It Cannot Get Any Worse

Happy Birthday Kid

Barney had removed his head and the bald older man inside the Barney costume was profusely apologizing to everyone. :This guy is new and I do to even know him. He ate some bad Ho Hos and he is sick or something, and I have no idea who that other guy was. He definitely does not work for us."

Janice had grabbed some ice from the fridge and was holding it to Mr. O'Conner's face. The young man who was supposed to be the bunny had run back into the house and disappeared into the bathroom. Another dad was cursing at his phone. He called out: “They said the police are all tied up with some sort of emergency and cannot address the theft of a Bunny costume right now. I am going to have some words with the township supervisor on Monday. Like they have something bigger to deal with than what just happened! Come on Blaze, we are going home...Happy birthday, Trinity...”

Trinity started crying louder. That is exactly what that stupid bunny said when he ruined her party. He looked right at her and muttered “Happy Birthday, Kid” just before he stole Trevor's bicycle and rode off. Trinity hoped she would never have another birthday ever again, this was so embarrassing

Two kids had jumped on their bicycles and went riding after the crazy bunny man. Their parents screamed for them to come back and took off running after them on foot. The rest of the guests were getting into their cars after several sarcastic "Happy Birthday" wishes to Trinity. No one wanted to get involved when the police arrived, they might be asked to be a witness or something. Who has time for that?

Janice was ticked. She was going to call a lawyer on Monday morning and she would end up owning Barney and Bunny Inc. What the heck was all that? Maybe she would call that Terrence guy around the corner and down Riverfront drive a way, he was a lawyer, wasn't he?