Forever Five

The World Can Keep Away.

“Come on, we’ll go to the park, eh?”

“But you lied!”


“You lied!”


“Okay,” he grinned madly, knowing all too well he had won.

Some days you just had to let him. Telling his bear that dreams were true, well, it wasn’t the smartest thing I’d ever done in the history of ever.

As always, it was a strain to get him to the park, but when we were there, oh, he loved it! Running around like the mad man he was, going up and petting random dogs, hugging trees and generally being a kid. Most of the locals knew us by now and they just assumed they should pretend he was the kid he thought of himself to be.

Mrs McHoarfer had sat with me for a bit as she walked her dog, but our conversation withered. People liked to talk to me, and try to relate to me, but they never could. Teddy was compared to so many different scenarios and pets, and if I’m honest, I hated it more than anything else. He wasn’t the death of a gold fish, or Richard Hammond after his crash; Teddy was Teddy and nothing more except a special kid in a man’s body.

The bass was the proof.

The bass proved he was Teddy.

Not just some kid who had replaced him.

Sitting up I thought I spotted Ali in the distance, but it was just some female jogger. Another attack on a friend would not help.

Sometimes I wish there was someone else.

But there’s not.

And that’s what I have to live with.

Carers had helped us in the past, but there was no one that Teddy liked enough to have around, save me. The puppy failed when he tried to feed it tea and the goldfish did not want to be liberated into the toilet on a weekly basis. I’d even tried donkeys and ponies, but that had always ended badly.

And NEVER would he be let near another sheep.
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Another late update xD