Status: In Progress

Our Story

A Billy Goat

We begin walking towards the breach. Cassandra in the front, Varric and Solas in the middle. I'm walking next to Talc. She looks so unsure. I can't afford to comfort her here. Thatd be giving away way to many details that I dont want getting out. Not yet at least.

My eyes gaze up at Solas' bald head. Stupid egg. His hands folded behind his back. He seems quite focused on the Breach. Wait, time to test a theory of mine.

"Oye!Yo se tu eres el lobo! Yo se todo sus planes!" I say loud enough for him to hear. But not loud enough to be suspicious. He doesn't flinch. He doesn't turn to look at me. I feel no rush of magic. He just continues walking. Hmm well either he's very very good at controlling himself. Or he has no idea what I said. Considering I just admitted to knowing who he was, he remained very calm. Most excellent. Spanish is safe... To bad i'm super limited. But it'll be enough. We'll figure it out.

Talc touched my arm, getting my attention back. "Porque le estas hablando asi?" She pauses before continuing "Ayla?"

"Nah, todo bien. Yo hablo contingo despes de este aventuras. Pero, si alguen hace una pregunta. Dije solomenta en penquno palabras." I rolled my eyes, why didn't I study spanish more. Making eye contact again, she nodded her head. Hopefully understanding what I meant.

"So tell me Ayla. How do you to know each other?" Varric asks.

I noticed Solas perk up, but he keeps walking.

"We are best friends. Lived together for a time." I keep my eyes straight. We really need to get our cover story down.

"Very unusual for a Qunari and a Dalish elf to live together. How did that come about da'len?"

I feel Talc turn her head in surprise next to me. Putting my hand on her arm. Now isn't the time to explain that little word. Da'len, was way to close to her real name. Her human name. Thinking quickly I respond, "It is unusual indeed. But Talc came to my clan seeking shelter and we took her in."

Wait...Dalish elf? I'm an elf?? Wait yes... of course I'm an elf, thats the character I always chose. I was a rogue so why not an elf as well. I tentatively reach up to touch my ears and turned to look at Talc. She nods and touches my ear as well. Thankfully we are in the back of the pack or this wouldn't have gone over well. My hands wander over my face and I feel the vallaslin slightly raised. Oh goodie, I wonder who I'm marked for.

"What was a Qunari doing so close to your clan's lands." Cassandra asked.

Stopping Talc before she could answer, "We aren't from around here, its not that unusual for a clan to take in a Qunari where we are from."

Solas turns to study me again. His eyes narrrowed. He moves to ask a question when the Breach flares. I whip my head up to look at it.There the wave of energy rushing quickly towards me. As it nears me I tense up in anticipation.

"Dont panic Talc" I whispered before the wave of energy passes over me.Energy began spurting out of my hand. I screamed and fell to my knee.I quickly thrust my hand into my chest hoping to smother the pain.

I could see Talc's confused and scared face but I couldn't speak. She quickly kneels down and grabs hold of me. "What's wrong?! What isit!!?" she panics trying to examine me.

"Ayla!"I heard Solas yell. He ran towards me dropping his staff. He knelt down beside me and touched the arm cradling my hand. I screamed again as my mark reacts to his touch.

I could feel Talc's anger, see her confusion. She grabs Solas' shoulder and pushes him back. Standing between me and him. "Get away from her!" She threatens. She looked like was ready to sock him in the mouth.

Gritting my teeth, "Talc! Stop! Let pass!" It flares again and I'm thrown onto my back.

Talc kneels down next to me.

"Well don't just stand there then! Do something if you're going to do it,Stupid!" She snapped at Solas.

Solas recovers quickly and is by my side. I thrust my marked hand into his and he begins probing it. I see the magic swirling around my hand to much for me to contain. With Solas' prodding, it begins to dissipate. The waves of pain subside and I'm left panting and shaking.

"We need to close the Breach. Your mark is getting worse. I wont be able to stop it soon" Solas whispers to me. I nod and look to Talc.

"Help me up would ya." She picks me up and gently places me down. I lean into her, to weak to walk alone.

"Lets get going. Ma sarranas Solas."

He nods and stands back up. "Quickly Seeker! We need to get to the forward camp!" Stopping to grab his staff he runs ahead. "I sense no demons ahead. We must make haste!"

Talc helps me walk as quickly as I can. "You have a lot of explaining to do. What is going on.?" Talc whispers to me.

"I know, but now isn't the time." I whisper. She doesn't like the answer

"What better time could there be." she hisses, but leaves it at that.

As we walked towards camp my energy came back. I saw the tents in the background and more ruins dotting the landscape. I let go of Talc and hurry to join Cassandra. I needed to be there to see this little outburst.

"Ah,here they finally come. Clap the prisoner in chains! She needs to betaken to Val Royeaux to face execution!" A male voice rings through the air. The guards and scouts all turn to look at me. Scowls and glares plastered on their faces. Really guys, I'm the good guy here.Just let me do my job and you can all see how awesome I am. I laughed at my own thoughts of self importance.

Cassandra sauntered right up to him, "You will do no such thing! This prisoner agreed to help us seal the Breach!" So i'm still the prisoner. Oh joy.

"It is your duty to serve the Chantry Seeker! Or is this a sign of your disloyalty! Have you become a thug now? Throwing you political name around while strong arming everyone into submission?!" He growled.

"Chancalor Rodrick! I am the Left Hand of Devine Justinia. It is my job to ensure her will is carried out! I will NOT have some bureaucrat lecturing me about situations he knows NOTHING about!" Cassandra glares

I stand beside her studying them. A small smile on my face and my index finger and thumb pressed against my lip. Talc moves to join me."Enjoying the show?" I ask? A hint of mischief in my eyes.

Talc didn't respond. Her presence a looming shadow next to me. She crossed her arms with a rather peeved look on her face. I could tell her patience was wearing thin by this whole situation. Please Lyntry not to blow your top.

I knew the look in her eyes, though. She was just itching to give someone a bad day. I must've been on the list because she gave me a"humph" and a shrug.

(Talc POV)

Ludicrous,all of this. Between Melina the elf and this group of dungeon and dragon rejects, I had no idea what was going on. My dream theory was being violently ripped to shreds as TinTin argued with...with...whoever the hell she was arguing with.

I'd never dream of something as pointless as politics. If this was my dream, I'd know what was going on. I'd have broken TinTins high and mighty face already. From the looks of it, I seemed to be the only one out of the loop. Breaches, marks, demons, elves, there was nothing I hated more than not being in control of my own situation and this took it to the next level.

The things I was seeing were more absurd than a Lewis Carroll novel. I half expected the Mad Hatter to pop in and add his insanity to the mix. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" I muttered to myself, probably the only sane question I'd be asking all day.

"Enjoying the show?" Melina elf asked me mischievously, nodding her head to indicate the screaming match happening across the room. I felt like punching her, too. She made me feel even more out of place, even if she was Melina. The smugness on her face made it seem like she was toying with me. Enjoying my perpetual lost-ness with no intention of helping. It pissed me off.

"And what is THAT?! A Qunari! Guards seize them both immediately!"Chancellor Roderick spat.

"Chancellor Roderick! Stop this immediately!" TinTin screamed.

At the mention of my avatar's race, I snapped to attention just in time to see a guard charging forward, sword raised and a battle cry on his lips.

"SERIOUSLY?!?I'm literally just standing here!" My mind screamed.

He was on me in a flash. In my panic, I gave the most vicious front kick I could manage. I hadn't expected the kick to make contact, but I underestimated my new body's reach. I caught him squarely in the face. His head snapped back to a grotesque degree as he flipped over himself and landed on the ground with a crash.

I clamped my hands over my mouth to hide my gaping amazement. Melina stared wide-eyed in dumbstruck-horror at me.

"You Dare!" Chancellor Roderick roared.

"That is NOT my fault!" I threw an accusing hand up to indicate the moaning man on the ground , "He attacked me first! You all saw it!" I wagged my finger around the room.

I saw the little elf cradle her face in her fingertips and shake her head in disbelief. That was a very Melina thing to do. I guess I'd have to start believing that really was Melina.

It was then I noticed the circle of guards moving in closer. I took my fighting stance. An aikido fighting stance isn't exactly threatening,but I like to think any stance a 7-foot, black-horned, silver giant makes is threatening enough.

"But I'll take credit for all the rest!" I shouted.

A nervous wave rippled through the guards. No one seemed as eager as their friend had been to take me on. I felt invincible in this body.A thrill of excitement ran up my spine. I used to fight all the time with people who were twice my size.

My favorite schoolyard memories often ended in a trip to the principals office for the same. Of course, that all ended when my mother found out and I promised her I'd never fight again.

All bets were off now. I was doing some pretty heavy hallucinating and the rules no longer applied. Gone was the Brooklyn I used to be, tiny and polite. I was Talc. 7 feet of pure, athletic muscle, I didn't have to be polite anymore. I wasn't going to waste the opportunity to give everyone the beatings they deserved.

The guards in all their armor were puny. They were nothing compared to the monsters I had to fight escaping the prison. I could break the mall. I tried to control the grin spreading across my face as I stepped forward.

"You will watch how you speak to my friend, Chancellor Billy Goat!"Melina shouted as she planted herself in the gap between me and my sea of enemies.

He sputtered at her insult as I tried to hold back my disappointment.She was ruining the only sane moment in this nightmare. Ugh! I wanted to punch her till she puked up the answers I desperately needed.

(Ayla POV)
Talc stepped back behind me, the dangerous aura that had surrounded her moments before subsiding enough to assure me she'd let me continue without interruption. I couldn't help but notice the murderous glare she gave me as she stepped aside.

"I'll tell you everything when there's time, Brooklyn. Just be patient." I thought to myself.

Leaning onto the table and closer to him I say, "You have a giant green swirling vortex vomiting demon comets left and right. You have no way of stopping it. Do you?" The Chancellor fumbles a few sentences before I interrupt. "Thats what I thought. See heres the deal."

I remove myself from the table and lightly pace. Only briefly making eye contact with the Chancellor. "You can do nothing about the Breach. But I CAN. So listen well. Treat my friend with the respect she deserves." Turning once again to the Chancellor and slamming my fist onto the table, "Or I WILL leave and not think twice about it.Your little Breach problem will continue to grow and the world will be destroyed. All because you couldn't control your manners."

I smile a bit and back off. My thumb and finger returning to my face. Hip cocked to one side I await his response. It was totally a bluff. I knew it. The rest of the companions knew it. But the Chancellor didnt. I smiled slightly as the Chancellor stuttered with different sentences. Trying to form a complete thought. I watched as different emotions warped his face. Anger, fear, confusion, acceptance, anger again. It was like reading a book. One that was beginning to bore me.

Glaring again, "Thats what I thought. Now I expect an apology to my friend here." Taking my hand from my lips and crossing my arms. Talc steps up next to me and smiles wide.

"Go on Chancellor. I'm waiting." I pander.

"I'm...Sorry... Lady?" The Chancellor speaks.

"Talc"My Qunari friend rumbles.

"Lady Talc. I apologize for my rude behavior." The Chancellor does a flurish of a bow before glaring back at me.

"Next time, Chancallor. Try not to insult a Qunari. I've heard it usually isn't good for ones health" I couldn't help but tease the poor thing.

Cassandra's jaw drops.

"Thank you Chancellor." I smile pleasantly once at him. I catch Solas watching me again. A smug look on his face. Really? Are you gonna keep staring at me? Its starting to be a bit creepy.

I can hear Talc softly chuckling, her rage subsiding somewhat. Ignoring her I turn to Cassandra, "Where is Liliana? You said she would be here."

"I'm here! I bring reports on the Breach. It is continuing grow at a faster rate. We must hurry. There are two paths One along the mountain and one along the valley." I nod as she continues, "Our scouts have gone missing along the mountain path. Our information is limited so we dont know if it is dangerous. It is the faster route however. Our soldiers are holding the valley path, it will be slower but more secure."

Cassandra turns to me, "Which path do you want to take?"

"You are asking the prisoners help? Her opinion doesn't matter!"Chancellor Roderick interrupts.

I glare at the Chancellor, "Do you really want to go through this song and dance again?" My voice even and neutral.

"She does bear the mark. It is her choice." Solas pipes in.

"The kids done fine so far, I'll follow either direction." Varric sneaks a grin at me and winks.

Cassandra glares at the Chancellor, "She is the one we need to protect. She should decide her fate."

I grin back. "The mountain pass then. I wont leave men behind and if they are in trouble, we should be there to help. Gather your forces.We must all work together to ensure victory."

The team starts heading out. "On your head be the consequences,Prisoner." Chancellor Roderick mumbles.

I ignore him.


I've never been an outdoorsy kind of girl. I hate the bugs, hate the cold, hate the mud. Now I found myself hiking up a mountain side in the cold and in the mud. "At least no bugs." I muttered as I brought up the rear of our strange little group.

I was behind Varric. Melina was leading the way. Try as I might, she avoided giving me any hints as to what where we were and how we got here. I was so confused and she seemed to have all the answers.

I wanted nothing more than to throw her over the cliff, but Melina was the only thing I was sure of at the moment, useless as she was.Even if she was some kind of delusion at least she was familiar,pointy ears aside.

I decide to to try my luck with Varric. "How's it going Shortcake?Not too old for the climb are you?"

"Ha!Bite your tongue Sunshine! I'll out climb the best of 'em on any day of the week. I may prefer the dark alleys of Kirkwall but I can hold my own on the mountain slope." He retorted. "How are you holding up? Silver skin turning blue climbing this mountain yet?"

I hauled myself up a particularly steep part of the path using a tree for support. "It'd be better if I knew why I was climbing in the first place."

Varric leaned on a boulder to wait for me as the others continued up the path, oblivious to our conversation. "Take it you didn't catch much of the conversation with the chancellor." He smirked.

"Reasons were hard to hear over the pummeling I gave the guards." I smirk, "It's a rescue mission from what I can gather, but why isMel-, er, Ayla leading the way. Isn't she a prisoner?"

Varric chuckled softly, "So are you I guess. You both fell out of the Fade. I'm sure that's just in the eyes of the chancellor, no one in their right mind listens to him anyway." He laughed,"besides. Who's going to throw theHerald, our only chance of salvation, into prison. You'd have to be one stupid sod to do that."

"The Fade? The Herald is-" I began.

"Hurry up you two! We haven't got all day!" TinTins screeched at usfrom up the path.

"I know it's just my masculine presence you miss!" Varric shoutedback.

"Like one misses a foot rash." Cassandra growled.

"Oo."Varric gave a sheepish grin, "the shameless way she flirts."He smirked.

We climbed quickly to catch up with the rest of the group. I fell inline beside Melina. Angry at her as I was becoming, there was still some comfort knowing I wasn't here by myself.

I tried to piece together what little information I had into the most sane theory I could conjure up. Somehow, I had ended up in the twilight zone based on the Dragon Age game. Melina was an elf with some dangerous marking on her hand that had some kind of connection with the swirling death in the sky. I was a Qunari. Nothing special there, but everyone seems to hate me on sight.

I'm guessing Melina is the Herald....whatever that means. That chancellor seemed to have very little respect for whatever special thing she could do. But TinTin, CueBall, and Shortcake all seemed to believe in her ability to "save us all" from some impending doom. I hoped to be long gone before doomsday arrived.

More than that, Melina seemed to know where we were. Which would make sense if this place was based on the game that she'd played before. I felt a stab of betrayal. She was going out of her way to keep me in the dark, completely dependent on her. she was somehow enjoying this road trip from hell.

She better pray her powers could save her from the butt kicking I was going to give her if she kept jerking me around on this psychotic scavenger hunt without any explanations.