Status: I mean, it's a thing


you can feel it

You can feel the sharp bits of earth poking and prodding into your skin as you lay back against the grass, wind blowing across your face and tumbling down the hill that you’ve situated yourself on top of. The rays of sun that have broken through the layer of clouds rest softly on the parts of your exposed skin – against the top of your neck and the backs of your hands and the parts of your ankles where your pants had moved just a bit. You settle into the ground beneath you and feel a faint smile sweep across your face, your eyes fluttering closed.

You can feel the sinking feeling bubble up from the pit of your stomach, clawing its way up through your ribs and settling at the bottom of your lungs. You try to take a deep breath – trying desperately to let the feeling go with the carbon dioxide in your exhale – but the oxygen catches in your throat and latches on, refusing to let you push it out. You force your heavy eyelids open, hoping to catch a glimpse of something to ground yourself, but all you’re met with is a dull grey.

You can feel the dread settle into your bones, creaking as it pushes you into the group beneath you. You want to get up – you would give anything just to look up at the blue sky, plant your feet on the ground, and walk away – but your limbs are filled with too much lead and your head is filled with too much darkness. You feel your body go cold, your clammy palms grasp at your tingling skin as shivers move their way down your spine. You open your mouth to scream, but your throat is coated in something that tastes like a mix of horror and sadness.

You can feel your mind going dark, the dull greys fading into consuming blacks. You cough on the emotions that have filled your lungs, with each breath you let out more darkness and take in more confusion, until your ribs are bursting with feelings that you aren’t quite sure of. Your fingers grip at the grass beneath you as you push yourself up, forcing your mind to become familiar with the darkness that surrounds you. You stand up, legs shaking as you try to step forward, before you stop. You feel your face contort as you look around, eyes searching through the hazy black for something, anything.

But you can’t remember why you were even there at all.
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100% gonna get edited but I POSTED IT SO THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS