Status: on hiatus (1/5/2018)

When Hearts Collide

Far From Intentions Made

Having Charlie back in town had been a roller-coaster ride of emotions for Jamie. Feelings that he was sure he'd put to rest were rising again. While a part of him had been looking forward to her return since the day she'd left, most of him was having trouble accepting that she was finally back.

After leaving for California, Charlie had made little effort to stay in touch with Jamie. Had it not been for the sporadic updates from her Dad and brother, Jamie may as well have thought she was dead. It was as if their relationship hadn't mattered at all to the girl.

Often, Jamie found himself revisiting memories of Charlie - but somehow, he often ended up replaying the last time he'd ever seen her.

He was standing on the porch of Nana's cottage when Charlie arrived. She had been acting strange for several weeks prior, but Jamie didn't want to assume the worst. From his personal experience, he knew that Charlie was still grieving her mother. She had only just started counselling earlier that year, two years after Joyce's untimely passing.

However, something about his girlfriend was different. She had been acting far more distant, an unusual trait for Charlie. There was something she was hiding from him - and it was beginning to make him worry.

As Charlie made her way down the driveway, Jamie could tell that she had been crying. Her honey eyes were red and puffy.

"Babe..." Jamie addressed her. "What's wrong?"

Charlie kept her head low as she climbed the steps of the porch. Her hands were stuffed into the pockets of her hooded sweater, regardless of the fact that it was hot as hell for late August.

"We... we need to talk," She mumbled, brushing her light brown hair out of her saddened face.

"What's up?" Jamie asked softly, extending his hands to the girl of his dreams. He'd been in love with Charlie since the eighth grade; in his mind, there was nothing that, together, they couldn't champion through.

Instead, Charlie kept her hands in her pockets. She lifted her eyes to meet his briefly before her bloodshot gaze cowered to the floor.

"I... I've been... thinking," She trailed off. Her voice was meek. Whatever it was that was on her mind, Charlie was having a hard time breaking the news. Jamie sighed.

"I... I... I'm sorry... Jamie," She sputtered, tears beginning to spill from her swollen eyes. "But I... I'm... leaving."

"You're.... what?" Jamie asked, confused.

"There's.... there's just... nothing," Charlie blubbered. "There's nothing here.... and I just.... I need to go."

"Nothing here?" Jamie's eyebrows rose. "Charlie, your family is here. I'm here. Does that.... does that not mean anything to you?"

She wiped away her watery eyes.

"Yeah, but..." She sniffled.

"But... what?" Jamie murmured. He could feel tears beginning to well in his own eyes. "I... I just started working for your Dad... and.. you know that Nana isn't doing well. I can't just... leave."

Charlie licked over her lips.

"I'm not.... asking you to,"

Jamie felt his stomach beginning to sink.

"Charlie, please... don't go," He begged. "I know that you're sad... I know what you're going through. Leaving just.... it's not gonna make the hurt go away."

She buried her face in her sweater sleeves, sobbing. Jamie sought the opportunity to wipe away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. He was having a hard time wrapping his head around what was happening - where was this coming from? Why now?

"Charlie... please," He pleaded, reaching out to hug her. The gesture wasn't returned.

After pulling away, Charlie began to fiddle with the ring on her finger. It didn't go unnoticed by Jamie. After all, the ring had been his promise to her that one day, maybe after his apprenticeship was done, he'd be able to give her the kind of engagement ring that she deserved.

"I.... I'm gonna move... to California," She told him in between gasps. "I.... I just can't... stay here."

"California?" Jamie felt gutted. "Charlie.... what are you gonna find out there that you can't find here?"

"I have to... okay?" She sobbed. "I have... to.. be somebody.."

"You are somebody," Jamie insisted. "You are.... important. You matter... so fucking much to me. Charlie, please... tell me you're... joking."

As she began to pull the opal promise ring from her finger, Jamie realized the weight of her words. Charlie was serious about leaving town; she was serious about crossing the country and starting anew on the west coast. All of Jamie's worst fears were confirmed.

He watched the love of his life examine the beautiful opal stone one last time before extending her hand out to him, offering him the ring back.

Jamie's heart was pounding within in his chest. His stomach felt like it was ready to release the contents of his early dinner.

"I... I don't know.... if you want... this," Charlie stammered.

"No, y'know what..." Jamie snapped, pushing her hand away gently. "If you love me... if you ever fucking loved me... then you should keep it."

Charlie sucked on her bottom lip, returning her hands to her pockets. She clutched the ring tightly.

"So... that's just... it?" Jamie tried to reason. "You're just.... leaving? You're just... leaving me?"

"Jamie, I'm.... sorry," She told him softly. "But... you just.... don't understand."

"Don't understand?" He demanded. "Charlie, the only reason I moved to this one-horse town was because I lost my parents, okay? I know how hard it is. I know what you're going through and I'm telling you.... you don't have to do this. You don't have to deal with this alone."

"It's not... that," Charlie whimpered, wiping away fresh tears. "I'm just... I'm never gonna be anyone here, Jamie. I'm never gonna be... anything more than... Little Briggs."

"So?" Jamie scoffed. "You've got... everything you need... right here."

She shook her head.

"I'm.... sorry, Jamie," Charlie all but whispered. "I.... have to. Maybe.... maybe one day.. you'll be able to forgive me."

She turned on her heel, heading down the steps. Upon finding the ground, Charlie stopped and turned. She and Jamie shared one last, longing stare.



"Jamie!" Caleb yelled. "Come on, get in on this."

Lifting his gaze from the ground, Jamie watched his best friend pour another round of several shots. There were three for his cousins, one for himself, one for Heather, one for Jamie, and one extra glass on the end for Charlie.

With a sigh, Jamie made his way over to the island in the kitchen, joining the small group. He took a swig from his beer, watching Caleb sloppily fill the last glass with tequila. He looked over at Charlie, unable to keep himself from stealing glances at her for much of the night. However, she was oblivious to his affections as she listened to Nora and Heather drunkenly rambling on.

It was surreal seeing her; no amount of alcohol seemed to make it anymore believable. Unfortunately for Jamie, Charlie was still the most beautiful woman in the room. Though there were a handful of noticeable differences in her appearance, she looked just as he remembered. Jamie liked the way her once brown hair was now streaked with blonde and somehow, she'd managed to uncover more freckles. Her light brown eyes flickered in his direction, a small smile finding her soft lips.

Jamie smiled, feeling sheepish before finally looking away. He turned his attention to Caleb, who was now handing out the shots.

"Are you trying to sabotage your rehearsal dinner tomorrow?" Jamie joked, giving Caleb a playful nudge.

"Eh," Caleb laughed heartily. "At least it's not the real thing."

He raised the tiny glass above his head, capturing the attention of the rest of the group. Everyone began to follow suit, raising their own shot glass up to the ceiling. With a sigh, Jamie took the shot and lifted it up. From across the island, he locked eyes with Charlie, yet again.

"To.... friends," Caleb began, a slur in his speech. "To family... to.... love."

He winked at Heather.

"Get on with it," Caleb's cousin, Nick, teased. "I'm thirsty."

"Yeah, yeah," Caleb waved him off. "I'm just.... so glad you could all be here, alright? To... all good things coming."

Everyone clinked their shots over the middle of the wooden island before throwing them back. Shortly after, everyone began to pucker and groan as the strong alcohol burned its way down their throats.

"Leave it to you to end the night with tequila," Charlie teased, wiping off her lips with the back of her hand. Her cheeks were rosy from drinking.

"It's my party, and we drink when I say so," Caleb slurred, waving her off. He looked over at Jamie, then quickly looked back to his sister. A devious grin began to spread across his face as a plan began to formulate within his hazy mind.

"Would you two mind... going out to my truck?" Caleb asked.

"What?" Jamie snorted with laughter.

"Why?" Charlie asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I... uh.... I think I left some... beer..." Caleb told them, sounding entirely unconvincing.

"I think we've all had enough to drink, Caleb," Jamie informed him. "You, especially."

"Yeah, but," Caleb shrugged, eyes squinting. "What about.... like... everyone else, man? We need more beer."

"Okay, but-" Charlie began to protest.

"It's my party.... and we drink... when I say so."
♠ ♠ ♠
Back at it this morning!
- M

Title Credit: Get Right - Jimmy Eat World