Status: on hiatus (1/5/2018)

When Hearts Collide

Said All The Things That I Needed Saying

Once their food arrived, Charlie wasted little time digging into her burger and fries. Despite her lack of appetite hours before, she was feeling ravenous after having taken the first bite of her burger. Jamie, as well, seemed hungrier than he had originally let on.

The two of them ate in silence. Though it would have seemed awkward, Charlie actually found it rather nice. For a moment, it really did feel like old times; it felt natural, being there with Jamie.

A handful of times, they shared glances. One of those times, Charlie was bringing a French fry to her mouth. Unfortunately, she managed to miss, leaving a smear of ketchup along the side of her bottom lip. While it was relatively mortifying, it made Jamie laugh, nonetheless.

There were few sounds she enjoyed more than his laughter and few sights she enjoyed more than his smile.

When the pair had finished eating, Jamie insisted on paying. Naturally, Charlie protested - but the truth of the matter was that she could barely afford to visit her family for the week. Every penny saved helped her, and Jamie knew it.

Charlie followed Jamie over to the cash register, watching as he pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his dress pants. Sue met them after delivering a round of drinks to one of her tables. As Jamie paid, Sue couldn't resist making a weighted comment.

"Just like old times, seeing you two together, again," She smiled.

Charlie and Jamie both looked at her, smiling but sheepish. Sue smirked smugly, handing Jamie his receipt.

"Have a good night, Sue," Charlie said, offering the waitress a shy wave.

"You too, kids,"

As they walked out of the restaurant and crossed the parking lot toward Jamie's truck, Charlie couldn't help but laugh. She caught Jamie's attention; his eyebrows raised quizzically.

"Seems like the entire town is in on it," She said.

"Wouldn't be hard," He laughed in agreement.

This time, as they approached the truck, Jamie made sure to open Charlie's door for her before rounding the vehicle to the driver's side. As the truck began rolling, Charlie knew that her time alone with Jamie was coming to an end. She had to find the right words to say.

"I wanted to... talk," She sighed. "About earlier."

Jamie remained quiet.

"I know I'm going back to California soon," Charlie told him softly. "And I know that I... have a lot to make up for. I mean, hell, you probably have the right to never... speak to me. I.. get that."

He sighed.

"But... I'm really glad we've.. reconnected," She smiled. "I mean... some of it was not by choice. However.. it's kinda true, isn't it? It does feel just like old times," Charlie laughed. "A part of me... wonders why I ever left."

She noticed Jamie looking over at her from the corner of her eye. However, it was brief. Within seconds, his eyes were back on the dimly lit road.

"And... of course, I... humbly realize just how much I've fucked up," Charlie admitted. "But... I care about you, Jamie. Which is why I'm... still trying... and I'll keep trying. I know that I can't make you feel a certain way about this... or me... but.. I just don't want us to not be friends, not after everything we've been through."

They were getting closer to her house with every mile. The last thing Charlie wanted was to end the night on a bad note. She wanted everything to be perfect for Caleb's wedding tomorrow.

"I hope you.. can understand where I'm coming from," She shrugged. "Like I said, I'm not... forcing you.. to believe me. But.. I mean... it would be nice."

"I... believe you, Charlie," Jamie sighed. "I mean.. I don't think that... things would be this way, y'know... if I didn't."

Charlie chewed her bottom lip, concealing her smirk.

"So... are we... okay?" She asked, somewhat nervously. "Like friends?"

"I think we're okay," He nodded. "We can work on... being friends."

A wave of relief washed over her. She knew that mending things between her and Jamie wouldn't be easy, but friends was a good place to start.

Though the rest of the ride home was silent, save for the radio, Charlie found it hard to wipe the smile from her face. As the truck rolled down the Briggs lane-way, Charlie looked over at Jamie, admiring him in the light of the dashboard.

He looked over at her, catching her staring.

"What?" He smirked.

"Thanks for... supper," Charlie told him.

"No worries," Jamie shrugged.

The truck came to a stop outside of the large house. Most of the lights had been turned off. No doubt mostly everyone was trying to get enough rest for the big day. Charlie unbuckled herself, opening the door after.

"I'll see you tomorrow," She said, climbing out.

"Have a good night, Charlie,"

"You too, Jamie," She smiled.

Charlie shut the door after her, making her way to the porch. She stopped and turned as she climbed to the top step, watching Jamie slowly make his way back down the gravel road.

Her heart was pounding in her chest.

She made her way into the dark house, carefully tip-toeing around the creaky wooden floorboards. Charlie made her way upstairs, not surprised to find Nora still awake and on her phone.

"Where the hell were you?" Nora hissed after Charlie closed the bedroom door behind her.

"We... uh... we went to eat," She told her. "And talk."

"And?" Nora's eyebrows rose.

"Well... we're.. okay," Charlie shrugged, taking a seat on her messy bed. "For now. I think he... sort of... forgives me."

"And do you feel... better?" Nora asked, resting her phone on her chest.

"A bit, yeah," Charlie nodded.

"A bit?"

"Well... there's still this... tension,"

"No, you just... need to get laid, clearly," Nora rolled her eyes, picking up her phone again. A smirk danced across her lips. "He probably does too, by the sounds of it."

"Shut up," Charlie groaned, flopping over onto her side. She sunk into the soft covers and mattress.

"I bet that's what you both need," Nora laughed. "Just like Nick said. One, hot steamy session.... and then you'll both go off on your own merry ways."

"I feel like that will only create... more tension," Charlie mumbled into the blankets.

"Only one way to find out," Nora winked.

"I'm not... I can't..." She shook her head. Charlie propped herself up on her elbows, looking over the edge of the bed at her cousin. "No, I won't... like, the guy regretted kissing me last night. He would... probably not want to sleep with me."

"You two kissed?" Nora's eyes bugged.

"I... y'know... the details are... hazy,"


"I... don't really remember it, to be honest..." Charlie blushed. "He mentioned it on the ride there, and I mean... I sort of wish I did, because... well... fuck, you've seen him."

"And he said... it was a mistake?" Nora asked, powering down her phone. She set the device on the ground next to her mattress.

"Yeah," She shrugged. "But... we talked about it. We're... okay."

"Yeah, you mentioned that," Her cousin smirked. "I wonder how long that's gonna last. Until the next kiss, perhaps?"

Charlie rolled her eyes, tossing a pillow playfully at her cousin.

"Shut up, Nora,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Had a lot of time off... but have spent most of it feeling sorry for myself. Not sure what it is about my current life situation, but I feel miserable most of the time. I've tried working out, eating better, smoking weed, staying hydrated... getting a job... and I still feel depressed.

How do you get out of ruts?

- M

Title Credit: Turn Your Love - Half Moon Run