Forever Five

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat.

I remember the rain pounding down on the windows as the car weaved through the streets. All 8 of us piled into the people carrier; mum and dad in front, kids in the middle and me, Ollie and Teddy in the back. It was raining rather heavily and dad simply couldn’t avoid the car as it hurtles towards us. Massacring the front end, smashing Ollie’s side and knocking Teddy out; I was the only one to have been conscious, screaming, trapped as I waited to be pulled out.

We’d been returning back from a family holiday.

So happy

Teddy was in a coma for a while, but when he came round it turns out that part of his brain was damaged; through google I discovered it was a type of down’s syndrome, like a variation, sorta…

It didn’t matter, all that did was the fact my elder brother was mentally 5…and I was his carer.

Same dream.

Different location.

I’d fallen asleep in the car as I cleaned in, leaning over, vacuum in hand; Teddy had run over crying, cut his leg and suddenly terrified I died, after reassuring him it became clear that he’d tripped on the trampoline and did something with a spring that sounded quite bit painful.

“You might need an injection”

“But Dan…I…I…”

“Teddy, it’s pretty deep,”

He began to cry.

“Teddy, it won’t hurt, I promise, but we have to get you down to A&E, it’ll be fun and we can go to McDonalds afterwards, sound good?”

“I don’t like the ospitul.”

“Hospital,” I corrected him, “It’ll be fun, I promise.”

“But Dan…” his tears continued…sometimes I REALLY hate this job, being the bad guy kills me.

Knowing what was right for him, I took him in the car, straight to A&E. He might need stitches and it was out of our doctor’s working hours…but also Teddy was a high maintenance case and we were always told A&E should he need medical treatment be required, mainly because they had the facilities to cope without causing him too much stress.

Getting him to hold a bandage against the cut I simply hoped he’d be okay; I didn’t need another carer, nor person to help me with my brother, we’re a family, we’re all we have and we are all we need too.