It Cannot Get Any Worse


Cassandra Toller-Lehrer got home from her self-defense class and found Timothy was gone for the day. His note said he had to take some potential investors from China on a tour of the local Walgreen’s stores. Cassandra was a bit annoyed, he apparently had forgotten to tell her about this, again. His promotion to regional vice president came with upsides and down sides. When Cassandra was promoted to VP of public relations and ethics at Benchman, they had both committed to try to avoid working on weekends so they would have more time together. It was difficult, their promotions made their jobs almost as time consuming as when they were both teachers. Cassandra barely had time for the self-defense classes Timothy insisted she take after the carjacking. He wanted to teach her to use a gun, but she refused. However the self-defense classes were interesting. The next carjacker who decided Cassandra was an easy target was in for a surprise.

With Timothy probably gone all day, Cassandra decided she would go to Terrence's barbecue after all. He had invited her twice, and there was no reason to destroy their friendship over his annoying paranoia about some workers getting sick. Yes it was horrible what happened to them, but it had nothing to do with the project. She was mad, as she should be, but the board members were acting odd. When she called Theo, he just told her not to worry about it and hung up. Cassandra put on the tunic and belt Terrence had made for her so she could attend the award ceremony he invited her to. He was an odd guy Terrence, but he did a good job with the contract and they would likely be working together on and off for the next several years. May as well maintain the friendly camaraderie they had built up. Cassandra felt bad for getting so angry with him. Plus she really wanted to learn to throw a knife, it looked like fun. She had decided to go a bit late, but these things seemed to last forever anyway. They would still be there.

Cassandra got stopped by a train parked across a road for almost an hour, then she had to wait for a boat to go through the swing bridge. Now she was really late. When she got across the bridge, she could not remember which way to go. He lived somewhere on the waterfront was all she could remember. Cassandra figured she would just drive around until she found a party of people dressed in tunics. It should not be too hard. She could always just stop and ask someone for directions.