.(they go into the room)Kayla get your ass up!(picks up someones heel and throw it at her)
Jasl: (comes out of the bathroom, fully dress with Gustav's hat on)Don't i look...(sees Tom)sexy? What the hell?

Sapph:Jas since when do you use that kind of language?(laughs)
Kay: (roles off the bed and sits up on the floor)OW!(rubs head)What time is it?

Ruby: (comes in the room and gives Kayla a glass of water and an aspirin)Almost 2pm.
Kay:What? Damn i gotta stop drinking.(she still haven't seem Tom standing in there,takes the aspirin)
Sapph:Are you going with us today?
Kay:Yeah. I just need to take a shower and get sexy. You never know who we might see.(stands up and walks into the bathroom)
Sapph:I'll bring your clothes in for you.(turns to Tom)Watch her face when she comes out.
Tom:Is she gonna jump on me?(smirk)
Sapph:No she might scream.
Jasl:Is he coming?
Tom:And the others.
Ruby:I don't think she should come with us. Kayla.
Sapph: Oh yea. She is kinda...whats the word?
Ruby: Obsessed.
Sapph:Yeah obsessed with your brother. It scares me sometimes.
Tom:It cant be that bad.
Sapph: Okay...(grabs Kayla's clothes)Don't say i didn't warn you.(goes into the bathroom)
Tom: (shakes his head)
Ruby: (walk over to Tom)Since my rudeness sister didn't introduce us...
Jasl: (walks over too)
Ruby:I'm Ruby.
Jasl:I'm Jaslen.
Tom: Oh you're Jaslen! The girl that Gustav's been talking about.
Jasl:He-he's been talking about me?
Tom:Yeah. And that hat looks better on you.(smirks)
Jasl: (blushes, giggles and goes into the kitchen part of the suite)
Ruby: (roles eyes)
Kay: (coming out of the bathroom)What the hell, Sapph?(says something in Spanish)Why you rushing?

Sapph:You take 48 hours in the bathroom. There's only 24 in a day. You look fine. Now let me introduce you to someone.
Kay:If its not Bill i don't care.
Kay:What?(turns around and looks at Tom)Oh my-
Sapph:They are taking us sight seeing today.
Kay:Th-they? Wh-Who?
Tom:Georg, Gustav, and-
Kay: (runs into the bathroom)Shit!
Kay: (from bathroom)Just let me fix my make up. And I'll be out.
Sapph: (roles eyes)

(Tom and Sapph walks into the living room part to watch some TV until Kay is ready, Ruby is too)
(knock on the door)

Jasl:I'll get it.(opens door)
Zara:Hey!(her, Rodney, and Mickey walk into the room)
Mick:What you guys doing?
Jasl:Well(closes door)today is going to be a very interesting day. Kayla is prob in the bathroom panicking right now.
Zara:Why she panicking?
Jasl: (grabs their hands and pulls them into the living room, Tom and Sapph are having a nice convo, one can only guess what about)

Sapph:Fuck that man i would have.(they both laugh)
Tom:I thought she would right there.
Sapph:You brother is crazy. But has great self-control.
Mick:Is that who i think that is?(squeals)Wheres my twin?
Mick: (runs to check on Kayla)
Rod: Oh Sapph you being a groupie? I'm telling Scoot.
Sapph: (stands up)Shut up asshole. Tell Scoot, he's not my daddy. You should be the one worrying. Georg is coming too. HA!(sits back by Tom)
Ruby:Yeah they're all coming.
Rod: Oh god Kayla is gonna go crazy.(laughs)I cant wait!
Tom:I'm getting scared for Bill.(laughs)
Zara:Maybe her sister can calm her down.

(Mickey and Kayla come out of the bathroom)

Kayla:Sorry i was so...fangirly. I'm Kayla.
Tom: (stands up and shakes her hand)Tom.
Mickey:I'm the calm twin, Mickaylah. But you can call me Mickey.(smiles)
Rod:Ha yeah.(pulls Mickey away)I'm Rodney.
Sapph: (giggles)

(Rodney's cell phone rings)

Rod:I'll be right back.(kisses Mickey on the cheek and leaves the room)

Sapph:Let me know if anyone harasses you. I'm just going to change.(grabs clothes and walks into the bathroom)
Tom: (looks around at the 5 girls)So...
*Rodney Phone Convo*(Outside Room)

(they have him on speaker)

Ali:Yeah, where are you? I haven't seen you in two days.
Zack: (German accent)What the fuck are you doing in Germany?
Rod:My mom made me come so i could watch after Mickey and her friends.
Charlena:Wow that close to Tokio Hotel. I'd die.
Rick:You getting paid for this?

Rod:Mickey's paying, if you know what I'm saying. She had to after i went to that Tokio Hotel concert. But lets not talk about that. What did you guys do?

Charlena:We gotta get out of the country.
Rod:How is Lani taking this?
Hayden:A mess. But shes gotta come with us, shes a witness.
Rod:Um...Germany! Come to Germany. Jaslen, Lani's cousin is here.
Jay:Where are we gonna stay?
Rod:You guys are rich, you can find a place. Stay at the same hotel as us.
Charlena:Uh...C-Note is going to Germany. We can go with them.
Ali:I cant stand them but...i guess.
Rod: Okay call when you get here. Find a story and stick to it. Calm Lani down. I gotta go.
All:Bye Rod!(hangs up)
Rod:Shit!(goes back into the room)
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please?

Sapphire is being quite tame, at the moment.