Status: This is a simple prologue to the story, just so I can see/read your thoughts.



In a world filled with magic, creatures and races of all kind, one stood out. Those were the proud and graceful elves. They lived on a island province which was the mainland of their empire. Salona.

The Moon Isles were all the rage back then they were a sight to see, all of those small island stood high and one could swear they touched the sky, beautiful colors of the blue ocean and their stone white castles created a symphony which left even the coldest of heart to melt. Their emperor Ra-Lu created a temple on the isles dedicated to the elven gods as a sign of respect and wishes of his race, he named the temple after his youngest daughter Nahuel.

When the temple was finished he brought Nahuel with him to show her and teach her of their ways, he made a slow gesture of a circle on each of his sides, and every time he gently drew his arm in that of shape a velvet light formed a circle, as he spoke the lines, runes were inscribed. When he finished casting his magic Nahuel took her fathers arms and a bright light shone over them both, when they opened their eyes, before them stood the temple of gods.

Temple was built around a crystal clear lake between two mountains in white stone, it was made so no part of nature was harmed or disfigured in any way, all of the stone was built around the trees so each of them can grow as they wish. Birds sang their song and elves whistled to their tune. Ra-Lu smiled at this sight and Nahuel laughed with delight switching her excited gaze back and fort from her father and the temple.
Ra-Lu let go of her hand and gestured towards the temple, with her little bare feet nervously waiting on the soft green grass on her fathers gesture jumped in excitement and ran to the temple, Ra-Lu watched his beloved daughter bursting with joy.

As he took a step, a loud rumbling noise he looked up, the sun was gone behind gray clouds cold air fell like the morning mist and all of grass turned to icy spikes. "NAHUEL!" he screamed. Nothing. His elven ears could hear nothing but that rumbling noise and once he looked down, Nahuel was nowhere to be seen, he hurried to the temple running over the icy spikes, each time he took a step his feet were pierced, he gasped for air in hurry and pain.
Just as he was about to reach the temple he heard her scream "Father !!!"
He ran faster and fiercer, he was relived she was not lost to this unknown magic, yet even more worried she was so far away from his arms, just as he was about to reach the temple, the noise appeared yet again and the temple crumbled and fell before his sight.
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I believe there are a few things lacking, but for now I will satisfy with this.