It Cannot Get Any Worse


Quiet place huh? No one will be around? Riverfront road was like driving on a sidewalk during an art festival. Kids on bicycles, skateboards, people walking dogs, jogging, roller skating, fishing. Darrin wanted to roll down the window and tell them this is a fucking road, not a playground. How the hell was he supposed to quietly hit a guy with 600 people wandering around on the street?

When there were no people, the road seemed to be full of wild animals. Groups of deer sprinted across the road in front of them twice. He had to stop for a flock of geese to get out of the way once. "Just hit them" Bobby demanded. Yeah Bobby that is what we want, drive up to the target in a car covered with blood and feathers, that will take him unawares. Darrin just did not answer. Then a small dog ran out in front of them. Darrin slammed on the brakes. Bobby swore, Ely said "oh a fox!"

Bobby said "Hit it. It is a dog, I fucking hate dogs." Ely said "A fox is more of a cat than a dog." Bobby and Ely began arguing over whether a fox is a dog or a cat. Ely suggested they stop and pick it up so they could see whether it was more of a cat than a dog. This really got Bobby going even though the fox had crossed the road almost half a mile behind them by now. Darrin knew Bobby was terrified of dogs, but a fox? Come on Bobby, I thought you were supposed to be some kind of badass killer. Darrin said nothing and just let them argue while he tried his best not to pull his gun out and shoot them both. These two were incredibly unprofessional and annoying.

Bobby was looking at all the boats tied up at the docks along the West side of the road, and pointing out the biggest ones. He asked Darrin how big Darrin's boat was and started giggling. Booby said: "Have you seen Noah's boat Darrin? Noah has a big cool boat, I bet you just have a little one." Bobby stared giggling wildly again. Darrin glanced at Ely. Ely tapped the gun tucked into his waistband and looked at Darrin questioningly. Darrin shook his head and kept driving, or rather dodging.

Driving on this road was like a dodge em video game. Darrin was not even sure you could call it a road, it was so full of potholes that it was almost impassible. Darrin crawled along at fraction of the posted speed limit. He had to drive in the middle of the road at times just to stay on something resembling pavement. In other places, he had to drive through potholes on the wrong side of the road in order to avoid the craters on his side. In between he was dodging kids and animals. Bobby was getting thrown around in the back seat, and cursing every time Darrin was forced to swerve. Darrin told him to buckle his seat belt. Bobby grumbled but complied. This was maddening. Darrin already hated this place and he had more than a mile to go.