Status: Enjoy :)

The Days Filled With News

Moody Monday Morning

Am I awake? Am I asleep? I slowly open my eyes to realise my nose is wet and sticky and that a weight is on my chest. Staring back at me is a blurred figure that seems close, it's eyes are a beautiful, bright green colour. My hand fumbles around the spruce wood cabinet adjacent to the bed, where it finds my glasses and slides them onto my ears. You don't need alarms when you have animals, Yesterday it was Milo but, today its Jasper. I turn my head slightly to notice Brandon isn't in bed. Of course he isn't today is the big day.

"Morning, sleep well?" I ask caringly to a very tired looking face.
"Not really, cats again" Brandon mumbles watching his toast pop up from the half broken toaster.
I watch him hide the toast with butter then cut it into 4 perfectly identical triangles. One of the pieces vanish by the time I have bent down to pull my socks, that are hanging off my feet, as far up as they can go.
"Can we talk? I.."
"Not today" Brandon quickly says back, cutting off my sentence and walking into the bedroom with toast hanging out of his mouth.

The fluffy, candyfloss clouds from yesterday are grey monsters today. The rain leaves snail trail as they race down to the bottom of the window.
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Will continue as soon as I can, hope you enjoy so far.