Sequel: A King and A Girl

A Hidden Kindness

(a nice day to) Start Again

487 words

Princess Zelda folded her hands in her lap and regarded the man before her. King Ganondorf bowed low and waited for her response. His lips curved into a small smile, though she couldn’t see it.

"You have come… to ask forgiveness?” Zelda finally asked. She looked to Link, who shook his head slightly, then to Sheik. Sheik was regarding Ganondorf as thoughtfully as she. “I believe everyone deserves a second chance,” she stood. Ganondorf remained kneeling. “But I’m not sure I should take that risk with you.”

“I understand, Princess. I just hope my people do not suffer for my choices and my actions,” he said solemnly. Zelda sighed.

“I will allow their passage into Castle Town if they obey Hylian laws while on Hylian lands.” She considered him a moment longer. “You are not forgiven… but I will give you another chance to redeem yourself, King Dragmire. I wish for peace between our lands as much as you say you do,” she said. The door opened and interrupted the heavy silence. Two girls entered the room, chattering to each other. The taller of the two, a blonde Hylian girl, stopped mid-sentence.

"Hey, Zeld-! Ohhh awkward…” The other, a short girl with long curly red hair, said. “Sorry, we thought you had finished your meeting… it was really quiet in here. We can go."

“No, it’s alright,” Zelda said, gesturing them over. “King Ganondorf was just about to leave, actually,” she answered. The blonde girl’s eyes sharpened.

“Ganondorf?” she looked at the man as he rose to his feet, distrust clear on her face.

“Don’t worry, Kaikoura. We’ve come to an agreement,” Zelda said with a nod to Ganondorf.

“What kind of agreement?” the redhead asked, plopping down in Zelda’s recently vacated seat. “Oh, this is not comfortable at all.”

“Rabia, at least pretend to be professional,” Zelda said, rolling her eyes. “What’s done is done. Thank you for your time, King Ganondorf.” She inclined her head towards him.

“The pleasure was all mine, Princess Zelda,” he said. He swept into a low bow. “It was nice meeting you Kaikoura, Rabia,” he inclined his head to them politely. He held Rabia’s gaze for a beat longer, then turned on his heel and left the throne room, his cloak billowing behind him.

“... Damn. He knows how to make an exit. Are his entrances that good?” Rabia asked, tilting her head.

"He’s… theatrical,” Zelda said. She shooed Rabia off the throne. Rabia jumped up and looked at Zelda curiously.

“There was a lot of tension in here…” she said. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure yet.” Zelda answered. “We all need to keep an eye on him. He’s planning something." After a moment she flashed a bright smile at her friends. “But we don’t have to worry about that right now - we have a sleepover to enjoy!” With that, she ushered them all out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written for Shelby

Please forgive the format - I can't figure out for the life of me how to indent each paragraph ugh.