Status: Ongoing

Skirts vs. Jeans

Chapter Ten

I woke up Wednesday morning, and I felt very feminine, and happy. I slipped out of bed and skipped to the bathroom, doing my business and having a shower. I washed my hair with the nice strawberry shampoo and conditioner. Then the coconut body wash that helps get rid of your pours.

I skipped back out into my bedroom and started getting dressed. I pulled on black underwear and a comfortable black bra, they both had skulls on them.

I pulled on leggings that had different colours, showing the Galaxy. Then a dark blue shirt that was a little to small that had skeletons kissing on it. A skirt came next, it started at my waist and ended at mid thighs. It was plain, midnight black.

I pulled on shoes that went up to my knees. They were dark purple and black. I did up the laces, making sure they were nice and tight. I pulled my shirt over the top of my skirt then slipped my favourite leather jacket on.

I went back to the bathroom. I put on foundation, eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick, blush, eyebrow liner stuff then added some glitter to my cheeks. I then dried my hair, straightened it and styled it.

I grabbed my bag, making sure everything was in it. Then grabbed my phone and skipped downstairs. I checked my phone, seeing a text from Vic.

Viccypoo: Good morning babe. How did you sleep?

I smiled to myself.

Kellybear: I slept great Viccypoo, Wbu?

I put my bag down in the living room and put my phone down on the kitchen counter as I prepared my breakfast. A coffee with two sugars and milk, a two pieces of toasted bread with butter and nuttella.

My phone dinged, telling me I had a text. I picked up my phone, seeing it was from Vic.

ViccyPoo: I slept very well, thank you for asking.

Kellybear: y u txt so formal?

Vicccypoo: I don't like slang words in text, I suppose.

Kellybear: wll I shll frvr txt lk ths 2 pss u ff!!!1!!

Viccypoo: I think We need a break.

Kellybear: nOoO! Don't be like Rachel from friends :( be like the confused just wanting to settle down Joey

Viccypoo: but he sleeps around a lot, do you want me to sleep around a lot?

Kellybear: nu :(.. Are you a virgin?

Viccypoo: uh.. No. I'm not.

Kellybear. oh..

Viccypoo: are you?

Kellybear: yeh

Viccypoo: well. Don't do a me and get way too drunk and high, sleep with a stranger, then wake up feeling like hell both mentally, emotionally and physically.

Kellybear: my poor baby :(

Viccypoo: it's okay. I feel better now that I have you.

Kellybear: :)

Viccypoo: want me to pick you up?

Kellybear: yesh pls

Viccypoo: okay. Be there in half an hour

Kellybear: okie :)

Then I put my phone down my shirt and into my bra. I felt sad that Vic isn't a virgin, but I didn't mind that much. Maybe, in the future, he'll take my V-card. But it's a little too early.

A smile stayed on my face as I drunk my coffee and ate my toast. Half an hour later I got a text saying Vic was outside. I put my cup and plate into the sink then skipped outside, grabbing my bag from the living room.

I saw Mike was sitting in the passenger seat and pouted, getting in the back seat instead.

"Miiiike." I whine like a child. "That's my seat."

"Well it's my seat now, princess." Mike turned around, smirking at me.

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. "You're a bully."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."





"No deal."

"Yes deal."



"Children!" Vic scolded, making Mike and I shut up. "Shh, I'm trying to drive."

"Mike started it!" "Kellin started it!" We both shouted at the same time.

"Shut up or I'm going to stop this car. Then my little Mexican ass is going to whip your-" he pointed to Mike, "large Mexican ass. And your-" he pointed to me, "little white ass, that's pretty. So shh."

Mike and I shut up, but I blushed over the fact Vic called my ass pretty. It was quiet the rest of the time to the school, the hum of the engine filling our ears.

Once we got to school, we saw Tony and Jaime leaning on Tony's car. As soon as Vic parked, Mike and I bolted out of the car and hugged the other two Mexicans. "Vic is scary!" I cried.

"He's going to whoop mine and Kellin's asses!" Mike cried.

Vic got out of his car, rolling his eyes at us, chuckling. He grabbed his bag and locked the car then walked over to us. "They were jabbering on like a bunch of babies."

Tony and Jaime grinned, but put on a straight face. "Oh no. Should we tell mama Fuentes?" Tony asked Jaime.

"I think we should." Jaime nodded. "I'll call her now." He sighed.

"No!" Me and Mike cried.

We all cracked up laughing at our stupid antics. Mike ruffled my hair, making me pout. I fixed my hair then turned to Vic, smiling at him. I kissed him, and he kissed back, resting his hand on my hip.

"My virgin eyes!" Jaime squealed. We pulled away and laughed then all of us walked into school, me and Vic holding hands. We went to our lockers, and got everything we needed. Then we all parted ways, going to our classes.


It was lunch time and we were sitting at our table. I was sitting between Mike and Vic. As usual. Jaime and Tony were sitting across from us. The guys were eating pizza that the cafeteria had while I just sipped on some water.

But, oddly enough, a girl walked up to our table. She was a bit taller than me, had blonde hair with purple underneath. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with an animated puppy on it, black tights and black shorts as well as white joggers.

"Hey." She greated. "You're the new kid right?" She asked, directing it at me.

"Uh, yeah. Kellin." I mumbled.

"My names Lexi!"

"Hi Lexi." I greated the very energetic girl. I've seen her in a few of my classes.

"I was wondering if we could be friends? I've seen you around and you're pretty cool, so are your friends."

"Um, yeah." I said. "I'd love to be your friend." I smiled at her.

"Thanks! And I like your shirt!" She complimented. Lexi sat down at the table in the free space next to Jaime. "So, can I get names with faces?"

"This is my boyfriend, Vic. His brother Mike. Tony and Jaime." I said everyone, pointing at them when I said their names.

"What, Me and Tony don't have anything special to do with us?" Jaime asked, feigning hurt.

"Oh, of course, my mistake. Let me re-do the introductions." I apologised with a sarcastic tone.

"This is Vic. He's my boyfriend, he sings, plays guitar, and he really likes tacos. This is Mike. He is Vic's brother, he plays drums, he raps, his rapper name is MikeyWhiskeyHands, and he's obsessed with Harry Potter."

"This is Tony. He plays guitar, is obsessed with Star Wars, and is secretly a turtle in human form. This is Jaime. He plays bass, sings annnnddd.... Is a complete asshole!" I grinned. "Joking, joking. He's actually a really nice guy, also really hyperactive."

Lexi laughed at my description of the guys. "Can I have an introduction for you then?"

"I'm not that inter-" I started, but was interrupted by the guys.

"Kellin is genderfluid. They have two sides of their bedroom, male side and female side. Today, as you can tell, Kellin is a she. Which sometimes she likes being called glitter and thinks she's queen." Jaime said.

"She's a very compassionate person. In both male and female form. Nice, sassy, and can kick ass." Tony adddd.

"A complete asshole when she wants to be, a sassy little shit. But really a soft hearted person. Likes the colour yellow." Mike adddd.

"Kellin is; beautiful, amazing, sassy, sweet, kind, handsome, smart- every compliment you can think of, she is." Vic finished, leaning over and kissing my temple.

I blushed, looking down at my lap. "Aw, how cute." Lexi gushed. "You guys are so cute together, my new OTP."

The bell rang, telling us lunch was over. Lexi and I exchanged phone numbers before we all went off to our classes.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a day late, because I was and still am, at a friends. Also, happy birthday on the 14th to my dads Jack Barakat and Mike Fuentes.