It Cannot Get Any Worse

"I don't do Guns."

As Cjersti Chapman snapped her last pair of handcuffs on the guy on the floor, one of Terrence’s boys appeared in a doorway at the end of the hallway. “Dad’s in here, get. . .” then he looked around at the otherwise empty game room. “Where are the rest of the cops?”

“Coming” (I hope) Cjersti added silently. She knew there must be more of these guys around. She had heard shots and screaming out back as she jumped down the steps. Cjersti looked up from handcuffing the perp. The boy was wearing a large metal disk hanging from a strap around his neck. She realized it was a 45 pound cast iron weightlifting disk, but it was bent. How do you bend a disk of that size and what on earth was he wearing that for? A shooting on Grosse Ile was unheard of as it was, but what was going on here? She had seen the guys running around at Terrence’s house in the toga things or whatever they were before, it was some sort of history club. But that does not explain the other weirdness she had encountered in the last ten minutes. Crossbows? Giant arrows in the woods? Now a kid trailing an IV line stuck in his arm and wearing a bent 45 pound weight disk like it was some sort of necklace or medal. The weirdness never seemed to end in this place. What would appear next? Maybe a giant fuzzy pink bunny would walk into the room and start dancing.

Dr. Brosnan stepped into the hallway next to the boy. “We need someone else to give him blood.” he told the boy, “You are about done.”

“Take his gun and hold him here” Cjersti snapped at Brosnan while pointing at the gun on the floor in front of Dr. Brosnan. The doctor shook his head and said to wait. He turned back into the room and said something, then he came down the hallway holding a hypodermic needle.

“This man is going to hurt himself he is so frantic and struggling in those handcuffs. He could do serious harm to himself” the Doctor said. Cjersti looked at the man in handcuffs. He was laying on the floor, not moving. Dr. Brosnan gave the man a shot in his arm. “This will calm him and keep him from injuring himself” Cjersti looked up at the doctor who caught her eye and smiled. “I don’t do guns” he said softly. “He is going to take a nap now. You can go.” Cjersti turned and ran back up the stairs and nearly ran right into Terrence’s other son who was charging through the house to the basement. “Go help Dr. Brosnan watch the guy downstairs.” Cjersti snapped as the boy ran by. She should have given him the perp’s gun. The boy could handle a gun well. Cjersti had seen him at the indoor range in Taylor from time to time when she was practicing or qualifying. He was a better shot than most cops she knew.