Forever Five

The Guys

Ring Ring

"Hello?" I say into the phone, pushing the mute button on the TV remote as I answer the ringing.

"Hey Dan."

"Ali." I whisper his name in relief.

"How is he?" Ali asks sadly.

"You can come over if you want."

"That'd be nice." I can tell he's smiling even though we're only on the phone.

Like I said, Teddy and Ali were close. Ali was heartbroken when he found out that Teddy didn't remember him, and now Ali could only come over when Teddy was asleep. After Teddy had attacked him, it was the safest way.

Teddy was making vroom vroom noises as he played with his toy fire engine, I was going to re-introduce him to the guys, we had been a band, I had hoped that maybe meeting Alex, Ali and Ed again might spark off some residual memories, maybe?

Teddy looked up, smiling at Alex, smiling at Ed, but when Ali came in Teddy had lunged at the blond man, tugging at his hair, hitting and kicking him, screaming at him. Ali looked shocked, but mostly he was hurt, Me and Alex had to wrestle Teddy off him and then sit on him, which, let me tell you, is difficult.

Teddy is very strong, so while Ali took to his feet and scarpered off to clean away the blood now dripping from his forehead, Ed had to help me and Alex.

A slight knocking, small but definately there, that must be Ali, he is always so considerate of Teddy's needs.

"Hey," I whisper hoarsely.

"You look beat." Ali remarks. "Hellish day?"

I roll my eyes and smile at him, "Well, y'know... sorta bad." I smile at him and run my hands through my hair, over my face and along my chin.

"You're doing an amazing job of looking after him." Ali smiles gently.

"Do you want to see him?" I ask with a smile.

"Can I?"

"Be my guest, you know where his room is." I sigh, noticing two other figures, one fairly short the other tall and thin. "Come on in." I smile at them and the two men both run in and tackle me to the floor.

Both Alex and Ed have girlfriends but they act so unbeleiveably camp that everybody used to think they were gay with each back in the band...

"You look like you've been burning the candle at both ends." Ed grins as he wanders happily over to the fridge to get himself a beer, throwing one at Alex's head as well.

"I would ask you guys if you wanna stay overnight, but..." Ali wandered downstairs looking miserable. "What's up?"

"He looks just like he used to." Ali sighed, reminising.

"Yeah..." I give him a sad smile, "It's... wierd...."

Ali nods his undertsanding.

"You mean he looks the same as back when you used to sleep with him Ali boy?"

"Shut it Ed."