Status: Ongoing

Skirts vs. Jeans

Chapter Twenty One

Mike's P.O.V

I slammed into the house, the sound of the door being closed echoing through the house. I walked through the entry way and into the kitchen, past the living room were Mama and Papa were.

"Dear lord Mike! Are you trying to kill me early?" I heard Mama question.

I grunted and opened the fridge, grabbing a Mother that was probably Vic's. I decided to grab one for Vic as well, I'll talk to him about what happened.

"Michelle! What's got you in a grumpy mood?" Mama asked, walking up to me.

"Nothing, Ma." I responded blandly, shutting the fridge door harshly.

"The doors speak for themselves." She tuted. "Now what's up?"

I shook my head. "Nothing Mama. Well- something. Just.. Relationship problems. Im'a talk to Vic about it."

My mums face softened into a small smile. "Alright dear, I'm here to help." She patted me on the shoulder, kissed me on the cheek, then went back to Dad.

I walked, or more like trudged, up the stairs. I walked down the hall to his room, bursting through the door. Huh, he didn't lock it.

"What the hell!" I heard Vic screech. I looked over where he was, sitting on his bed with his laptop in his lap.

"Were you watching..?" I asked quietly.

Vic shook his head. "I was looking at new guitars." He turned the screen towards me, showing the only tab open, EBay. "Now what do you want?" He asked, putting the lid down and moving his Laptop under his bed.

I shut the door and walked over to his bed, sitting in front of him. I gave him a mother and opened my own. "Something happened when I was at Tony's."

"Did Ya's finally make out?" Vic asked. "Don't tell me you did something more.."

I shook my head. "No, no. Nothing like that." I took a big gulp of the energy drink before continuing. "He called me something.."

"An insult?" Vic asked, looking amused.

"No, be nice." I scolded. "He uh.. He called me daddy."

Vic choked on his drink. He coughed and sputtered, eventually calming down. "He called you what?" He croaked out.


"Like.. That DDLB kink thing?"



"-shit? Yeah."

We were silent for a minute before Vic burst out laughing. I have him an unamused look. After a few minutes, he calmed himself down.

"So?" He asked. "What's the big deal? Do you.. Do you Kink shame?"

I shook my head. "No.. But I did something I probably shouldn't of done after he said it."

"You hit him!?" He shouted at me.

"No!" I shouted back. "I ran off." I said softly.

"Do you have a problem with him having a daddy kink?" Vic asked. I shook my head. "Talk to him about it.. I think Tony has feelings for you." He said softly.

I bit my lip, looking down at the sheets bellow me. "Okay, yeah. Yeah I'll do that. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

Vic nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "You're a good guy, Mikes."

I smiled at my dorky older brother. "By the way.. How're you and Kellin going?"

"We're going great!" Vic smiled, but the smile soon dropped. "Oli raped Kells at the party..."


Lexi's P.O.V

Jaime took me to an Italian restaurant, which is where we are now. "You know.." I said. "I'm actually part Italian." I smiled.

"Really?" Jaime asked. I nodded. "Cool, a Mexican and an Italian." I laughed.

We ate our meals and talked about ourselves. We talked about our likes and dislikes. Our favourite things. Families. Past relationships.

After we finished our dinner and shared a large piece of chocolate cake, and finished a bottle of none alcoholic wine, we left the restaurant.

He helped me into the car then drove us down to the beach. "You have your swimmers?" Jaime asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I do. To be honest, I got help from Kellin." I giggled softly.

He laughed. "Of course. Kellin is quite a stylish person."

"Ooh, does someone have a crush?" I teased.

"Pfft, it's you who has the crush."

We both laughed. He pulled up in the parking lot, turned off his car, then we both got out. I grabbed my bag from the back and he grabbed his.

"There's a bathroom where we can go get changed." Jaime said, pointing to the cement block. I nodded.

We walked over to the bathroom and went to the seperate changing rooms.

I changed into my bikini, putting the dress into the bag. I walked back out and saw Jaime. He was shirtless and had a pair of board shorts on. Holy crap. He's hot.

I walked over to him and gave a shy smile. Jaime smiled at me. It was dark but we could still see each other from the moon.

"You look.. Amazing." He breathed.

"So do you." I replied. He smiled.

We went to the water and walked in, leaving our bags on the sand. We splashed around in the water. Pushing each other down. Spraying water at each other. Falling over.

Jaime came over and wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up. I squealed and giggled at his action.

He held me up still, my toes only just touching the sand. He looked me in the eyes before his gaze flickered down to my lips.

I closed the gap, pressing my lips to his and our eyes fluttering closed. Our lips moved together in sync.

He pulled away, breathing quickly. "Wow.." He whispered.

"You stole my words." I smiled, pressing my lips back to his.


Kellin's P.O.V

Me and Tony sat up in my room. I put on Netflix on my laptop and it sat in front of us playing How To Get Away With Murder.

We had junk food packets around us. We were both eating two ice creams, tubs that is, and we had a large bottle of vodka.

"We're going to have to exercise to get all this junk food off." Tony said.

I nodded in agreement. "Sleep over, then we can like, go for a run in the morning.

"Ew, running." He laughed. "But yeah I'll run with you."

"Sweet." I hummed, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. "Now let's mourn about how annoying 90% of males are."

"Kellin. We're male." Tony reminded me.





"Okay, 50%" I agreed.

I got the bottle of vodka, taking a quick swig then handing it to Tony who did the same thing. The liquid burned my throat, but it was okay after a had another mouthful of ice cream.

"You go first." I told the turtle loving boy.

"Okay. Um.." He thought. "Why do guys run away when you tell them something they find shocking?"

"I dunno."

"Like, can you just sit your butt down and listen to what we have to say?" Tony sighed. "And what if he was kink shaming me? Well, I'm sorry. But I have a daddy kink and I'm proud of it!"

"Go turtle!"

We laughed. "Okay, your turn Kells."

"Um, okay. Why is it most guys want a reputation?" I questioned.

"'Cause their assholes." Tony stated. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I understand I you're upset that the girl you like is dating a guy that isn't you. But to take it out on another person, a guy let alone, that's just.. Unruly!"

"Wait.. What?"

"The reason Oli did what he did was because he liked Lexi. He started with blowjobs because he was frustrated that Lexi didn't notice him, then when he found out Lex and Hime were together.. Uh oh.."

I grabbed the vodka bottle, taking a bigger swig. Tony gasped and shook his head. "That... That... Donkey!"

I laughed loudly, causing Tony to laugh as well.

"50% of the male population suck."

"They do, they really do."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, you need to rant? Do it in the comments and I will reply, and I will try to help.