You Leave Me With a Dangerous Taste


The next day, I was more than impatient. My shower the night before hadn’t given me exactly what I wanted. Of course, I wasn’t expecting that helping myself would feel the same as being with Alex, but I was at least hoping it would be more than it actually was. Maybe I was just doing it wrong. I had never done anything of the like all by myself, I always had Alex there with me in some shape or form.

It kept me up all night.

It was all that was on my mind. Images of Alex were flashing in front of my eyes, making me unable to rest. Jack was sleeping soundly next to me, unknowing of the thoughts I was thinking. I had to keep still so I wouldn’t wake him up, but as soon as my alarm clock went off, I jumped out of bed and got ready within minutes. I left before Jack even had to get up.

The question was if Alex was also awake. That, I did not know. Although I was rushing to his house in my shitty little car, it didn’t matter how early I was there if there was nothing to go to. However, I could only hope that sneaking into Alex’s bedroom and waking him up with a surprise wouldn’t leave me with repercussions.

I parked my car in front of his house and entered with the key I had been given. If there was still a chance that William was asleep, I wasn’t going to risk ruining that alone time just by ringing the doorbell. I even tried to quietly close the door so I wouldn’t scare anybody, carefully moving it shut. It was like I was on a secret mission, trying to sneak around so nobody would wake and catch me.

“You’re early today,” Alex's deep voice said from behind me, still sounding raspy from the early morning hours.

I jumped as my heart skipped a beat, not even having had the chance to turn around and away from the front door before he spoke. Turned out I was the only one getting a fright from trying to be quiet. I tried to play it off by retorting, “well, you are too, so…”

“Well,” he repeated in an imitation of my tone as he was stood there in his pajamas, “I have to go to work like any other normal day.”

I groaned, having forgotten that Alex actually did have a job that usually required him to be there in the mornings. All I wanted was to have him right there and then. I put down my bag and, having no time to spare, straightforwardly asked, “anybody else here?”

“Will’s upstairs…” he frowned and pointed to the stairs in the foyer, “... asleep…”

“Yes, but are any of your friends here?” I double-checked to see if any of them had decided to stay over for the night as I started slowly walking up to him.

He shook his head. “Nope.”

“Oh, thank god,” I mumbled to myself and quickly closed the space between us.

I threw my arms around him and immediately started a deep kiss. With the thoughts having been in my mind for hours, I couldn’t wait any longer. Having the real thing in front of me only made the want inside of me grow even more. And Alex kissed me back with as much passion and lust. His hands slipped up my shirt from behind and rested on the small of my back, his fingertips digging in to push me closer.

Eventually, he broke away, leaving me breathless. “What’s gotten into you?”

I stared back at him, annoyed that he made us stop. “All I had last night was a shower and my imagination. It wasn’t good enough.”

A devilish smirk appeared on his face and his right hand slipped further up my back, his palm flat against my skin. I continued to stare into his eyes, daring him to walk away. But he wasn’t that foolish. He used it to his advantage to lure me back in and start our kiss again. Our lips were moving together, pressing harder and harder, making me lose all my senses.

Alex started walking us blindly in one direction, guiding my feet with a gentle push of his own. He knew the place too well to make us walk into anything. I just followed along.

We were back in his office, but we didn’t make it to his desk. Just feet away was the place where we had both agreed to this affair. This time, I was pressed up against the wall right next to one of the large windows covered by a curtain, a bookcase on the other side. When I felt the hard surface hit my back, Alex’s entrancing lips left mine and instead started leaving heat on my neck. I was never going to get over the way his breath would brush down my skin and leave behind goosebumps.

He pushed my left shoulder into the wall further with his right hand, giving himself more access to the patch of skin he was directing all his attention towards. I bit my own lip, anticipating what was to come next. My imagination was wild, but anything in real life was better. His hand started slipping down my arm until he reached my hand, intertwining our fingers as he pressed up against me with his lower body.

But there was no time to enjoy the pressure. Alex suddenly pulled away harshly, his eyes wide to show he was shocked. I was about to ask what was wrong, but a tug on my hand that brought both of ours in between us told more than a million words.

“What’s this?” he asked, his gaze fixated on the ring on my left ring finger.

“An engagement ring…?” I replied, unsure about him caring so much for it. He knew I was engaged, he knew the only reason I wasn’t married yet was because of money. There was no surprise to be found.

He hummed in response and continued to inspect it, not loosening his grip on my hand. His jaw was stiff and his breathing too even. It was like he was jealous, but his words said otherwise. “Flimsy little thing, no?”

“No.” I chose the second option. “I'd also rather have the money go to our wedding budget, but that’s going have to wait a bit longer.”

“You mustn’t be close to what you want to spend if something as worthless as this sets you back so much. Are you sure this isn’t about stalling?”

“You’re being mean.” I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms. “I spend all my time here, Jack wanted to do something for me too.”

“Right,” he nodded lightly, the smirk returning to graze his face. Something I said made him have a change of heart and let him freely come closer to me again, his whisper hitting my neck. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’ll happily sponsor that money spent on the ring and make sure you can get something even better.”

“I don’t need charity,” I shook my head and returned the hushed tone in his ear, “but I do need you right now.”

“I can do that.”

He pulled off my shirt and watched me as I squirmed. Instead of restarting the kiss like I wanted to, he hovered just too far away, always moving back as I tried to go in. Leaving me distracted by his teasing, he started working on my jeans, popping the button and pulling the zipper down. He continued to cut off all contact with my lips and instead went to his knees to pull down my jeans and panties, not wasting too much time.

Before he finally did kiss me, he hastily took off his own shirt. While he had been depriving me, he also made it harder for himself. As if our short interaction about my engagement ring hadn’t happened, he started a hungry kiss that could have easily been transitioned to before.

Then came the last bit of fumbling. He swiftly took off my bra and kicked off his own pants and boxers. With all of our clothing discarded, he pressed his chest into mine and dug his fingertips into my right thigh which was my cue to wrap my leg around him. I hooked my arms underneath his armpits to keep myself stable as I could feel my supporting knee getting weak already.

Skipping the usual foreplay, since I had been waiting for this moment for hours, he tried to position himself in our more than difficult position that was also more than exciting. I let him take his time, any remnants of my mishap with Jack completely out of the window. As he finally managed to enter me, I was driven into the wall again with his thrust. I removed my lips from his, letting my head rest in the crook of his neck. We were quite literally turning into one figure.

Our arms were wrapped around each other, one of Alex’s hands keeping us upright by keeping his palm flat against the wall just to the right of my head. It was everything I imagined and more. I was feeling immense pleasure with every thrust he made despite my back getting bruised with every movement.

To control my feelings, I decided to leave my mark on him this time. Already in place, I started with lingering kisses in between my gasps and soft moans. As his thrusts became faster and deeper, my kisses also became harsher until I opted to suck on one specific spot. Alex let out a deep growl, both enjoying what I was doing and wanting to show that he was the one in control this time, that I couldn’t just take over like that. He only improved his thrusts to make it clear, leaving me with anything but punishment.

With this one-sided battle coming from him, everything went so much faster than expected. I reached my high quicker, Alex became sloppier sooner, my back was more bruised, and everything came to an end. With the pleasure coursing through my bones, I couldn’t help but drag my nails down Alex’s back.

He managed to pull out just in time, coming over the inside of my thighs, as he collapsed into me. I put my leg back down shakily, thankful for the wall behind me barely supporting both of us. There was no way I could walk just yet, and it looked like the same went for Alex who was still enjoying the echoing shivers.

He was breathing against my neck again as he rested his forehead on the wall, trying to regain his breath. However, it wasn’t long until he realized he couldn’t take in the last ripples like he wanted. “Shit,” he cursed, yet still didn’t move, “I’m going to be late for work.”

“Uh-huh,” I agreed, putting my left hand on the nape of his neck to be able to touch him and not have to let go just yet. “But it was an emergency.”

“And so worth it,” he added, slowly standing up with his own strength.

I nodded again, carefully peeling my sticky skin off the wallpaper. “You can just say that I had some troubles and you had to wait a bit longer for me to come.”

“Oh, but I didn’t have to wait long for that at all.” He winked and started picking up his clothes from the floor, but not putting them on.

“Okay, you know what? Why don’t you hurry the fuck up and go to work before I kick your ass?” I playfully threatened.

“I’d love that, actually.”

I blankly stared at him. “No, I’m going to go wake William up and do my job, as should you.”

“I could just call in sick,” he shrugged and waltzed back over to me, a sly smile on his face.

“I think you’ve done that too often.”

“Fine,” he sighed and tried to peck me on the lips.

I ducked away and starting putting on my clothes instead. He was going to have to earn that.

“Well, before I do leave, I have a proposal,” he continued to stand there naked, trying to seem unfazed that I didn’t let him kiss me, “a proposal of a different kind.”

His eyes briefly glanced at my ring again. I just turned to him and pulled my shirt back on, only my jeans and shoes to go. However, he just watched me while I waited for him to continue and he didn’t seem like he was going to speak anytime soon.

“And that is…?” I urged.

“Oh, well, I am having a party here with people from work and such. I often give this large garden party before the temperature cools down too much,” he built up. “And, well, we also always set up a small stage. Since you won’t let me help you by getting you a record deal, I was thinking I could let you perform and try to score your own.”

I stared at him in shock. Sure, the sex was great, but I wasn’t expecting this. I was unsure what to say. My first reaction was to yell yes, this was what I always wanted. I could actually have a chance since many of Alex’s colleagues probably also got to sign artists. It was such an exciting thought, I could live my dream. But on the other hand, it didn’t feel right. I worked for Alex, I couldn’t take advantage of that and use it for something else.

All I wanted was sex, and now I was left with a dilemma.
♠ ♠ ♠
So many contradictory thoughts!

Is Paisley going to notice how great the opportunity is and say yes?