It Cannot Get Any Worse

It can get Worse

Darrin swung his gun around at the tree as he watched Crazy Bobby step towards the tree, and at the same time, Darrin tried to watch the people out of the woods and waving at them. Something was odd there.

Crazy Bobby suddenly jerked back against the side of the car. There was a long wooden stick sticking out of him. He made no sound but emptied his gun toward the tree firing wildly. With a loud thunk, another large wooden sick came tearing through the roof of the car poking down into the back seat.

Darrin looked back at the people at the edge of the woods. They were throwing something, not waving.

Another big wooden stick glanced off the hood of the car, Darrin could see it had a metal point like some sort of giant arrow. This was actually dangerous. Another stick hit the road in front of them. Ely was still screaming, Crazy Bobby had tumbled into the back seat with a huge stick still sticking out of his neck. Darrin fired five wild shots at the people near the woods and saw one of them fall, another stick hit the car and stuck in the front fender. Darrin could see it had feathers at the end of it, “What. The. Fuck. is happening?” Darrin threw the car in gear and sped off in a shower of gravel. This job had gone bad. Time to reassess. They needed to get clear.

Darrin looked back when something hit the back of the car. It was another one of those giant arrows. That made him really mad. He was glad to see the giant dog standing over the target laying by the tree. He did not kill the dog after all, or maybe it had come back to life. It seemed like anything was possible today. Darrin wished he was the dog whisperer, he could ask that dog to take out the target for him and they could all go home.

Racing down the road, Darrin looked over at Ely. Ely had pulled the metal thing out of the side of his head. It was a large flat knife made of some sort of shiny metal. The other knife was black, it was still stuck in Ely’s face, just below his eye. Ely had his hand on it but was not pulling it out. The knife was below his eye, he might get lucky and not lose the eye.

It was pretty clear the target was still alive. He yelled when he fell and the giant dog was standing over him protectively. It probably would not have done that if he were already dead would it? I want a dog just like that Darrin thought as the car tore through a series of potholes, probably tearing the suspension to shreds at this speed.

How the hell could the giant dog be running to up protect the target? Did the dog come back to life? Was it even a dog? It was the size of a pony. Where did all those people in dresses come from? And what the hell were they throwing at us? That fucking thing came right through the car! Darrin glanced back, the point was still sticking out at him, no more than a foot or two from Darrin’s head. If Bobby had been sitting up in the back seat instead of falling into it at the time, he would have another giant stick in his neck. The stick in Bobby's neck was pressed against the roof of the car and sticking out the open door. Bobby was not screaming, but that pressure had to hurt. "We need to get that out of him," Darrin thought to himself.

The target was supposed to be alone. People in colorful antiquey looking dresses or togas or whatever the hell that was throwing giant arrow stick things. A giant Jesus Christ dog that rises from the dead. Thrown knives stuck in Ely’s face. Bobby . . . . dead? No. He had gotten or at least fallen back into the car, but he guided himself in, it was not just chance that he fell inside the car.

This is surreal. Where was the giant pink bunny chasing him through the streets? Darrin thought maybe he had fallen asleep waiting for the bridge to close and he was still at the gas station having a nightmare. Maybe real life Bobby was about to come back with his Ho Hos and would wake him up. He pinched himself. It did not work. He was still in the car, Ely was still screaming. Bobby was still laying there with the giant arrow sticking through his neck. Damn! Why couldn’t this have been just a nightmare? Well the good part was, it really could not get any worse.

Darrin swerved around another crater in the road, with a soft thud, Crazy Bobby tumbled out of the back seat of the car into the road His feet had been hanging out of the still open door, and he just fell out. Darrin felt a bump as the rear wheel went over some part of Bobby. Darrin slammed on the brakes, slammed the car into reverse then park and jumped out. Bobby looked bad. The giant arrow thing was stuck right through his throat and out the back The rear wheel had gone right over Bobby's chest. Darrin ripped the arrow away, dragged Bobby back to the car, stuffed him into the back seat, and slammed the door. Jumping back in, he saw Ely had gotten the second knife out of his face, His eye was bleeding and he was still screaming. Only now he was screaming “Kill them all” over and over again

Darrin figured there would be several 911 calls by now so he needed to get off the road. He remembered the promise there would only be one policeman left on the island. If that were true, and if Ely could function, they just might be able to follow Ely's screamed plan and go back and kill them all. After all, they had sticks and we have guns. Not a bad plan Ely. With this mess, if they did not at least take out the target, they were all dead meat anyway. May as well try.

Darrin turned down a side street, then another. Finally he found a rough driveway going into the woods on an empty lot. He pulled in and parked. First things first. Ely seemed better. Not screaming. He had pulled off his shirt and tied it around his head, covering his bleeding eye. He was rocking back and forth moaning, that was bad, Ely was not like that. Bobby was not moving. Darrin could not tell whether he was breathing or not.