Status: Active but REALLY slow updates


Deadly Saviour

I stood up to go find one of my friends to talk to who wasn't busy sucking on someones face. Looking down the hall into the front room I saw Sophia - I've known her since we were 8, but we became closer friends last year in English - she glanced up at me and smiled, I knew she was as bored with this party as I was. As I walked down the hall to join her Kevin wandered down the stairs and stopped in front of me, I looked up at him and told him to move. When he didn't I attempted to move around him - only for him to step in the same direction - I stood still and sighed, taking slow breaths to prevent me from hitting him.

When I brought my head back up after calming down, Kevin was even closer to me. As I opened my mouth to say something, he slipped his hands around my waist and tried to pull me closer to him. Although I held my hands on his chest and attempted to push him away, I'm a lot lighter and a lot weaker, so it didn't work. He pulled me up against him, the smell of alcohol thick on his breath, burying his face in my neck; he left a light trail of kisses down my neck and along my shoulder, each one seemed to burn against my skin. He ignored my warnings and my demands that he got off me or I'd hurt him. As his mouth moved up towards my face I began to struggle more but his grip on my waist and lower back tightened. Turning my face away from him to look at the floor to my side I didn't realise what was happening, at first his kisses were moving across my face, then he suddenly let go and began to complain to someone.

I looked up from the ground to see Kevin being held against the toilet door by a tall, slim guy with straight black hair that fell almost over both eyes. He had his face really close to Kevin's and was saying something to him that I couldn't hear, but from the look on Kevin's face and the fact that the stranger's jaw was tight I knew this guy was serious. He looked over at me while he was talking to Kevin and I noticed the lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip,

'Yummy' I thought,

When the guy looked over again and caught me staring, he frowned and quickly looked back to Kevin. After he had finished he let Kevin go and watched him quickly walk off into a nearby room, not pausing to even think about turning round. I laughed to myself and turned to carry on towards Sophia, only for me to bump into the stranger.

"Oh I'm sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going."

I smiled slightly as I looked up into his crystal blue eyes before quickly looking back at my feet,

"Erm...Well, thanks for sorting out Kevin, he's....a pain when he's drunk."

The stranger smiled down at me,

"So I noticed. Oh I'm sorry - I'm Nate."

He held out his hand, I looked at it for a moment before slipping my own into it, he was like ice,

"Hi, I'm Louise, well Lou - whichever you prefer,"

Nate looked down at me before leaning towards me. At first I thought he was going to kiss me, but just before his face touched mine he moved so his mouth was next to my ear,

"You give me a shout if he causes you any more trouble OK?"

With each movement of his lips I could feel the cold metal of his lip ring brush my ear lobe and it sent a shiver down my spine. I nodded in reply - mainly because I couldn't speak - he stepped away and walked passed me into the dining room. I grinned and continued towards Sophia.
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chapters 3, 4 & 5 I've already written for Quizilla so they should be making an appearance on here quite quickly
but the chapters after that could take a bit longer to be added since i haven't written any of them yet :]
love and comments appreciated