
Stage One

"Holy shit! Holy fucking shitting bitching shit!" A voice screamed as I slowly came round. I opened my eyes and lifted my hand in front of me to stop the blazing sun out of my eyes. Wait... sun?! I sit up and look around, noticing I'm in a desert. "This is not fucking happening! How the fuck is this happening? Ah nope! I'm dreaming. I am fucking dreaming!"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep!" Someone else shouts as I slowly get up carefully. I frown to myself as I realize I'm not wearing my glasses and apparently don't need them. I slowly look at my hands and notice I'm wearing black fingerless gloves. I look down and notice I'm in black jeans and and a black top with a skull on it and writing saying 'Vengeance University' on it. I look at my arms and notice they covered in tattoos. I touch my lips and gasp when I feel piercings. "Wait! Why the fuck am I in a desert?"

"God you two are fucking annoying!" A third voice replied. I look around and notice three other people. One of them is freakishly tall and dressed in black skinny jeans and a black trench coat. Like no top. I think he was the one who was shouting. The one who was trying to sleep got up and looked around. He was dressed in gothic fashion and had long hair with a leather hat. The other one was a punk looking guy with a mohawk. I frowned as I didn't recognize any of them at all. I closed my eyes and took some deep breathes before opening them again. Nope, still in the desert.

"Oh what the hell is going on?!" Mohawk gasped as I looked around. I saw something coming towards us. I narrowed my eyes, trying to make out what it is but it appeared shapeless. I frowned for a minute as it appeared to be a golden shapeless mass. I felt my eyes widen as I realized what it is and I started to look around. I clocked a cave but noticed none of the others had noticed it. They were too busy freaking out.

"Hey," They ignored me. I rolled my eyes and tried again. "Hey,"

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Fuck!" Hat guy freaked out. I took a breathe.

"HEY!" I shouted, getting their attention. "Get to the fucking cave now!"

The three of them stared at me.

"Who the fuck made you boss?!" The tall one asked.

"No one but there's a fucking sandstorm coming towards us and that cave is the only shelter available so shut the fuck up and get to the fucking cave now!" I shouted, pointing to it and surprising myself. The three of them looked and began to run. I turned and ran towards the cave too. Agan to my surprise, I actually ran faster then them but the four of us got into the cave. I took a breathe and looked at them. "Who the fuck are you three?"

"Well, who the fuck are you?" The tall one asked, shoving me in the exact same way Jimmy shoved me. "Hm? Hmm?! And who the fuck are you two?!"

"Jimmy?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm Jimmy. Who the fuck are you? And why the fuck are we in a fucking god damn desert?!" He screamed.

"I'm..." I hesitate as they all look at me.

"Well?!" Jimmy asked.


"Wait? You're Baker?! No fucking way are you Baker?!" Jimmy gasped. I rub my neck nervously. "What the hell is going on?!"

"We're in Nightmare," I mumble. They all looked confused. "We're in the game Nightmare. Oh god we're trapped in a game... urg why did I even say yes to helping Matt's mum?!"

"We're in a game?" Hatguy asked. I look at him.

"Yeah... I think..."

"Then why don't we look like ourselves?!" Jimmy screams. I jump slightly.

"I guess we must look like our avatars?" I reply. They look at me dumpfound. "Well, I'm Zacky but I look and sound like Vengeance and Jimmy looks and sounds like-"

"The Rev. I picked the Rev,"

"Right. The Rev so I'm guessing..." I point to Hatguy. "Brian?"

"Yeah. Think my characters called Synyster Gates," He mumbled.

"Which leaves Johnny as?"

"J. Christ," He grins. "Thought it sounded ballsy,"

"Of course," I mumble, thinking. "So who's M. Shadows and Colonel B.W. Thunder?"

The three of them shrugged and I frowned as we all heard a car pull up. I peaked outside and saw a older looking man standing by the car.

"Ah, Vengeance! Welcome to Nightmare!" He grins. "Let's go for a ride,"

The four of us got into the car and we began to drive off.

"So who are you?" Brian asked.

"Synyster Gates, what an honor," He chuckled happily. "Larry Jacobson, at your service,"

"Nice to meet you?" I ask.

"This is so fucking fucked up,"

"The Rev. What a lucky day indeed and J.Christ, the trusty sidekick of Vengeance,"

"I'm sorry what?"

"I'm not surprised to see you. After all where Vengeance goes, J.Christ is next to him," He smiles. The four of us look at each other.

"Baker... say something..."

"Why do I have to say something?"

"You're the one with the sidekick,"

"I am not a sidekick!"

"Look, Baker, it seems you're the main character so I suggest you ask this larry guy a damn question," Brian points out. I pincre my nose before taking a breathe.

"Ok... um Larry?"

"Yes, Vengeance?"

"How do we get home?"

"That's easy. Save Bat Country,"

"Ok. That's easy. We can do that. Just another question,"

"Of course,"

"What exactly is Bat Country?"

"It's the desert of course," He smiles. "The desert is said to be the final resting place of the lost city of Babylon, the legendary city of evil. It is said that thousand of corrupted souls are trapped there and that if the city was ever disturbed and the ruby skull taken, a curse would consume the land and the souls would be freed. I'm sad to report that Babylon was uncovered a few days back and the Ruby skull was stolen by none other then the villainous Fozzy. I sadly helped him gain it,"

"Curse? Ruby skulls? Corrupted souls?! Oh hell no! I am out!" Jimmy screamed.

"Jimmy, shut up. How do we save Bat Country?"

"Return the Ruby Skull to Babylon's palace," He replied, pulling it out of his backpack and shoving it in my hands. "There you are. Good luck,"


"Now just remember within a verse, you must work together to break the curse so Complete the Quest or find yourself in Eternal Rest. Once all is well, you can leave the Game by simply calling out it’s Name. Oh and here's the map. Good luck,"