Forever Five

The Car Gremlins

"Daaaaaaaaan?" He whines.

"Yess Teddy?"

"Can I have a lollipop?" He asks, clenching his hands together and spinning back and forth on the spot. He looks up at me with his huge eyes filled with innocence.

"Maybe you can have a lollipop after dinner, we don't want you filling up on sweeties before hand do we?"

He nods, but then shakes his head. Then nods again.

"Nooo." I say slowly, shaking my head. He copied my example and shakes his head at the same time as me.


"Yes?" I ask distractedly.

"What's for tea?"

"I don't know. Want to go to McDonalds and get a couple of happy meals?"

"Yeah." He smiles eagerly. "And... and... and... and a milkshake?" He ggives me that mischievous grin again and he spins, but never moves his feet.

"I'm sure we can get you a milkshake too."


"Yeah strawberry." I grin at him. I smirk and go to grab my keys off the cabinet. But they aren't there.

"Where are my keys?"

"I don't know." He looks guiltily at his feet.

"Did you take my keys again?" I ask him sternly. He bites his lip before.

"I'm sorry Dan... I didn't mean to but they were shiny! I like them and they have a picture of spongebob squarepants on them." His eyes are honest and open. Spongebob squarepants is his favourite TV programme.

"Go get in the car." I smile.

"I don't like the car." He mumurs and shuffles away to get his shoes.

"You love the car." I tell him in a puzzled tone.

"Only when you're there to keep me safe. If your not there then... then... then the car gremlins will get me." I try stiffle a laugh. Apart from the fact that he's my brother, this is one of the reasons I do what I do. I know what he means when he says the car gremlins. An advert on TV he was watching, little gremlins crawl out of a car dashboard and start eating it.

Trying to sell some stupid new car or something, maybe it was a cleaner, I'll have to look out for that advert on TV next time I watch it.

When we got hit by that car. The day my family died.

That was the day Teddy became a five year old.

♠ ♠ ♠
This. Is. Going. To. Be. Happy.
Lottie. Please. Don't. Kill. Me.