Soul Hunter: Contract Horton

Just Another Day At the Office

Bounty hunting in general can be frustrating and dangerous. When you add in the detail that your target has reincarnated to escape a debt or sentence, it absolutely maddening. Why would I choose this as a profession you may ask? That's simple, it pays incredibly well. Your next question is most likely going to be, how on earth do you track down a reincarnated target? That is also quite simple to explain. Every soul has a signature attached to it. It's unique for each soul and works like a finger print does for identification purposes.

My typical day involves sitting in a dingy waiting room for my name to be called with an assignment. The vast amount of assignments is for individuals who are attempting to escape a large debt by committing suicide so they can reincarnate and avoid repaying their debt. Soul signatures can be detected once an individual is thirteen years of age. Criminals that use reincarnation as a way out, get to experience thirteen years of freedom at minimum before they are caught and re-sentenced. My most recent target was fifteen and living in Australia. He was attempting to access an old bank account from his former life. Obviously, the majority of these targets are not the most intelligent.

Today of all days, was anything but typical. Some days I may never hear my name called for an assignment. To pass the time I like to browse through the day's news headlines for anything interesting. As I'm scrolling through the sizeable amount of mundane news stories I see the usual. "President Malone Insults Prime Minister of Veldlandia", "Actor Philip Murphy Comes Out as Gay", "Pharmagram CEO Gary Lamburt Embezzles Millions". Distraction after distraction of useless garbage that our society eats up like tasty candle pellets. I stretch and yawn and just as I am about to press the sleep button on my tablet, I see it. "Mass Murderer Blake Horton Commits Suicide"

Whoa, am I reading this correctly? Famed, or infamous, mass murderer Blake Horton somehow was able to find time to commit suicide to escape his incarceration?! Just then a familiar voice invades my disbelief. "Hey Artemis, did you hear about President Malone? That guy is something else. Tells Prime Minister Yeltzenhoff that his country is a shithole!" He burst out laughing. That's Memphis Tully, our resident cowboy, if you will. The guy is a fucking jerk if you want my opinion on the matter. But if you need a hunting partner, he's the guy you want watching your back. Loyal as they come for the right price. "I hadn't paid much attention." I mumbled back in reply. Memphis glances at my tablet and makes a face as if he just smelt a bad fart. "I'm telling you Artie," he says in disgust. "It's Artemis, Memphis." I correct him. "Whatever, Artemis, your highness," he rolls his eyes. "I'm telling you though, stick to Fox News. They don't print any of that fake news." Memphis crosses his arms satisfied with himself as a smug grin makes residence on his face. "Yeah, I'll remember that." I tell him so he feels triumphant. I press the sleep button on my tablet, thankful he did not see the news headline about Blake Horton. Whoever gets that bounty will be set for life.

Not more than a second after I set my tablet down that it happens. From the speaker in the corner a crackle sound emits followed by a voice saying, "Artemis McMurray. Artemis McMurray. Please report to the door marked N. Please report, to the door marked N. Thank you." I smile at Memphis as I stand. "Well my friend, looks like I'm getting some work." I place my tablet into my coat pocket and wave as I walk towards door N. I'm nervous for once. What if this is the Blake Horton job? It'll be a few years before I can bring him in of course. But the wait will be worth it. I stop a few inches from the door and look up so the security camera gets a good look at my face. I remove my wallet and hold my soul hunter badge up to the camera as well. The door buzzes and I turn the handle to enter.

Definitely not what I expected to see inside of the room. Typically, the contract rooms have a single table with a chair on each side. A set of pens, and a set of knives. The agency I am employed by requires a signature and a blood bond to finalize a contract. Inside this room was a table and on the opposite side a single chair. It was already occupied. A young red headed woman sat there calmly. I looked about the room. She must have sensed my confusion so she cleared her throat to gain my attention. Then she spoke, "Artemis McMurray, you are without a doubt this agency's best soul hunter. So, I have personally, requested you. You have no doubt heard by now that recently mass murderer Blake Horton was able to reincarnate by his own will?" Here it comes! This contract is mine! "Of course, you have. It's indicated by the grin on your face." I quickly let me face go stoic again. "We have already located his reincarnated body." That, was fast. "I'm ready to sign." I tell her. "Not so fast," she replies. "You see Artemis, he hasn't actually been born just yet. But I know exactly where he is at all times." She motions with her hand over her abdomen. Now I must really have looked confused to her. "I am pregnant Artemis, with the soon to be reincarnated body of Blake Horton. Our genetics team was able to track his soul before it found a new host and force it into a chosen fetus. I've agreed to incubate the fetus and then hand it over to authorities at the time of birth. Your job, Artemis, is to protect me and the fetus. There will no doubt be rogue soul hunters that will gain access to this information and leak it into soul hunter circles. The pay for completing the contract is the same. Keep me and the fetus alive until it can be given to the authorities and you will be given one hundred million dollars. Allow myself or the fetus to die and you will be sentenced to death as well for failure to deliver on this contract. Artemis McMurray do you accept?" Like I said earlier, definitely not your typical day at the office.