It Cannot Get Any Worse


As Quentin came out of the woods, he heard a shot ring out. He knew the distinctive sound of a handgun from many shooting expeditions with his uncle, a former MP in the army. Quentin saw dad duck around the tree and throw a knife, then another and a third. At the same time, another shot was fired. “Dad sure is quick with the knives” thought Q for a moment. Someone was screaming, then someone stepped part way out of the car and fired another two shots at dad. Dad fell behind the tree and yelled “Q”. The guy getting out of the car stopped and stared. Amber was charging down the driveway growling and barking. The driver of the car shot her and she dropped. Quentin was panicked. What should he do? Run? Dad was in trouble. What was going on? There was no time to think. Quentin nocked a dart and yelled "Throw throw throw.” Quentin decided the guy getting out of the car was the target. He really was not that far away. Less than fifty yards.

Danny came out of the woods just behind Quentin, and saw only part of what was happening but heard his brother yell “Throw, throw throw” in a panic and throw a dart at the man getting out of the car. Danny did not stop to think either, something was wrong and Q was taking charge. That was backwards, but this was a bad situation. He saw the driver of the car shoot Amber, and he wanted him to suffer, Danny adored Amber. Danny threw as hard as he could. At this distance he was pretty sure he would hit the car, but that was about all he could be sure of hitting. Whether it would accomplish anything – he had no idea. Maybe it would scare the shit out of them. He just wanted them gone.

Someone shot dad - what the hell? Were they ticked about him fixing up the playscape in the woods behind the post office, or running the fund drive to fix up that school in Detroit? Dad spent all of his time helping people. Why would someone want to kill him for that? This just made no sense.

A car is a nice big target. Beside him Jack also threw a dart. Jack Walker was a good thrower, a bit odd, but a nice guy. Danny had never taken to calling him by his SCA name “Nimsey” Danny was not even sure that was real historical name. Danny was not really into this SCA stuff, but he liked the part that involved throwing sharp things.

Danny was surprised how hard he threw. Adrenaline? Anger? Probably both. The dart shot straight at the car and hit the sloping side panel of the roof just behind the back window. It went right through the metal and stuck inside the car. Danny hoped someone was in there. The guy who shot dad suddenly started firing wildly and had kind of fallen back into the back seat, the driver fired a series of shots in Danny's direction, and then the car drove off with the back door open and the shooter guy’s legs hanging out. Danny had a passing thought, “I hope that was not a basswood dart – Dad will be pissed.” - Dad! Danny heard someone near him screaming in pain as Danny ran to the tree.