Deaths kiss

the ***

Willow Brooke stood outside her two story English house trying to get her key in the lock.
Why wont it work thought Willow,she jiggled the lock a little more when it made a click her door gently slid open.Willow walked in threw her purse on the coat rack,turned the lights on and shut and locked the door.
It was unnaturally quite in her house tonight, Usually Janey would be their taking care of her brat sister Carlee, While Carlee would be whining of how she missed her boyfriend so much and she just saw him yesterday.But it was really really quite in the house it felt like a deathly tomb.Willow walked into her living room smelling a foul smell come from the kitchen, Her living room was unnaturally clean and quiet.
"Janey where are you Carlee are you home" Willow shouted, no one answered. Willow walked closer to where the stench was coming from which was the kitchen and she turned into the kitchen.
Lying there was Carlee half conscious with a slit across her stomach,blood dripping out of the seeping wound pooling at her side. Beside Carlee was her best friend Janey dead with two bite marks in he throat and her lifeless body white as paper,throat slashed and body mutilated beyond compare."Carlee how did this happen and what happened?" Carlee groaned and tried to roll over but her wound prevented her. Willow called 911 immediately and they said they would be their within twenty minutes."It will be alright Carlee don't worry you'll be in the hospital soon". Willow lifted Carlee up to support her head when she noticed two small puncture wounds on Carlee's neck like the ones on Jany's.