It Cannot Get Any Worse

The Escape

Darrin heard Todd yell “empty room” from the other side of the stairway. Stupid to yell and alert everyone where he was. Silent and unseen is the smart agent's way. If that room was empty, the target must be with the crossbow guys or maybe in some room behind them. Darrin decided he did not like the odds of trying to shoot five or six guys with crossbows before one of them shot him. Even if they were terrible shots, they could not miss all the time could they? Eventually he would run out of bullets, then what? How many did he have left? His Para 1911 held 14 rounds. Two at the dog, then five, or was it six?, at the people throwing the giant arrows. He might have six or seven rounds left to take out five armed guys without getting shot. Not likely. He was an enforcer, not Wyatt Earp. Darrin wondered how much damage a crossbow bolt would do. He looked at the bolts stuck into the storage bin and shelf and decided they would probably do a lot of damage at such short range, maybe more than the .45 acp.

Darrin considered going to get Todd or calling him over. Why was he wasting precious seconds in an empty room? Just then he heard a loud horn, then a shot, a scream and another shot. Seconds later he heard “Police, don’t move or I will shoot.” He heard a door smash open and another voice said “Don’t move” then he heard Todd say “Don’t shoot, I give up.” A male voice said "I got him!"

Darrin heard the female cop voice snarl “Lower your weapon.” then “Get out of here.” That sounded like a good idea. This deal was blown. The only option now was to try to escape. From the sound of things, there were two or more policemen in the house and they had already nailed Todd In the next room. Darrin had five guys with crossbows through the doorway to his right and in front of him and dared not fire his gun because it would summon the cops. This was too big a mess to just surrender, do a little time, and get back to the Family in a year or so like Noah did. This was big time. This was life. And the Family might not look after him after this mess. In fact, they would likely put him down. His one hope was to get out somehow, although it seemed unlikely. Darrin looked around. At the back of the laundry room was a white metal door. It locked from the inside. That meant it might lead outside somehow, but from a basement?

Aiming his gun through the open door to the crossbow room, Darrin slipped to the white metal door and opened it. There was nothing but a concrete stairway that led into darkness. Darrin closed the door behind him and felt his way up the stairs. The entire area was thickly coated with spider webs. Darrin flinched as he waved his arms in the dark trying to clear them. At the top of the stairs, was some kind of metal trap door. Darrin was able to figure out the latch by feel and pushed the metal door open with a creak. Darrin stepped out into the driveway at the side of the house.