It Cannot Get Any Worse

The Hit

Darrin could not believe his luck. As they approached the target's house, it appeared the target was standing alone in the front yard doing something to a tree with some kind of tool. The people on the road had thinned out to a single bicyclist who would be well past them in a few seconds. Darrin was annoyed to see several people in the woods a few hundred feet away. The target was supposed to be alone. However they were too far away to recognize anyone and they seemed to be focused on collecting something. All they needed to do was confirm the target identity, ace him and get off this stupid island. Ely put his window down and Darrin said “leave me to do the talking, shoot when I say 'now'.”

Leaning a bit across Ely, Darrin yelled out “Excuse me, we are looking for Terrence P Hilderman the third, do you happen to know where he lives?” The guy behind the tree learned out a bit and said. “You found him. I am Terrence, how can I help you?”

Darrin replied “well now. . . “

In a flash, Ely whipped out his gun and fired a shot. The target must have seen the gun, because he jumped back behind the tree. Ely leaned out the window a bit more to get a second shot and Darrin saw the target appear on the other side of the tree and throw something at Ely Ely fired again and screamed at the same instant. Darrin heard a loud thunk of something hitting the car. Ely dropped his gun and pulled back into the car screaming. Something was sticking out of the base of his eye and another obviously metal object was stuck in his head near his ear.

Darrin yelled “Bobby Go” Bobby was already half way out of the car, Ho Hos flying everywhere. Bobby fired twice. The target yelled “Q”, and then fell behind the tree. Bobby was tangled in the seat belt and after a few seconds struggle, stepped out towards the tree for a final shot to make sure.

Bobby stopped mid step. A huge dark striped dog was charging down the driveway growling and barking. This was the biggest dog Bobby had ever seen The thing looked more like a bear than a dog. The only thing Bobby was afraid of was dogs, and this huge growling dog running at full speed stopped him in his tracks.

Darrin saw some movement at the edge of the woods. He glanced up to see the people had come out of the woods and were facing him and waving. They all appeared to be wearing the same funny dress like thing the target was wearing. Darrin had only an instant to think “This is odd, Why are people in dresses waving at us?”

Darrin turned and fired twice at the dog charging at Bobby. Darrin never missed, but the shots went low. Darrin loved dogs, did he pull the shot without meaning to? The dog yelped and dropped. Darrin winced, he hated the idea of killing a dog. Dogs are wonderful. Part of Darrin's nest egg was designated for buying a dog one day.