Status: In Progress

Our Story

Meeting the Advisors

(Talc POV)

“Welcome Herald. And... what was it? Lady Talc?” A familiar voice spoke as we entered the Chantry.

Liliana strode up to meet us. I remembered her from the cave. I hadn't payed her much attention then, but I took the time now. She was a small woman, slightly taller than the size I used to be, around 5' 2"? Her pale face was framed by short red hair that came down to her chin with a single braid falling off to her right.

Her armor seemed much more comfortable than TinTins. It was a soft leather bodice and skirt with plated metal. Functional. It wouldn't weigh her down and it protected all the vital parts. On her back was a sword and quiver of arrows. I was loving the look. She gave Melina a slight bow and ignored me completely. I wasn't the Chosen One so it was to be expected, I guess.

"I'm part of the council for the Inquisition. We are expecting you, Herald." She turned to me to push me back out the doors, "Lady Talc, we will be some time. Perhaps you can wait for the Herald in the tavern.”

I barked a laugh and waved Liliana away like a pesky fly, "The Herald is a two-for-one deal, Red."

I was interested in this meeting. I hoped to gain some new information that could get me closer to the Breach. I needed to attended.

I saw Liliana tense up. She seemed to be pondering how she might remove me by force. She struck me as one who'd seen a few battles. A fight between us here would be no laughing matter. I squared my shoulders and gave her a try-it-if-you-dare look.

Melina immediately intervened. “Liliana, I trust Talc's opinions in these matters. She may offer perspectives few would think of. But as she said, where I go... she goes.” Folding her arms in defiance,“This is not a matter for debate. Understand?”

A flicker of annoyance danced in Liliana's eyes. “As you say Herald. If you BOTH would follow me please.”

We continued down the Chantry. Melina had been right on the money. The architecture was as grand and ethereal as a cathedral. Archways and stained glass were abundant throughout the halls and grand rooms. The people scurried about their appointed tasks, paying us little attention.

Melina poked me with her elbow,“See? It's all pretty familiar yeah? Just like a church. It's amazing the similarities. They even have the candles lit up in the corner. See?”

I nodded, enthralled by its beauty. Liliana took advantage of my preoccupation with my surrounding to wedged herself between us.

She eyed Melina's hand, “Does it trouble you?”

“It hasn't hurt as much as it did before. Thankfully.”

“Yes your mark has stabilized since you disrupted the Breach. You've given us some time, and Solas believes a second attempt might succeed. Provided the mark has more power.”

I grabbed Red by the armored shoulder pads and spun her around to face me.

“A second time? That thing nearly killed her the first time and you want her to do it again? And with more power?! How do you know it won't kill her this time?” I crossed my arms, "Does Solas even understand the risk?" I asked, glaring at her. The horrific image of my friend twisted and covered in blood flooded my memory. That wasn't something I wanted to relive.

“Solas is an expert in Rift magic." She sniffed with a toss of her head. "He has been studying the Breach since it first appeared. He believes the same level of power used to open the Breach the first time will be needed to close it again.”

"That's all fine and dandy to say when it's not his head about to get blown to smithereens. Has he forgotten what we heard in the ruins? Whoever opened the Breach used a human sacrifice to get it done." I jabbed a finger in her clavicle. "Are you volunteering now or is he?" I sneered.

Melina could be the hero all she wanted, but if playing the game meant becoming tinder for the flames, I was pulling the plug right here and now.

The red head bristled at my words.

“Clearly you have something in mind?” Melina piped up.

Liliana glared back at me once more before turning away, "We do. Come, let us meet the rest of the council.”

We passed another set of doors and into a room off the main foyer. A giant table with a map spread before us. Three more people were there already deep in discussion.

“May I present Commander Cullen, leader of the Inquisition forces.” Red announced. A ruggedly handsome blond man pushed himself away from the table to greet us.

“Such as they are. We lost many soldiers closing the Breach. I fear many more will be lost when all this is through. It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

He stepped forward and inclined he's head towards me and Melina. I was pleasantly surprised by his politeness in acknowledging us both.

"This is Lady Josephine Montilyet. She is our ambassador and chief diplomat.” A woman in an extravagantly flamboyant and frilly gold dress stepped forward and bowed with a flourish before my friend, “Andaran Atishan, Herald.”

Melina's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "You speak Elven?” She asked.

"Do you?" I quietly muttered under my breath.

“I'm afraid you've heard the entirety of it."Josephine smiled sheepishly, "I will be helping you with all the nobles and dignitaries you will indubitably be forced do deal with.” The golden lady turned to me, “You are even taller then I'd heard. Forgive me, I dont know how to greet you in Qunlat”

“Just 'what's up' is good enough.” I said, giving Josephine a quick, two-fingered salute. I didn't want to waste time on formalities, “By the way, love the dress.”

Josephine seemed slightly perplexed. She repeated the gesture awkwardly, “What is up.”

I nodded to assure her it had been done correctly, amusing though it was to hear someone attempt to formalize slang.

Red pointed to herself, “and to reiterate, I am Liliana. My position here involves a degree of....”

“She is our Spymaster.” A familiar voice entered behind us.

"Tactfully put Cassandra, you are late to the meeting. I had to escort the Herald myself.”

“I was dealing with a snow incident outside.” TinTin said, giving me an accusing look as she brushed by. I stifled a laugh and Melina glared at me.

“It's a pleasure to meet you all” Melina said turning to everyone in the room.

I nodded my consent. I was impatient to get started.

“I've already mentioned that the mark needs more power to close the Breach, Cassandra.” Liliana said. “This means we have to approach the rebel mages for help.”

A frustrated groan escaped Cullen, “I still disagree. The Templars could serve just as well.”

“But Liliana said that the mark needs power, Commander. Magic poured into the mark. Templars cannot accomplish this.” Melina interrupted.

“And such an action might destroy us all! Templars could suppress the Breach, weaken it so-”

“That is pure speculation Commander.” Red cut him off.

Unfazed he continued, “I was a templar. I know what they're capable of.”

"Yes capable of many atrocities. Why should we trust templars who so eagerly seek to harm others?” Melina huffed angrily.

I was a bit taken aback. She was taking this all mighty personally. Angry over things that she hadn't experienced. It's a game. who cares how it gets done or who does what?

“Not all are like that Herald.”

“Unfortunately, however, neither Group will even speak to us yet. So this arguing is a moot point. On top of that, the Chantry has denounced the Inquisition, and you specifically Herald.” Josephine interjected before the pointless argument could continued.

Melina set her jaw on edge. “They still think I'm guilty then. Youd think word would spread quickly of how the Breach has halted expanding.”

“That is not the entirety of it any longer. Some call you, a Dailish Mage, the 'Herald of Andraste'. You could see how that would be problematic.”

No, all those titles sound irrelevant. I thought.

"Why does it matter what she's called? If she's helping that should be the end of it." I said

“Its more complicated then that. The Chantry was founded by a human who swayed the Makers wrath. Andraste. Even though Andraste spoke of magic has a tool to be used, many fear it now. The fact that I'm an Elf and possess magic is like a double blasphemy. They denounced the Inquisition because they have allowed me to stay.”

I nodded like that mattered in some small way or made any sense at all.

"Chancellor Roderick undoubtably has a hand in all of this." Red mused.

“Ah yes, Chancellor Roderick.” Josephine echoed, “As the Chantry has withdrawn support, that limits the power we have. Neither mages or templars would even consider an envoy to speak with us.”

“Then what can we do to help ease the tension between the Chantry and the Inquisition?” Melina finally asked," If the chantry can be reasoned with, the Mages would consent to help us, correct?" Politics aside, a Mage sounded like the best way into the Fade if Templar prejudice couldn't be overcome.

Liliana nodded and spoke up, “A chantry cleric by the name of Mother Giselle has asked to speak with you. Her---” Melina glared daggers at her. “Ayla. She is not far, and knows those involved far better then I. Her assistance could be invaluable.”

“Indeed, we should hear her out.” Mel consented.

“You will find Mother Giselle tending to the wounded in the Hinterlands near Redcliffe.” Liliana continued.

“Does she consider Ayla the Herald of Andraste?” I asked.

“People saw what she did at the temple. How the breach stopped growing. They also heard about the woman seen in the rift when we first found you. They believe that was Andraste.”

I nodded. I didn't remember much of anything, but if the echoes I'd heard in the mountains were the Fade-Memories of what happen right before the explosion then it must've been so. I guessed there would be a quest to find the mysterious woman eventually.

As if reading my mind, Melina voiced my thoughts,"People will believe what they want to believe. I dont remember this woman. Whoever she is, she may have answers for us.”

As if you don't already know how she is. I thought rolling my eyes.

Mel caught the eye roll, but ignored it and pressed on, “Even if we could explain what really happened the rumors will still spread.”

“Everyone is talking about you both! To have appeared from the Fade as such, is hardly a small matter.” Liliana spoke.

I blocked out the chatter in the room. My suspicions were now confirmed. We had come through the Breach, from the Fade. If I wanted to get us out of here and back to reality, I had to get us back through the Fade.

Closing the Breach could mean being trap here forever. I thought about my family. My mother, my brother. Did they know I was missing? How much time had passed in the real world since we were pulled into the game? Was it days? Months?

With Melina hell-bent on playing the hero to its grand finale, it would be difficult to convince her to stop. I wouldn't interfere right away. Best to hold off for the time being. I'd need help from anyone that could give me information or power connected to the Fade.

I eyed the Inquisition Commander. Apparently Templars and Mages both had the power to affect the Breach. I'd get any information I could out of Cullen. My thoughts went to Solas. If he was the leading expert on the Fade, I'd need his help sooner rather than later.

I eyed Melina as they squabbled over rumors and public opinions. She'd mentioned Solas was a murderous villain. I wondered how far she had played the game. Was it fact or misguided perception? What would be the danger in seeking him out? I'd watch him for now, but I'd have to take a chance eventually.

“It's quite the title. How do you feel about it?" Cullen was asking Mel when I tuned back into the conversation.

“I am no Herald of Andraste. Whoever this 'woman' was. It certainly wasn't her. Talc and I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm no one special”

“Not many would agree with you Herald.” Cassandra spoke up.

Mel turned on her, “Oh yeah. One more thing before we continue. I'd like everyone to stop calling me Herald. As I said, I'm no one's herald. I'm just Ayla.”

The group seemed to shift uncomfortably.

“People are desperate for a sign of hope. For many people, you are that sign.” Liliana mentioned. “But to others, a symbol for everything that's gone wrong.” Josephine finished.

“They are simply concerned. They just doubt our ability to handle it.” Cullen reasoned.

“The chantry tells everyone that we will make it worse.” Josephine sighed.

“Look for other opportunities to expand the inquisition's influence and turn the public opinion while you are with mother Giselle. We need agents to extend our reach beyond the Valley. As the Herald, you are better suited then anyone to recruit them.” Cullen spoke.

“In the meantime, Let's think of other options. I wont leave this all to the Herald.” I heard Melina grumbled a bit at the use of Herald, but she didn't say anything.

“But before we can allow you to travel to the Hinterlands, you both must receive some training in defense. ” Cassandra continued.

“I can help teach Talc sword techniques.” Cullen volunteered.

Perfect, I did a mental fist pump, a perfect opportunity to ask about the Templars and the Fade.

“I can study with Varric on how to be a rogue. I will need a lot of practice with my daggers.” Melina smiled.

“You should also seek out Solas. You are untrained as a mage. He will help guide you.” Liliana interjected.

I glance over at Mel's face, a look of defiance on it. I doubted she'd be doing that.

“Sounds like a plan then. Shall we break till later?” I asked.

“First you must go to the armory and get proper armor and weapons.” Cullen spoke up. “We will start your training as soon as possible.”

I followed Melina out of the room and down the halls of the chantry. I could feel the excitement radiating from her as she burst into gleeful chatter about rogue training.

"I'm going to get training in double daggers! It's going to be so cool!" She squealed.

I nodded "huh! Super cool." I agreed but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but be concerned over what we had just discussed.

Had she not heard what the plan was? They were going to take her to the mages and supercharge her mark. The same mark that had left her in a coma for a few days. The very same that had left her a bloody, broken heap on the frozen ground not so long ago.

"And Lock-picking! A rogue specialty!"

"Hey M." I tried to say it quietly as we passed by the scribes and servants crowding the halls.

"There won't be a door in this whole kingdom I can't open!"

"Mel." I said it a bit louder

"The worlds gonna be our oyster."

"Earth to Ayla." People surrounded us now. The chantry was busier than I had first noticed.

"What are you going to try? Hey! What are you doing?!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her through the first door I saw. We needed to talk.

We stumbled into a room that could've made Harry Potter's closet bedroom look cozy. It was a janitors closet judging by the brooms and buckets. It also seemed to double as a study going by the desk and crumpled parchment that lay all around. There were chests of varying sizes crammed up against the walls and crates stacked precariously to the ceiling, which was much too close to my head to begin with.

"Melina." Her eyes went wide as I used her real name. I rolled my eyes and dropped my voice to a whisper. " Melina. Did you even hear the plan? Are you really considering going along with this?"

She gave me a strange look. "This is how the game goes." She said, "I know I'll be fine." She raised her hand to display the glowing mark. "I'm the herald, remember."

I pushed her hand down. "They're going to blow you up! Don't you remember anything about the first time you closed the rift? The pain!? The blood?! Well I do!" I whispered harshly, jabbing myself in the heart a bit more forcefully than I intended. "Besides! Everyone hates you! What's the point? Lets just get out and go home!"

She grew slightly angry. “Of course I remember all that pain. I LIVED it! I have never experienced anything like it! We are closing a freaking hole in the sky! It might cause pain, it might not. I can't let that stop me from doing the right thing! If I dont close the breach, thousands of people could die! Including me and you! So I think someones life is worth a few ouchies.” Her voice faded a bit and a look of horror flickered through her eyes, “I... I've gone through it once. IF it happens again, I know I can make it.” She looked at the mark and slowly messaged it with her other hand.

" Are you insane?! The 'Right' thing?! This place isn't even real. Those people aren't real! No one is going to die except maybe us! It's too dangerous for you to keep playing the herald. You went through all that with just a tiny bit of power! Now they want to supercharge the mark. They're going to kill you. We need to get away from here and figure out a way home. Playing the game is suicide!"

"Why don't you believe me? The Herald uses either the mages or the templars to close the rift and the world is safe from one less threat. If it happened in the game it should happen now! Nothing has changed much! We have to close the rift."

"No. We don't! Melina" I stressed her name, " The only thing we have to do is get home to our families. Remember those? We have a real home with real families that are probably really worried about us and we need to leave the Breach open to get back to them!"

"Oy. Is someone in here?" A voice called from outside our hideaway. As quickly as the door had swung open, I threw my hand against it to slam it shut again. There was a surprised Yelp and a thud as a body bounced off the door and hit the ground on the other side. Muffled cursing drifted through the air.

Melina pursed her lips in disapproval. I shrugged it off. "I'm real. You're real. And we need to get back to the real world! What if you get killed closing the rift. What if the game doesn't revive you because that's where the story ends."

"Fine then. By your logic, I'm the main character. Videogames don't kill off the main character. I'm not going to die." She scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Plenty of games kill off the main character!" I snapped. She set her jaw on edge warning me not to spoil any endings.

I gave a frustrated sigh.

"There's two of us now." I managed to soften my voice, "the game may end differently this time. You said it yourself. Are you really going to risk it?"

If my words gave her pause, it was short-lived.

"Uam okay. I think mah nobes broken." The moment was interrupted by painful groans from the other side of the door.

"I don't want to argue about this anymore." Melina snapped. "I'm closing this breach. Be all angry at me all you like. But we came into a game and games need to end before everything resets. If we save this world, we go home." I began to object but she cut me off. "I need my best friend to watch my back or I'll definitely never make it."

My words tasted like bitter defeat as I swallowed them again. She was staring me down....or up...I'm not sure how to put it. Can a mouse stare down a giraffe? Either way, it worked. She was committed to the suicide mission. I wasn't going to abandon her to look for another way. I definitely had to stick around and keep an eye on her because I knew her. She'd do it no matter what and I needed her to get home in spite of herself.

"Your really are nothing but trouble, Trouble." I finally conceded without a hint of mirth.

She winked at me. "That's why we're friends, Sunshine." She smirked.

(Ayla POV)

Talc was close on my heels as we exited the Chantry and made our way to the armory. “Are you gonna let CueBall teach you magic?” Talc asked.

“Not if I can help it. What kind of weapon were you thinking of training with?”

“I hadn't given it much thought. A sword I guess.” she shrugged.

I chuckled, “I thought maybe a big sword like Ichigo from Bleach has. That would look siiiick!”

Talc laughed at the reference, “ I doubt they'd have that here.”

I stuck out my tongue at her, “I bet we could commission it. I'm the Herald, remember? I get what I wants!” I smiled up at Talc.

She looked less than thrilled, “Do you need another trip to the snow bank to deflate your expanding ego?”

I laughed. “Only kidding!”

We arrived at the blacksmith. I got simple leather armor for my upper and lower body. There was nothing for Talc. Qunari were rare in these parts. She didn't seem to mind as they pieced together a leather chest plate for her. In the end it was still too small and patched together from different armor sets.

We made our way back to Talcs cabin. “I'll let ya know how it goes tonight. Cool? I'm gonna try something tonight. If it works it will really help both of us. My magic and your defense.” I held up my first for a fist bump.

“What are you going to be doing?" she asked giving me an awkwardly reluctant fist bump.

“Wish me luck!” I gave her a wink and, without answering, I turned on my heels and went straight to my cabin. No hobo elves interrupting me tonight! I got comfortable in my bed. Emptied my mind, and let myself drift off into blissful sleep