Status: on hiatus (1/5/2018)

When Hearts Collide

I Miss The Trouble That You Bring

Jamie and Charlie walked side by side out to Caleb's truck, parked further from the house than any of the other vehicles.

At first, the pair was quiet. The only sounds were the noises from the party and the shuffling of gravel stones under their feet. Jamie noticed that Charlie began humming softly to herself; he had missed the melodic sound of her singing.

"So... how long you staying for?" He asked, breaking the pressing silence.

"Until Wednesday," Charlie told him, lifting her eyes from the ground. She flashed him a small smile before looking away. There was a bit of a stagger in her step and a slur in her words, but Jamie didn't think much of it. He, himself, found his mind cloudy from the alcohol.

"Then it's... back to Cali?"

"Yeah," Charlie sighed, raking one of her hands through her curls. "Back to the grind."

"You working lots?" Jamie asked, unsure of where the conversation was going but ultimately trusting his drunken self enough to proceed with it.

"More than I'd like," Charlie laughed, shaking her head. "I've got three jobs on the go right now and I hate... every single one of them."

"Three jobs?" Jamie's eyebrows raised. "Doing... what?"

"Serving," Charlie told him, rolling her eyes. "It's... shitty work, I admit... but sometimes, the tips are worth it."

"Right," He laughed.

After reaching Caleb's truck, the pair began searching for his beer. While Jamie searched the front of the cab, Charlie searched the back. Neither of them were able to find anything.

Charlie climbed into the rear bed of the truck, digging through tools and equipment but still finding no beer.

"I think we've been duped," Jamie told her, leaning against the side of the truck with a smirk.

"Meh," She laughed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I think the fresh air did me some good."

Charlie patted the edge of the box next to her, inviting Jamie to join her. Though hours ago it pained him to be in the same room as her, each drink since had given him a little more liquid courage. Inhaling, he hopped into the back of the truck, taking a seat on the side of the truck bed next to Charlie. They weren't touching, but Jamie could feel the heat from her thigh against his.

"Do you, uh..." He began, capturing Charlie's attention. "Live... on your own out there, or..."

"Yeah," She nodded, brushing her hair from her face. "I mean... it's only a bachelor, and still somehow costs me an arm and a leg."

Jamie smirked, shrugging his broad shoulders.

"That's California living, I guess,"

"It's kinda funny," Charlie told him, chewing on her bottom lip as she smiled. "I mean... I hyped it up, so much, when I was younger. I thought... moving out there... it'd somehow be the answer to all of my problems, y'know?"

Jamie shrugged.

"Well," Charlie's eyes flickered away. She inhaled deeply, sighing loudly as she exhaled. "Surprise... it wasn't. I mean... the whole experience has really... taught me a lot about myself, made me... a stronger person, I think. I've made a few friends... but still spent most of my time missing home."

"You ever think about... just.. moving home?" Jamie asked.

"Often," Charlie confessed. "But... truth be told... I didn't know if I'd be welcome."

Upon hearing those words, Jamie couldn't help but laugh. Charlie looked over at him, eyebrows knitted with confusion.


"Why would you ever think you wouldn't be welcome?" Jamie asked her, looking deep into her honey brown eyes. "Your dad would have taken you in... in a heartbeat. Him and Caleb, they both... talk about you, every god damn day, Charlie."

She shrugged, looking away sheepishly.

"I guess I figured... the damage had already been done,"

"What damage?" Jamie asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "You're making a mountain... out of grain of salt, y'know? Your family... they love you... they want you to be home."

Charlie nodded in understanding, but couldn't find it within herself to make eye contact with Jamie. Instead, she began fiddling with the ring around her neck. Jamie watched her, noticing the glint of the opal in the light of the moon. He sighed.

"I... want you to come home," Jamie admitted. "I mean... fuck... I still care about you, Charlie."

The words came tumbling out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop them. The hardest part about being around Charlie was keeping his guard up. Despite the fact that she had the power to hurt Jamie more than any other human, Charlie was the only person who made him feel safe when he was vulnerable.

Charlie looked over at Jamie, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She was trying to fight it.

"You do?"

"Of course, I do..." Jamie sighed. "It's been... hard... y'know? I've been having to face all these old feelings again... seeing you... but, Charlie, I really don't think... I'd want it any other way."

They were both quiet for a moment. Charlie tilted her head back, admiring the picture perfect starry night sky above. She hadn't been star-gazing since she moved out west, mostly on account of the light pollution. Jamie noticed a few tears stray down her cheeks. She wiped them away hastily, finally bringing herself to look at her company.

"I'm so sorry, Jamie... for... everything," Charlie sighed. "What I did... it was just so... so stupid. I get that, whatever... things happen for a reason. Like I said... I learned so much about myself out there..."

Two more tears escaped.

"But... no matter how hard I tried," She shook her head. "I just... couldn't stop thinking about you. I think... I mean... I still.."

Charlie licked over her lips.

"I have feelings for you, Jamie," She told him. "I kept this ring, all these years... because I still love you."

Jamie stared down at his hands. The words he had been waiting so long to hear, somehow sounded too good to be true. He didn't doubt that Charlie still had feelings for him; however, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe Charlie was simply drunk and overwhelmed by being home again. He wanted to believe the words she was saying - but his abandoned heart wouldn't allow him to accept them as the truth.

In less than a week, Charlie would return to California, to the life that she had spent the last seven years building. There was no telling how she would feel once she got back. Maybe her trip home would feel like nothing more than a dream. Would another seven years pass by before she returned home again?

"How about this..." Jamie suggested. "Why don't you give me your number? When this weekend is all said and done, and you... return home... if you're serious about me, about any of this... you'll always have a way to reach me."

"Sure," Charlie nodded.

As she rattled off her phone number, Jamie entered the digits into his phone. He sent her a short message, so that she'd have his number for the future.

After spending a few more minutes under the stars, the pair began to make their way back toward the house.


"Mmm?" She looked over at Jamie.

"I'm.... really glad we talked," He told her.

"Me too," Charlie smiled.

Before they could make their way around the back of the house, Charlie stopped. Upon noticing he was walking alone, Jamie stopped as well, looking back over his shoulder. He watched Charlie eye the arbor and the wooden bench, taking a few shy footsteps towards the garden. She looked to Jamie, smiling half-heartedly. Without speaking, he knew what she was asking.

With a sigh, Jamie walked over to Charlie. He took her tiny hand in his, leading her over to the garden. Her hand was warm within his grasp, fingers pulsing as her heart rate began to quicken.

Together, they sat on the wooden bench. Though it was hard to get a good look at the flowers surrounding them in the cover of night, the stars poked through the gaps in the lattice and ivy of the arbor. Jamie leaned back, enjoying the view of the night sky. He held Charlie's hand tightly, resting their interlaced fingers on his knee.

Several silent moments passed before Jamie finally looked over at the woman sitting next to him. Charlie's eyes twinkled in the moonlight, her face illuminated by the pale light. As Jamie sighed, her gaze flickered in his direction. A soft smile danced across her lips.

Jamie found it hard to resist returning the goofy smile.

"What?" He snickered.

"It's... nothing," Charlie shrugged, her gaze wandering. She gave his hand a subtle squeeze.

Through his drunken haze, Jamie felt it was far too easy, falling back into the same old habits with Charlie. Part of him wished he was stronger. Part of him wished he hadn't missed her so much.

"Hey... Charlie..." He whispered, capturing her attention.

Slowly, she turned to face him. Inhaling deeply, Jamie took his chances. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. The collision of their lips sent a jolt of electricity through both of their bodies. It took Charlie less than several seconds to realize what was happening; she let go of Jamie's hand, tangling her fingers through his hair.

It felt too good to be true, but in that moment, Jamie felt all the waiting had been worth it.

As they pulled apart, Jamie's eyes fluttered open. Charlie kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, bringing the fingers of her free hand to touch her pillow lips. Her brown eyes opened slowly, wide with surprise.

Neither of them knew what to say.

"I guess.... we should..." Jamie hesitated. "Probably... get back."

"Right," Charlie nodded, smiling crookedly. "Guess so."
♠ ♠ ♠
Eeeeeee! What is simple by the moonlight, am I right?

I had some idea of where I wanted to go from here but, after writing this chapter, I'm starting to feel like I should take things in a slightly different direction. Should be interesting! What are your thoughts?

Too soon to kiss and make-up? Is it just the alcohol talking? Or will true love find a way? Oh, so many possibilities!

- M x

Title Credit: Strange Habit - July Talk
*If you listen to any of the songs I've posted, let it be this one. It's just too perfect. Any other July Talk fans out there?