It Cannot Get Any Worse

"I Got Him!"

Todd had just regained his balance. No more games he thought to himself as he went back toward the hallway his finger already squeezing the trigger. Time to take out the whole room. The door at the end of the hallway was closed. He froze as he heard “Police. Don’t move or I will shoot!” from right behind him. Todd glanced back and looked into the barrel of a shotgun held by a young female cop. Her grip was steady and the gun was not shaking at all. Todd did not think he could turn and fire before the cop dropped him. The door on the side burst open and a guy leveled a cross bow at him. Todd dropped the gun and raised his hands and said “Don’t shoot, I give.”

“I got him.” The guy with the crossbow snarled with a grin. He did not see the policewoman with a shotgun pointed at Todd.