Status: on hiatus (1/5/2018)

When Hearts Collide

Your Heart Is Like A Fortress

After smoking a joint along the water's edge with Nora, Charlie felt her spirits lift - if only slightly. The ladies returned to the house to hang the last of the balloons and the streamers. By this time, Bill and the boys had already cracked open a case of beer.

"You girls thirsty?" Nick asked, bringing two beers out for them.

"I could use a drink," Nora smiled, accepting the beer from her brother. Charlie followed suit, offering a salute to her cousins.

"To... family," She smiled.

"Family," Nick and Nora repeated, followed by a clinking of bottles.

Charlie took a long swig, feeling the bubbly brew passing down her throat. She licked her lips, looking to Nick.

"You got the time?"

"Uh," He checked his watch. "About... four, why?"

"Shit," She sighed, raking her hand through her messy hair. "I should probably start getting ready."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Nora laughed, linking her arm through Charlie's. "Let's go!"

Heading in through the back door, Charlie lead her cousin up the stairs to her bedroom at the end of the hall. Nora closed the door after them, taking a seat on the edge of Charlie's bed.

"Man... this place hasn't changed at all," She laughed, eyes flickering around the bedroom, landing on the collage of photos. "Aww, you still have that one from us camping?"

Among the many photos, there was a shot of Charlie and Nora on one of their many family camping trips. The girls were young - Charlie was no more than eight, while Nora was around six. They were stacking marshmallows onto roasting sticks, smiling goofily for the camera. Charlie smiled at the memory before digging through her clothes for something to wear.

"Is this.. Jamie... coming tonight?" Nora asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Charlie rolled her eyes.

"More than likely," She told her flatly. "Which is why I need to look good."

"Say no more," Her cousin assured her. "I'm here to help. Whatcha' workin with? You got any skanky dresses?"

"Alright, how about we just... keep it PG, okay?" Charlie snorted. "My father is still gonna be here... and Uncle Harvey."

Nora giggled, waving her off.

Together, the girls pulled together an outfit for Charlie. She paired high-waisted shorts with a cute crop top and a silky, floral kimono. Nora helped her to curl her hair, letting her flaxen waves loose down her back. She was regretting getting high before attempting her make-up, but luckily, Nora was capable of perfecting her eyeliner.

Once Nora changed her clothes, opting for shorts and a backless tank top, the girls retreated downstairs. To Charlie's surprise, quite a few people had already arrived.

"Beer?" Nora asked, heading for the kitchen.

"Sure," Charlie shrugged, following after her cousin.

Not many people seemed to recognize Charlie; for that, she was grateful. She wasn't drunk enough to face many of her former acquaintances.


She turned upon hearing her name, noticing Caleb waving her over to join him and his friends from the other room. Inhaling sharply, Charlie wandered over, Nora following close behind.

"Charlie, I want you to formally meet... Heather," Caleb said, motioning to the beautiful brunette standing next to him. It was suddenly apparent that their engagement photo on the wall downplayed Heather's natural beauty. She had an overwhelming hourglass figure and twinkling, emerald green eyes - similar to the colour that their mother's had been. Heather smiled at Charlie before enveloping her in a big hug.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Her breath was warm against Charlie's ear. She squeezed her tightly. Charlie enjoyed the sweet, floral notes of her perfume, inhaling deeply.

"Likewise," Charlie returned before pulling away, sharing in another smile before looking to her brother. "So... how did you manage to pull this one off?"

Both Heather and Caleb burst into laughter.

"Well, actually, it's a funny story," Heather began. "You see.. I'm a teacher at the public school. It was my first day on the job and, as if it couldn't get anymore stressful.... I locked my keys in my fuckin' car."

"So, me," Caleb piped up, wrapping an arm around his fiancee. "Being the... stud, that I am... just happened to be driving by when I noticed this damsel in distress trying to smash her car window, the only car left in the parking lot... I might add."

Charlie and Nora both started laughing.

"I was... red in the face, huffin' and puffin'," Heather laughed, shaking her head at the memory. "And I just hear this voice from behind me, like... need a hand?"

Heather's impression of Caleb was spot-on.

"Most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on," Caleb said, casting a look of admiration toward Heather. "Not only did I manage to get the door unlocked, but... I also managed to get her number."

"The rest was... history," Heather smiled, looking to Charlie.

"That is the best love story I've ever heard," Nora chimed, raising her beer to the happy couple. "It gives me faith."

Heather waved her off.

After chatting for a while and finishing her beer, Charlie was in need of another. She snuck away from the small group, returning to the kitchen for another drink. Charlie opened another beer and took a sip, feeling a familiar twinge in her belly. With a smile, she headed for the upstairs bathroom, knowing well enough that the downstairs bathroom would be busy for most of the night.

She crept up the stairs, making a dash for the washroom.

Setting her beer on the counter, Charlie took a seat on the porcelain throne and relieved her protesting bladder. She smiled to herself, feeling as though... maybe the party wouldn't be such a disaster after all. Things seemed to be going well with her brother and with Nora.

A gentle knock on the door startled Charlie.

"One sec," She laughed, standing up from the seat. After flushing, Charlie quickly washed her hands and grabbed her beer. She swung open the door, looking up with a grin.

Blue eyes startled her, causing her to nearly spill her beer.

"Oh.. shit, uh..." Charlie stuttered, her cheeks rushing with blood. Words evaded her. "I... uh.... Jamie."

"Charlie," He acknowledged her.

"Sorry, I... uh... I'll just..." She stepped out of the way, allowing him into the bathroom. He gave her a nod, heading into the bathroom and slamming the door shut after him.

With a sigh, Charlie retreated to her bedroom. She shut the door, combing her free hand through her curls. She took a few eager gulps of her beer, beginning to feel a haze taking over her mind and sense of judgement.

"You can do this," She coached herself quietly. "He... he's... oh God, what did I fucking do?"

Charlie plopped down on the edge of her mattress. She finished her beer and set the bottle on her bedside table. She made the mistake of reaching for one the yearbooks that had been piled on her dresser, flipping through the pages to ease her mind.

"How do I.... what do I even.... say?" She mumbled, eyes flickering over the glossy pages.

Upon flipping to the back pages, Charlie painfully realized that the yearbook had been from grade eleven - the year her Mom passed away. Most people wrote how sorry they were, acknowledging how strong Charlie had to be.

But Jamie's message stood out like a sore thumb among the messy handwriting.

You're the best damn girlfriend a guy could ask for.
You're my best friend, my soul mate. I love you so much.
This year has been tough - but we got through it together.
No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you ♥
Love, J xoxx

Another gentle knock startled her, snapping her out of her destructive train of thoughts. At first, Charlie ignored it, figuring maybe it was just her mind playing games on her. She slapped the yearbook shut, tossing it back onto the pile.

However, a second knock brought her to her feet. She smoothed out her shorts as she walked over to the door, opening it slowly. A part of her wasn't entirely surprised to find Jamie leaning in the doorway; however, a large part of her wasn't prepared for it.

"Can we... talk?" Jamie asked.

"Sure, yeah..." Charlie held the door open, allowing him into her bedroom. She closed the door after, head spinning as she watched Jamie take a seat on her bed. His eyes were fixed on the collage on her wall.

"What's... up?" She asked, knowing damn well what was up.

Jamie was reluctant to bring his gaze to meet her own. Charlie leaned against the bedroom wall for support, feeling herself growing weak at the knees.

He wasn't the same young man she'd said goodbye to so many years before. Jamie had grown, inside and out. His shoulders were broad, stretching the fabric of his t-shirt, making him seem taller than Charlie remembered. His long hair was pushed back out of his face, messily falling to his shoulders.

His blue eyes seemed to stare right through her, intense and full of hurt.

"Look, Charlie," Jamie sighed. "I know that right now, things are... murky, at best. I thought I would be stronger than this, y'know... seeing you again..."

She nodded.

"And I'm not," His eyes fell to the floor. "Everything is resurfacing. All the pain, all the anxiety."

"I'm... sorry," Charlie mumbled. "Jamie, I'm... truly sorry."

"Well, you're about seven years too late with the apology," He reminded her, saddened eyes lifting from the ground.

Again, she nodded.

"But... I don't want it to be... brutally awkward," Jamie told her. "Caleb is my best friend. This weekend means everything to him. This is about him, right?"

Charlie nodded.

"So... we can be adults," He continued, raking his calloused hand through his dark, wavy hair. "We can... get through this weekend."

"Sure," She agreed, her voice meek.

They shared a knowing look. Before Jamie could speak again, Charlie felt her lips parting and words spewing out.

"I've missed you," She blubbered, regretting it almost immediately.

Jamie shook his head, eyes yet again finding the hardwood floor. He clasped his calloused hands together, squeezing tightly.

"If you missed me... why didn't you call me?" He asked. "Why didn't you write to me... once.. in the time you were gone?"

Charlie didn't know what to say. She didn't have a reasonable excuse. It was her own shame and ego that kept her from reaching out. She had assumed that Jamie wouldn't want to hear from her, regardless. Charlie swallowed hard, feeling her throat beginning to tighten.

Her heart was racing; her hands were shaking.

"I.... I don't know..." She mumbled. "I was just... so afraid."

"That makes no sense, Charlie," He snapped, springing to his feet from the bed. Jamie towered over her. "I don't want to hear your excuses. That's not what this is about."

Jamie stood and made a move for the door; Charlie, feeling flustered, reached for the ring dangling around her neck. Tears were beginning to well in her eyes.

"And frankly, you just..." Jamie began, words falling short when he noticed the familiar ring Charlie was fiddling with. His face softened. "You... you still have that?"

Charlie nodded.


His blue orbs pried into her own honey brown eyes.

"I.... I thought it was... worth keeping,"

They shared a longing stare, a single tear escaping from the corner of Charlie's eye. She wiped it away feverishly, seemingly breaking Jamie out of his gaze.

"I gotta go," He murmured, casting one last look in Charlie's direction before returning downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anotha one! I'm really happy with how this story is turning out, so far. I'm hoping I can maintain my momentum. I have started dabbling with a few other story ideas (naturally), but I'm trying to make WHC my priority, for the time being.

Does anyone else have a knack for starting stories, and then never finishing them? Ya. The problem for me... is that... where does a good love story really end? Does it ever end? The woes of being a philosophical romantic.

Anyway... enjoy!

- M x

Title Credit: Fortress - Queens of the Stone Age

*Also, have you been listening to the playlist? What do you think of the songs so far?