Status: One Shot



Mina had made her way along carefully. It was always slow going when she walked alone. All of the sounds around her seemed far too loud and she had to remember very carefully how far she had to go, and which way to turn when she came to a junction. Twice already someone had to stop her from crossing the road too early because a car had tried to speed through to miss the red light. Though she did eventually reach her destination.

As usual when she first walked in, she walked straight over to the bar to talk to the bar tender. The person she was waiting for wasn't here yet, though that didn't surprise her. He would just be getting off work around this time, and it would be a few minutes. The bartender was always so sweet, and she imagined he wore the brightest smile all day. Bidding farewell to him for now she walked away.

Mina took her seat quietly, placing a bottle of Dr. Pepper in front of her she waited. People sat in the seats around her, music echoed quietly through the room. Soon the mirrored velvet stage would be lit with an array of gorgeous colours. Mina listened to the sounds around her, picking out where each came from without looking. She felt the blast of hot air as the door’s opened and closed with new people coming in. A few minutes later Mina felt the cool air tickle her skin as the bar tender turned the central air on.

He walked in easily. As the doors closed behind him everyone turned to watch, all but one. Mina didn't twist in her seat, though she did hear the sound of his foot steps as he approached. With his dazzling smile he strode towards her. Taking the seat beside her. She smiled. The lights came on the stage, a beautiful blue glow. For a long while they sat together, listening as people went up to talk or to sing.

After someone else left the stage, he whispered something in her ear, and she slipped her hand from his as he walked onto the stage. As he lifted the mic towards his mouth she closed her eyes. He turned away from the crowd, keeping himself still as a stone. Slowly the words began to flow. His latest masterpiece blew them away. Every person had begun to sway. The rhythm of his words had everyone in awe.

His voice was soft and smooth, his features bleak and dark. Everyone watched him, begging his eyes to meet theirs, everyone but one. As he recited his poem of love, not once did he turn around. He said it from the heart and soul. Not one in the room could understand, his speech was a jumble from a long ago rumble.

Not one in the room could understand, save for the young girl who closed her eyes. As she listened she could feel the mood, hear each word loud and clear, she could sense every meaning, and see every emotion. Mina tuned everything else out, only listening to the words he read from an old piece of paper.

Her eyes remained closed even as as it ended. He turned around smiling to see her crying. Everyone stared blankly, lost and confused. Everyone but her. A single set of hands clapped, one single person. That was all he needed. He walked towards her, his beauty demanding the attention of all. He put his hand on hers and her smile grew. The tears didn't stop, even as she felt his position change. As he bent down on a single knee, pulled out a simple ring, she opened her eyes once more.

Through them in faded black and white she saw the lines and dips of his face. Her vision always failed her. Barely able to see anything more than a vague shape. She smiled and said yes with a small nod. As he placed the ring on her finger she remembered the things he spoke in his last stanza of words.

“My love cannot see my looks, she cannot see the colours I wear, or the way I style my hair. Still she’s here with me. She alone see’s who I am inside. My dearest loves me for who I am, and not how I look. To my love, would you be so kind to say yes? After out years together, I wish to ask… Mina…Would you marry me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I promised an explanation for those who may not have understand this.

The girl Mina, is mostly blind, has been since birth though it has deteriorated over the years. Her boyfriend is a very handsome young man, everyone admires him for his looks. And they tend to ignore who he is, and focus solely on how he looks.

Mina cannot see him however, because her vision is literally that of faded black and white, she can only make out shapes and only if they are close to her. She can't admire his features unless she uses her hands to feel them out, and even then, imagine trying to see through your hands, you don't always get the full picture.

This story is about a love that goes beyond the looks. Its about the people they are inside.