My Last Night on Planet Earth

My Last Night on Planet Earth - I


I caressed her hand, it felt soft, almost silky. It took me a few minutes to realize it wasn't her hand, it was mine. I was alone, staring at the big ominous moon. It was glaring at me with such contempt it made me angry. Fuck you moon.

But without it, I would be in complete darkness right now, and where even am I?
A parking lot. Pretty lonely for a parking lot. It's actually completely empty.
I don't have a phone on me, or a watch, so I have no idea what time it is.
It's night time.

Why am I in a parking lot at night, alone and touching myself?
Well I have to get back home, my mom will be angry. I'm young.
Actually how old am I?
I have no idea.

Crossing the street, I see this person. I wasnt alone after all.
Wait, it's my shadow. It stretches very far across because of the moon.
Fuck you moon.

What day even is it?
Oh I know, it's monday.
Is it monday?
I think it's tuesday.
Yeah, must be tuesday.

No cars, weird. Streets with no cars.
Is it really that late?
Maybe I sleepwalked here.
Wait a second...
Where do I live?
A house.

Which house?
There a no houses around here.
Just apartments.
And office buildings.
Maybe I don't live in a house after all.

My mom must be really worried.
What was her name again?
I think it was Muriel.
Or was it Miriam?
Yeah it was Miriam.
I'm pretty sure it was Miriam.

All the apartments are dark. No lights on.
Weird and scary.

I have walked so much. Am I close?
Oh wait, yes I am.
A house.
It's at the end of the street. The lights are on.
Is it my house?

Let me knock first just to be sure.
Nobody home?
It's a tuesday night, come on, open up.
What if it's a wednesday morning?
Oh no.

There's a loud woman screaming far away.
It's really loud.
Really really loud, and very high pitched.
Very repetitive.

Ok, it's been way too long and I can't stand that woman anymore.
I'm coming in one way or another.
So I open the front door.

No furniture. This isn't my house.
Guess I don't live in a house after all.
Actually, there is no light anymore.

Time to go.
Go where?
The woman. I must shut her up.

I continue walking. I'm no longer walking.
I think I'm running.

I stop. I can't leave yet.
Where's Muriel?
Where's my mom?

Whatever, she's fine.
I wonder what's wrong with this woman.
Oh my god.

A party.
It's a party, in the distance.
Blue Disco Lights.
Red Disco Lights.
So pretty.

I don't notice the screams anymore.
Someone else must've shut her up. Good.
I must go to the party.

Damn. What a lame party.
There's nobody here.
There's no food, no drinks.
Oh yeah, there's a lot of fruit punch.
Am I even hungry?

I hear someone say HEY, in the distance.
I was not invited to this party. Time to go.

That was close. How embarrasing it would've been.
There's someone running.
Is it my shadow again?

It's a person.
No wait, it's a cat.
Yeah that's a cat.
It's a black cat.

I hate cats so I look away.
The moon hasn't moved. How long has it been?
I wasn't counting the time.

Have you ever stopped to think what time really is?
I think it's time I stopped to think what time really is.
No, that's too boring.

I'm tired, I really need to sleep.
Big building with lights in the distance.
Wait, all the buildings have light now.
Still no one around.

Who turns the lights on?
Oh I see now.
It was a car.
No, that's not a car.