Sequel: A King and A Girl

A Hidden Kindness

(outta my head) Without You

871 words


It had been two days since the birthday fiasco. Rabia was going stir crazy being locked in the house, despite its size. She had written back to Ganondorf but hadn’t been able to mail it until that morning because the Postman took Sundays off. She wouldn’t hear back until at least the end of the week. She had been spending the last two days closed up in the extensive library by herself, moping. Saul wasn’t talking to Rabia at all, and whenever Petra did, it was always a lecture.

“Sissy!” Chase ran over to her and curled up on the library chaise beside her. He snuggled up against her side

“Hey, Chase,” Rabia said sullenly. She set her book aside as Chase wedged himself under her arm. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Sissy, will you tell me a story?” he asked. He looked up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. Rabia hugged him close and thought for a moment, then cleared her throat.

“Once upon a time… there was a boy and a girl,” she started. Chase frowned.

“Don’t you mean a prince and a princess?” he asked. Rabia shook her head.

“No… she was just a girl,” she said. “But the boy… He was a King. The girl had been in a relationship with a different boy, but he wasn’t who she thought he was, so she left him. After that, she wasn’t interested in dating anyone.

“There was a big party in the kingdom, and people from all over were invited. That’s where the King and the girl met. The King pursued the girl, though she made it clear she wasn’t interested. However, the King was stubborn, and finally she agreed to go on one date with him. He entranced her so much that when he asked her out again, she agreed without a second thought. Her close friends didn’t approve of him and warned her to break it off. She promised she would, but instead she dated the King in secret. Two dates turned into three, and eventually the two fell deeply in love.” Chase frowned.

“But sissy… how did they know they were in love?” he asked.

“That’s a hard question to answer, Chase,” Rabia sighed. He looked up at her expectantly. “Okay, okay. I’ll try. When you spend so much time with someone, you pick up knowledge about them that isn’t useful for anything other than getting to know them. Eventually, you get so close you know them more deeply than you know yourself. You can tell what they’re thinking just from their expression, almost like you can read each other’s mind. As you get closer, you create private moments between yourselves that no one else will understand. Your favorite song becomes his favorite song. His favorite book becomes your favorite book. You pick up hobbies, experiences and inside jokes together that shape who you are as an individual and as a couple. It’s like, you’re a whole person, but half of you is entwined so deeply with him that you can’t tell where he ends and you begin, and vice versa.” She smiled softly. “They become your best friend and more.”

“So it’s like… you’re separate but the same?” Chase asked. Rabia nodded. “That sounds confusing,” he said. Rabia giggled.

“Anyway… where was I?” She paused. “Oh. Right. They fell deeply in love. They dated for almost a year until they were discovered. The girl’s father was angry, and forbid her from seeing him ever again,” she finished. There was a silence, and Chase frowned.

“Well?” he asked.

“Well, what?”

“That can’t be where the story ends, Sissy,” he said matter-of-factly. “They have to… to get back together! Run away or with each other or something!” Chase said. Rabia sighed and ruffled his curls gently.

“Not all stories have a happy ending, Chase,” she said. Her eyes were red and glassy as she considered her brother. “Even if it seems like they should.”

“But… then what happens to the King and the girl?” Chase asked, eyes wide. Rabia sighed and blinked back the tears.

“Remember what I said earlier? All those things you know about that person, all the jokes and the experiences, the favorite books and songs? It doesn’t just go away. That’s all still there,” she said to him. Her voice shook.

“But they’re not,” Chase said, looking up at her sadly.

“No, they’re not,” Rabia said. She took a deep breath. “It’s like you lose half of yourself, and you’re left alone to try and grow the other half back,” she said. She wiped her eyes. “That’s what happens to the King and the girl. They have to find a way to keep those experiences, but also remember who they were before.”

“Sissy, don’t cry,” Chase hugged her tight. “It’s just a story,” he said. “It’s not real. Nothing ends that bad for real,” he said. Rabia gave him a watery smile.

“I hope you’re right. Why don’t you go help Petra in the garden?” she helped him down off the couch and nudged him towards the door. “I’m sure she has lots of worms for you to dig up.” Chase hesitated, but kissed her cheek and scampered out the door.
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OCs: Rabia (main character/Ganondorf's bae), Chase (Rabia's youngest brother)